Sentences with phrase «which topics they're interested in»

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Since then, additional high - profile studies have come out — including an article, published in the journal of Psychological Science in the Public Interest, which found no evidence that brain games improve everyday cognition — but the topic is still very much up for debate.
«Their topics are of general interest, the level to which they are pitched is appropriate for senior executives or CEOs, and the search engine is genuinely helpful,» says panelist George B. Weathersby, CEO of Quisic, an E-learning company in Los Angeles.
A boosted listing works like an ad, which gets distributed across the platform to users who might not follow you but have indicated interest in the same topics as your target audience.
The new report starts out with a summary of recent events (the topics addressed are: bubble & crash, hacks & scams, reaction & regulation and adoption & trends), an in - depth discussion of whether bitcoin's surge actually deserves to be called a bubble (which we found particularly interesting), and a section that deals extensively with the schism in the bitcoin community that led to the fork that created Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and other offshoots.
If there are conversations in which the lawyer is not providing advice on legal matters but that still involve topics of interest to investigators, that material can, in some cases, also be turned over to investigators.
I was able to talk to you in detail about the topic of interest and doubts related to investing which was a great + point of meeting you in person.
For example, prospects that just subscribed to your blog are probably in the top of your sales funnel; you need to figure out which topics they're interested in, and if they even have the potential to become a customer.
I hope that the suggestions for further reading, at the end of each chapter, will enable readers to follow up topics in which they are interested.
The «desire for God is written in the human heart» (CCC 27), and yet prayer seems to be a topic which many people find hard to explain, so I was interested to see how this DVD approached the subject.
I'd urge everyone who is truly interested in this debate, regardless of which said you are on, to watch this... it is a very thoughtful, respectful, and detailed examination of this topic:
In the book, I argue that it makes sense that if there's a God who loves and there's a God who created sex — which is an interesting idea in of itself — that what God has to say about this topic is important, and common sense actually supports the New Testament as it relates to seIn the book, I argue that it makes sense that if there's a God who loves and there's a God who created sex — which is an interesting idea in of itself — that what God has to say about this topic is important, and common sense actually supports the New Testament as it relates to sein of itself — that what God has to say about this topic is important, and common sense actually supports the New Testament as it relates to sex.
Ultimately, Contextualization in World Missions is a great primer and summary of issues related to contextualization, and I recommend it for anyone interested in learning more about this all - important topic for understanding the Gospel and applying it to the various cultural contexts in which we work and minister.
The heat generated by this topic is witness to the fact that we are, in Pinnock's words, «close to the heart of the conception of religious authority in our evangelical confession, which «limits the ground of religious authority to the Bible.3» There is a «deep relationship between origin and authority» that can not be ignored.4 Thus discussion concerning the implications of inspiration is of interest to all evangelicals who seek to be Biblical Christians.
But these were the bishops with the greatest interest in the topic, which was why they were in Rome.
Each of these schemes has its advantages; on the whole the last is probably best, since it provides for a certain variety in the over-all program and makes it possible for those who attend not only to take part in one large meeting where the whole group is stimulated by consideration of a single topic over a considerable period of time, but also to share in special «interest groups» which will give them the opportunity to follow up lines of thought that particularly interest them or to explore problems that are peculiarly relevant to their own needs and concerns.
Here's his speech from Digital Biota 2 in 1998, which is at least an interesting look at the topic.
One of my advantages over most of my contemporary rivals is that, decade after decade, in eighty or so years I have gone on gaining additional clarity on a number of topics which interested me from the start.
Off topic,,, I must admit there must be some people out there who make it a point they spite Arsenal fans by cooking up stories about Wenger interest in players which just proves false when he signs an injured KK in January....
To find information on a sports hydration topic, click on a topic in which you are interested.
It's been my recent New Year's tradition to see which posts most interested you in the prior year, and in 2017, the topics were all pretty weighty: Trump's child nutrition policies,... [Continue reading]
Make sure a class offers the specific topics in which you are interested.
While small children should not be exposed to computers for more than a few minutes at a time, and should be encouraged instead to find information in books, a child of nine or ten needs to become familiar with web searching as he begins to research subjects or topics that interest him, and which may not be covered in easily available books.
So kind of something I've read a while ago was and which got me thinking a lot about this topic and probably why we're all so interested in it is that cow's milk is the perfect food for baby cows right so why is it being you know it's not surely the perfect food for humans.
It's been my recent New Year's tradition to see which posts most interested you in the prior year, and in 2017, the topics were all pretty weighty: Trump's child nutrition policies, worries about school food, a science scandal, even a natural disaster.
Recently polled Facebook users: Which topic are you most interested in hearing about at tonight's Republican Presidential debate?
No matter which topic you are interested in these are the very best science books to read this year.
