Sentences with phrase «which type of custody»

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To the extent a Licensee secures, stores, holds, or maintains custody or control of Virtual Currency on behalf of another Person, such Licensee shall hold Virtual Currency of the same type and amount as that which is owed or obligated to such other Person.
Further such custody cases are precisely the wrong type of case in which a parent should «economize» by going without representation or by hiring less capable representation.
The term child custody actually refers to two types of custody — physical custody, which concerns actual physical possession and control of the child, and legal custody, which concerns the right to make significant decisions about the child's life and upbringing, including his or her education, medical care and religion.
• Sole custody is that type of custody in which custody is given to only one parent.
• Joint custody, also called shared custody, is one of the types in which the court grants custody to both parents.
In reality, shared custody is a type of access arrangement, and does not have anything to do with which parent has legal decision - making power.
MNT will allow funds to be raised for Custody Bot, which is an automated safe - type device that allows for assessment, storage and transmission of digital gold through the use of Blockchain technology.
The two primary types of legal custody, which is determined either by agreement between parents or by order of a judge, are joint legal custody, which is an arrangement where both parents share the rights to make the major decisions for their child, and sole legal custody, which is when one parent can make these decisions without input from the other parent.
In this article well talk about the first of the two different types of post divorce parent coordination which involves physical custody and some of the questions you will need to address.
There are different types of custody which can affect the decisions pertaining to the child.
It may also give either or both parties a specific type of custody, such as sole custody, in which one parent has the right to have the children live with him.
This type of order stipulates which parent should have custody of a couple's minor children.
The state also recognizes several types of physical custody, which determines where the child will live.
However, since California allows for two different kinds of custody, neither of which is referred to as «full custody,» you'll need to determine which type to pursue.
When people speak of being legally separated in New Jersey, they may be referring to the fact that they have entered into a written separation agreement governing custody and a parenting plan and support (and maybe even division of property and debt); or where, instead of having the marriage dissolved, the spouses filed for separate maintenance (a type of support proceeding in New Jersey that results in the entry of a support order but not dissolution of the marriage) or for divorce a mensa et thoro (divorce from bed and board) that allows the parties to live separately while still remaining married (which some spouses wish to do for religious reasons or, where the insurance plan allows it, to continue with health coverage through the other spouse).
There are a few types of physical custody: primary, which gives one party the right to have possession of the child most of the time; shared / partial, which gives both parties right to be in contact with the child.
The type of custody granted also affects which parent has the final say in major decisions about the child's upbringing, such as education, religion, and medical care.
Your mediator will explain the advantages and disadvantages of each type of custody and you and your spouse will be able to choose the custody which best fits your circumstances.
Custody and guardianship are two types of legal arrangements under which an adult assumes legal authority over and responsibility for the care of someone who can not care for his own basic needs.
This type of action even permits a parenting plan to be created which addresses time - sharing (formerly known as child custody) and the ability to make decisions concerning a child's health and well - being.
This Manual discusses a different type of liability which may result from interference with the noncustodial parent's rights: loss of custody.
Understanding what physical custody is and why it is ordered by Maryland judges can help parents decide which type of...
Understanding what physical custody is and why it is ordered by Maryland judges can help parents decide which type of parenting arrangement to pursue.
A written agreement which describes the type of custody arrangement between the parents, how decisions will be made regarding the lives of their children, as well as a detailed schedule of how they will share time with their children, weekdays, weekends, holidays and vacations.
Likewise, all of the types of alternative investigators suggested here are more likely to talk to community contacts, and their investigations are almost always less expensive than those of custody evaluators, which have been known to cost more than $ 20,000.
By law, judges must make custody decisions based on the child's best interest, which can impact the type of custody awarded and the ability of a parent to change a child's residence.
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