Sentences with phrase «which type of decision»

Which type of decision - maker would have the most successful outcomes?
Further, I do not mean to rush anyone at all, and welcome later posts to help any others who run into this situation in the future, but I have a ~ Oct 1 deadline to get this sorted out, if that affects which type of decision I should make.
You could also ask the candidate which types of decisions they find the hardest to make, or to explain a time when they had to make a decision based on little information.
Parents can agree to which types of decisions require both parents» participation and which can be made by a particular parent.

Not exact matches

A judicial review («JR») is a type of court proceeding in which a judge reviews the lawfulness of a decision or action made by a public body; they are a challenge to the way in which a decision has been made, rather than the conclusion reached.
«Part of what's driving [Thursday's move lower] really has to do with an inventory drawdown, which is Apple's decision to pull all the inventory» from one type of Taiwan Semiconductor chip to prepare to use a different chip.
The federal government's recent decision to block the takeover of Potash Corp. by Australian mining company BHP Billiton has sparked much debate about which types of Canadian industries should be protected from foreign buyers.
This type of decision making — which relies on innovation and experimentation — is often exhibited in entrepreneurs.
So to help you make a better informed decision on which type of razor is right for you, we're here to tell you all you need to know about straight razors vs safety razors.
This field of research which marries economics with biology and psychology studies certain types of investing decisions — including those made on emotional or speculative grounds, often made hastily without all the facts or because of what others are doing.
This is because binary options are an investment type that possesses the inherent attributes which are capable of dramatically reducing the complexities of your decision - making.
Facts will never render decisions between ill - conceived alternatives; and the meaning of such terms as omnipotence or goodness depends in second - type theism upon a number of conceptions which have not been clearly considered in the classic discussions (such as the marvelous one in Hume's Dialogues) of the relations of such terms to the facts of evil.
Here are the basis types of counseling which the minister is normally called on to do: (a) Marriage and family counseling, (b) supportive (including crisis) counseling, (c) counseling for referral, (d) short - term educative and decision - making counseling, (e) superego counseling, (f) informal counseling, (g) group counseling, (h) religious - existential problem counseling.
There are two principal types of socialism: «full socialism» in which the state owns all (or the vast majority) of business and industry and controls production and marketing decisions through central planning; and «partial socialism», in which the state owns major businesses deemed to be essential to the national good, and / or subsidizes certain industries to save them from the impact of competition, and provides certain goods and services deemed to be essential at reduced or no cost, but still allows major sectors of the economy to operate as free enterprise capitalism.
It is a very real question whether the later decision to use the forms of Greek logical discourse did not of itself radically affect the nature of the message, the type of audience to which it would appeal, and eventually the constituency of the Church.
The decision, reached after considerable controversy, to include a faculty of theology in the newly founded University of Berlin in 1810 created a new type of excellent theological education for which we shall let «Berlin» be the symbol.
To be sure, a crucial decision must be made as to the type of compromise one accepts and the level on which one accepts it.
In one systematic passage in which the four stages of datum, process, satisfaction, and decision are described, this contrast is made in terms of two types of causation: «According to this account, efficient causation expresses the transition from actual entity to actual entity; and final causation expresses the internal process whereby the actual entity becomes itself» (PR 150/228).
«The Court decision provides a clear indication of the types of conduct that are unacceptable in commercial transactions, and gives guidance as to the standards to which businesses should conform in their dealings with other businesses, and indeed, all consumers».
Accordingly, it's a wise decision for golfers to cultivate the lob type of approach, a shot which reduces the percentage of error and which does the job very well, too.
Childbirth Connection, a program of the nonprofit National Partnership for Women & Families, has a guide to understanding and making informed decisions about which type of provider is best for you.
The decision depends on the type of incision used in the previous cesarean delivery, the number of previous cesarean deliveries, whether you have any conditions that make a vaginal delivery risky, and the type of hospital in which you have your baby, as well as other factors.
Before you make a decision on what kind of water to use with baby formula, talk to your doctor about which types of water are right to mix with powdered or concentrated formulas.
