Sentences with phrase «which type of cookie»

Hi Ashlae, I have one question, which type of cookie did you do on the pictures?

Not exact matches, widgets and tools may use cookies to store information about visitors preferences, record user - specific information on which pages the user access or visit, customize Web page content based on visitors browser type or other information that the visitor sends via their browser including, but not limited to, IP address, web browser version, operating sistem, time of visit.
You can choose whatever type of chocolate you want; I went with bittersweet, but next time I'll go for something a little sweeter, as there isn't a ton of sugar in the base (which is also nice — you can really taste the cookie dough flavor).
They had the classic biscotti texture, which can be a bit of a shock if you are expecting a standard cookie type biscuit; these Italian double baked biscuits are hard and are meant for dunking.
Wondering which types of almond flour will yield perfect results in this (and my other Christmas cookie recipes)?
Re: shaping the cookies, the dough is firm enough that it can be easily rolled into balls - which yields 54 one - half ounce balls on three sheet pans in rows of 4 -3-4-3-4 which, evenly spaced on parchment paper, results in a tray of very uniform looking cookies - for the possibly - unhealthily compulsive personality types amongst us, ahem.
Dunkin' Donuts is proposing a new type of coffee which tastes like Girl Scout cookies.
This Cookies Policy applies to the official Club website and official mobile application (operated by EFL Digital on behalf of the Club)(«Online Facilities») and should be read alongside our Privacy Policy which explains who we are, the type of information we may hold about you and how we use it.
This is a fantastic recipe for Raisin Oatmeal Cookies, which by the way is my favorite type of cookie!
Until... Jason requested that I make him thin and crispy cookies which are the types of cookies HE grew up with.
I call cookies like this (which are among my favorite types of cookie so this is a high compliment) «vaguely healthy».
When you visit a gay site like Queerty, your browser picks up a cookie that holds information about which sites (and of what type) you visit.
Web beacons are small strings of code that provide a method for delivering a graphic image on a web page for the purpose of transferring data, such as: the IP address of the computer that downloaded the page on which the web beacon appears, the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the page on which the web beacon appears, the time the page containing the web beacon was viewed, the types of browser that fetched the web beacon, the identification number of any cookie on the computer previously placed by that server, or whether an email has been opened.
Story mode which is played out like a Final Fight type Beat - em - up offers players the opportunity to wander the streets of NYC, fighting hordes of cookie cutter aliens and performing repetitive attacks.
Cookies help us determine, without limitation, the type of content and sites to which a user of our Website links, the length of time each user spends at any particular area of our Website, and the specific features that users choose to use.
You can even check which items are in each type of cookie, and their odds of appearing, before exchanging for a cookie!
Two types of cookies are implemented which are essential for the operation of the website and the individual tracking of the video viewed on the KnowledgeSOURCE site.
The committee group - think types at RECO / OREA are trying to create Realtors in their own image, being bureaucrats in pursuit of cookie - cutter Realtors on the cheap, which invariably results in the dilution of the attitudinal quality of the «students».
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