Sentences with phrase «which teach the idea»

While these texts do teach that all people sin, and in fact, even the works which we believe to be righteous are viewed as filthy rags in God's eyes, there is nothing in these texts which teach the idea of total inability.

Not exact matches

The book teaches you to treat your business ideas as hypotheses, and test them using an MVP, which is, the least amount necessary to prove if your idea has a market or not.
You need to let people know where you volunteer and what else you do in your free time, which in my case includes a blog that I write and fitness classes that I teach — just to give you an idea.
Out of that drive for answers came the idea for Scherf's 12 - year - old company, PrioHealth, and a program called MeMoves, which uses music, patterns and movement to help teach children and adults like Rowan to calm their nerves and make connections.
I am glad to say that the levels you marked matched the ones I had on my charts almost exactly which proves a few things — there are no levels but more like zones — each person marks them differently without being necessary wrong, and finally, — your lessons / teaching / articles / ideas work and provide real, useful information.
Maybe this will be the catalyst for them to get on board with the idea of teaching for the sake of learning instead of teaching to get students to use their # 2 pencils to complete the answer pattern which will render the best financial results for the school district.
No al, I said ideal, because I meant god is an idea — I am implying (albeit unsuccessfully, given your question) that our notion of god is a concept, something that we are taught and upon which people build.
His idea of balance was to give equal time to opinions supporting and opposing the Church's teaching, leaving readers with serious doubts as to which side America was on.
Even leaving out the idea I was also taught, that removing oneself from the system was a laudable act of counter-cultural liberation, with which I still have some sympathy, to teach one's children oneself, being able to choose curricula and readings and customize the teaching to every child's needs and gifts, is the kind of thing I was taught, by teachers of impeccable liberalism, to praise.
Based on this idea, we read it into various passages which do not teach it.
When someone is accused of «cherry - picking» verses from the Bible, it means that they have a particular doctrine or idea they want to teach to others, and rather than considering «the whole counsel of God,» they pick a choose a few select verses from various books of the Bible which seems to prove their point or present their case in the strongest possible way.
I believe that periodically there are GREAT TEACHERS who gather the finest ideas of their day and find a way to repurpose or change those teachings to evolve the society to which they are born.
The claim, «You don't believe the Bible is true» is nothing more than a smokescreen put up by manipulative religion to discredit or ignore a challenging teaching or idea about the Bible which disagrees or contradicts what that religion teaches.
They teach their clients to do the same and then to substitute rational, self - accepting ideas for dealing with the inevitable frustrations, which occur in everyone's life in this very imperfect world.
It forces recognition of the fact that Jesus» teaching did not center around such ideas as the infinite worth of personality, the cultivation of the inner life, the development of man toward an ideal; that Jesus spoke rather of the coming Kingdom of God, which was to be God's gift, not man's achievement, of man's decision for or against the Kingdom, and of the divine demand for obedience.
The innocent ought not to suffer for the guilty; each should stand on his own feet and be responsible only for his own deeds — such flat denial of the ideas with which the Old Testament started now became the express teaching of the later Judaism.
«The Wall Street Journal recently reported the results of a new study, which suggested that schools shouldn't wait until students are teenagers to teach evolutionary ideas.
If you have time to take a look, Ben Williams presents some thought - provoking ideas... some of which I can agree with and some of which I struggle to reconcile with what I've been taught or what I currently think.
All three of these ideas» the ultimate possession of the transformed earth by the physically resurrected saints, the explicit prophecies about Christ by pre-Christian prophets, and the deification of man as the ultimate goal of salvation through Christ» are ideas for which Mormons are still deemed un-Christian, because they are distinct from the teachings of most Protestant denominations.
I've sat through women's Bible's studies in which I was taught how to convince my husband that something is his idea, even if it isn't, in order to keep the hierarchy intact while still getting my way.
Obviously, any idea of inspiration which implies equal value in the teachings of Scripture, or inerrancy in its statements, or conclusive infallibility in its ideas, is irreconcilable with such facts as this book presents.
In the case of religious teachers, the easy way out is often to teach things of which we have no idea, to give answers which do not satisfy ourselves, speak of things we have not heard, show things we have not seen.
In 1536, Calvin published his first edition of the Institutes of the Christian Religion, which was initially intended to be a short explanation and defense of the teachings and ideas of the Reformers.
The war of 1914 — in its effects on the Hapsburg Empire or on Germany's overseas possessions, for example — shook the very basis of such «legitimist» doctrine; and in a wider sense France and Britain should have the credit for the democratic ideas and the nationalist teaching which are working to their detriment at the present day.
Although held in theory over a long period, the belief was accentuated during the latter part of the nineteenth century and since, and became finally a basic dogma underlying the Japanese Imperial thrust, which is often regarded as the beginning of World War II.9 The idea was taught in the schools, in the army, and resulted finally in a fanatical religious, as well as patriotic, devotion to the emperor, without which, it seems to the writer, it is impossible to explain the daring attack of the island empire of Japan upon the richest and most powerful nation in the world, the United States.