In addition to our core programs, three of which are described below, SPI invites interested students to participate in monthly discussions of a current topic in science policIn addition to our core programs, three of which are described below, SPI invites interested students to participate in monthly discussions of a current topic in science policin monthly discussions of a current topic in science policin science policy.
Eliza Reilly, executive director of the National Center for Science and Civic Engagement, a non-profit which seeks to strengthen student learning and interest in STEM by connecting course topics to issues of local, national and global importance, said rethinking STEM education is necessary to produce graduates equipped to tackle society's environmental, economic and political challenges.
At every annual CASCA meeting, the committee organizes a 1 - day workshop on a topic of interest — usually one which is neglected in the formal curriculum.
Among the interesting topics covered in Pathways are: the changing role of the patient in the total health equation and the ways in which decentralized information is affecting their expectations and demands; the dearth of pipeline products among international pharmaceutical companies against a backdrop of increased research and development spending; the dynamics of emerging markets and their rising demand for therapies in chronic disease; the value of drugs and biotechnology solutions within the context of global economic realities.
The study identifies new components of consumer ethnocentrism, establishing, in consultation with other research on the topic, five distinct dimensions in the process: prosociality, in which the interest of one's country is more important than one's own; cognition, or interpreting the world from the point of view of one's own ethnic group; insecurity, or regarding foreign products as a threat to the domestic economy; reflexiveness, meaning that one's ethnocentrism is automatically activated; and habituation, in which ethnocentrism becomes a habit.
My interests were diverse: I really enjoyed the writing aspect of my job; I craved a chance to learn about a broader range of medical and biological topics; I wanted more social interaction in my job, but I also needed «quiet time»; I wanted to continue organizing workshops and conferences, which I had been doing on a volunteer basis; I liked to focus on the details; and I constantly needed to learn something new.
We weighted diverse factors in choosing the winner, including the paper's topic, originality, impact, and more generally the extent to which it exemplified the goals of The American Naturalist: «to publish papers that are of broad interest to the readership, to pose a new and significant program or introduce a novel subject to the readership, to develop conceptual unification, and to change the way people think about the topic of the manuscript.»
In addition to those topics, which other emerging topics may be also interesting to the Air Force?
Their findings provoked widespread interest, in part because they related hippocampal activity to arousal, which was at that time the hottest topic in neuroscience.
Students who work on a project in which they are interested typically enjoy the science project experience more than students who are assigned a project topic or are guided to an area of science based on someone else's suggestions or interests.
After answering the Topic Selection Wizard questions, Lisa has her students look over the Wizard's recommendations and pick the three in which they are most interested.
Within this broad topic we are particularly interested in characterising (i) the molecular mechanism by which these photoreceptors mediate light - dependent entrainment of the circadian clock, (ii) the components mediating, in a light - quality - dependent fashion, nucleocytoplasmic partitioning of phytochromes and UVR8, (iii) how phosphorylation and sumoylation of these photorecepors and other signalling components modulate red / far - red and UVB - induced signalling, and (iv) to what extent intercellular and cell - autonomous events contribute to phytochrome and UVR8 regulated photomorphogenesis.
And once you discover a second topic of common interest (which shouldn't be so hard since you obviously have at least one thing in common!)
As a self - proclaimed seafood addict, I'm very interested in what our guest Randy Hartnell has to say about hot topics like mercury in seafood, sustainable fishing, farmed vs. wild seafood, and how to know which seafood is actually safe to eat.
There's generally a checklist of items health care providers are interested in learning about during any average annual visit — all of which they need to address in a short amount of time — allowing important topics such as sex during and postmenopause to slip to the back burner as the checkup and medical history usually take priority.
The net result is basically a change in the composition of the celery phytonutrients, an interesting topic about which we hope to see more research on in the future.)
I get the sense that it's one of those problems whose implications we're just now beginning to grasp — so I was interested to see this article by Andrew Pollack in the New York Times, which offers a good introduction to the topic:
This blog will be dedicated to educating the public about mental health and psychiatry as well as providing a forum for discussion by all people interested in the mental health topics which will be covered.
About Blog We have created this Brexit blog to provide up to date analysis and legal commentary as the new Brexit landscape evolves, addressing key questions and topics of interest to our clients across the different industry sectors in which they operate.
Now, when your turn in the chip, what are the appropriate topics, which you can draw to make it interesting for a date?
This blog will be dedicated to educating the public about mental health and psychiatry as well as providing a forum for discussion by all people interested in the mental health topics which will be covered.
The questions can be thoughtful and can be around topics which are you interesting in.
Many chat rooms are dedicated to special interests and topics, but most kids hang out in generic chat rooms, some of which are organized by age group.
About Blog We have created this Brexit blog to provide up to date analysis and legal commentary as the new Brexit landscape evolves, addressing key questions and topics of interest to our clients across the different industry sectors in which they operate.
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