Sentences with phrase «which traditional gender roles»

Iranian - born, Los Angeles — based artist Tala Madani (born 1981) addresses political subjects through paintings of ritualistic scenarios in which traditional gender roles are inverted.

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Being egalitarian doesn't mean being against traditional gender roles; it means being for the many roles through which women can bring glory to God and love to their neighbors.
Partly due to first - wave feminism, which critiqued the traditional gender roles of the big wedding, and partly due to an emerging middle - class aesthetic that valued restraint over gaudy expenditure, a trend toward simple weddings soldiered on for a decade or so.
Lee's seminal work, To Kill A Mockingbird — which illustrates themes of racial injustice and traditional class and gender roles — was...
The extent to which youths feel typical of their gender and the pressure they feel to conform to traditional gender roles are related to adolescents» well - being.
Moroccan - born Essaydi undermines traditional gender roles in her Converging Territories series, in which she examines Arab feminism through carefully constructed portraits.
«Me as Muse» is a multimedia video installation in which Thomas challenges and disrupts historical perceptions of beauty, fictional spaces, and traditional gender roles.
Despite the idea that there are more egalitarian gender roles in heterosexual relationships, this research indicates more traditional attitudes for the first date — there are higher expectations for men to initiate, plan and pay for the date.1 According to this work, the vast majority of which focuses on first date scripts held by heterosexual undergraduate students, both men and women think that men have greater sexual expectations and are more likely to make a sexual move on the first date.1, 2
Sometimes couples fall into traditional gender roles which can become a barrier to being a couple again.
To complicate the matter further, seeking out a therapist requires admitting he needs help and then relying on another person with whom he must «openly discuss and express emotion,» which conflicts with their traditional gender role (Winerman).
Although this is a small sample, we believe that these couples are unique in that they are dual earner couples in which the mother has taken maternity leave for an extended period of time to embark on a traditional gender role as a stay at home mother.
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