However, it is possible to obtain some idea of the process from the nature of the Christian instruction impaired by the missionaries, the people involved, and the way in which Pulayas responded to particular aspects of Christian teaching.
This was the secret of the fatal breach, as it is pinpointed by a modern Jewish writer, and one who is by no means insensitive to the many noble ideas which he finds in the teaching of Jesus.45 he writes:
The Calvinists on the other hand have their particular bias, precedence, of man having no inherent - free - will capacity to accept or reject God's call / drawing, commands, instructions, teachings, promises and gifts that they interpret John 6:25 - 71 with — which interpretation is consistent with their precedence and consistent with their ideas of unconditional election and irresistible grace.
There are several reasons this idea is taught, none of which hold merit.
The Arminians have their particular bias, precedence, that initially fallen man did not have inherent - free - will capacity to accept or reject God's call / drawing, commands, instructions, teachings, promises and gifts that they interpret John 6:25 - 71 with — which interpretation is consistent with their precedence and consistent with their idea of universal prevenient grace that gave all of fallen mankind a free will capacity (at some time after the fall) to accept or reject God's call / drawing, commands, instructions, teachings, promises and gifts.
Jim was proud of his Christian Socialism and his membership of the Co-operative Movement (which had its origins in the Rochdale Pioneers), and his ideas were rooted in the social teachings of the Catholic Church.
In 1934, as Bishop of Münster in his own native Westphalia, he fought the government's attempts to impose a national education scheme which taught an anti-Jewish message, and in 1937 he was active, with Cardinal Faulhaber of Berlin, in helping to draft the papal denunciation of Nazi ideas and ideology, Mit Brennender Sorge.
A special assembly of bishops which met in Rome in November 1998 drew attention to the fact that «teachers in Catholic schools often have lives and ideas that are publicly in conflict with Church teaching» and they recognised this as a «countersign».
These ideas are further elaborated in the Talmud and the Midrash, the major sources of traditional Judaism, which teach, for example, that the authentic observance of religious precepts is possible only in the Land of Israel and that only there is it possible for a Jew to have direct communion with God.
This is a sensitive issue.It is important not to see this as a struggle of the sexes.This is neither about patriarchism or feminism.We must guard ourselves against the teachings and ideas from outside which can lead us astray from the truth in the Bible.
The Apostle's Creed presents us with the Trinity (that is not all it presents, but just an example), which gives us the basic idea that the Gospel is about community, which then needs to be expanded through the teaching in the church to explain social justice, kingdom living, responsibility towards earth - care, etc..
If you want an idea of Mgr Egan's theology, you might like to look at the following video of a talk he gave in 2009, on the authority of Humanae Vitae (in which he argued that its teaching was infallible); a delighted John Smeaton, on the SPUC website welcomed the appointment and quoted Mgr Egan:
Those propounding this idea of «conscience» urge us to recognize three things: that the spiritual and moral life is a journey; that when the Church teaches that some things are just wrong and no combination of intentions and consequences can make them right, the Church is proposing an «ideal» to which the most «generous» response may not always be possible; and that confessors and spiritual directors should be compassionate and discerning guides along the often rocky pathways of the moral life.
And in the course of that inquiry they quickly discover that education is so closely connected with the life of a community that queries about the aims of teaching and learning can not be answered unless ideas about the character and the purposes of the society in which it is carried on are clarified first of all.
In our brief discussion of the teaching of Jesus I more than once referred to the exalted terms in which he described the righteous will of God and to the utterly uncompromising way in which he interpreted God's demands; and earlier in this chapter I pointed out that this teaching throws light not only on Jesus» ideas but upon his character.
The resolution on the agenda concerns the teaching of creationism in Europe's schools, which should «resist presentation of creationist ideas in any discipline other than religion.»
They almost completely ignored and forgot the Christ within, focusing instead on the ideas of blood - sacrifice for atonement, virgin birth, divinity and physical resurrection, all of which are irrelevant distractions from the principal teaching of Jesus about unity with the Father and the Kingdom of Heaven.
In a culture and time in which people are taught to live for the moment, to put history behind them and not presume to hope for the future, the eschatological idea and faith seem out of place.
The idea of cultural evolution, which is most clearly seen in humankind, is that humankind transmits information from one generation to another by teaching and learning so that successive generations learn to purpose their lives in particular ways.
Healthy teaching does not deal with the lofty ideas, theoretical explanations, or the speculative theology which so many pastors and Christians are fond of providing.
I just feel that there are lots of Christians going about teaching sloppy ideas and careless theology, which then gets us in trouble when thinking people of other religions challenge us on our beliefs.
In the early church, many of these «other books» were floating around the churches, and contained ideas and teachings which caused problems in these churches.
Occasionally you may have heard the curious idea that the Sermon on the Mount is a simple moral message, which has nothing to do with the rest of the church's teaching about Jesus.
Knowledge about God which includes everything above, but with an emphasis on those teachings and ideas which have the authoritative stamp of approval from the church.
Initially, the movement begins with a few simple but profound ideas which could be taught and learned in minutes.
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