The purpose of this article is to give you some very important information that would enable you to make an informed decision on which type of stroller to purchase.
The Erie County Youth Bureau is seeking input in relation to its Community Needs Assessment, which is a brief survey intended to provide the Youth Bureau with data and community input that will help to guide and inform decision making, and the types of youth programs that will be prioritized in the near future.
The areas in the brain linked to this type of decision making were the dorsal portion of the medial prefrontal cortex, which is known to support higher cognitive functions such as planning, and the premotor cortex, which is more involved in the execution of real or imaginary movements.
«Which type of cell to become: Decision through indecision.»
«Both the types of neighborhoods in which parents choose, or are forced, to raise their children and parents» decisions about whether they spank their children influence the chances of CPS involvement,» she said.
At a recent meeting, doctors, clinical trial experts, and statisticians made the case for a new type of experiment: pragmatic clinical trials, which focus less on basic biology and more on what doctors need to make decisions.
This new knowledge will enable them to make an informed decision about which type of surgery is best for particular individuals.
The Adult Decision - Making Competence test allows us to characterize the extent to which people are susceptible to specific types of biases that have been studied in the literature on human judgment and decision - making,» BarbDecision - Making Competence test allows us to characterize the extent to which people are susceptible to specific types of biases that have been studied in the literature on human judgment and decision - making,» Barbdecision - making,» Barbey said.
Summary: Our goal is to develop a powerful new type of glaucoma decision support tool to help eye doctors quickly and effectively identify which glaucoma patients are at high risk of getting worse and prevent them from losing more vision.
This is often a complex decision which is dependent on your age and general health and whether this type of transplant is the best treatment for you.
«We wanted to understand the mechanisms by which the decisions are made and a given type of movement is released», says project coordinator Sten Grillner, director of the Nobel Institute for Neurophysiology at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.
When we begin any form of physical exercise or activity, our bodies are actually forced to make a decision as to which type of energy they'll use, to supply us with the necessary energy required to get us through whatever it is that we're doing.
Knowing the difference between licensed / registered naturopathic doctors and unlicensed / unregistered naturopaths can help you make informed decisions about which type of provider can best help you.
Instead of stopping such activity all together, I usually suggest that women begin to reflect on their stress levels, and start to make a conscious daily decision about which type of exercise will support their body, balance, and healing, instead of taxing her even more.
Your skin gets drier during the winter time, but deciding which type of lotion, cream, or oil is best can be a tricky decision.
We do this by providing accurate and informative reviews that can be used to help create sound decisions on which type of dating services are the best.
An additional element that might be just as beneficial in making this type of decision could be to evaluate every with the characteristics which can be supplied to members on fairly some websites that provide the service of Christian dating online.
In both «types» of movies, Assayas displays the same gaze: the camera always glides over people, never letting you believe that you can get «inside» them, what they think, what they feel; and, whether big (the kidnapping of the OPEC delegates in Carlos) or small (the decision of which heirloom to give to a deceased mother's old retainer in Summer Hours), «events» are shot in the same way, as an accretion of minute, yet complex decisions; of out - of - sync bodies competing for leg room in a claustrophobic space.
Isolated decisions worksheet where students must simply identify which type of transformation has been performed.
The first type, which we call «stroke of the pen» strategy, is easy to execute because it involves a one - time decision.
Their efforts around a 1:1 technology initiative, which means that their goal is to ensure every student has their own access to some type of digital learning device, played into Miller's decision to consider a teaching career there instead of staying in Wake County, which pays more, or returning to her native Guilford County.
If these were the decision makers in which academy remained open and which closed, could this see the closure of types of schools which were not to their liking?
Instead, he called out the state's current «whimsical» and «illusory» education funding decisions that are no longer guided by any clear rational formula, which leaves students with similar learning needs funded at radically different amounts based on where a student lives or the type of the type of public school a student attends.
Before you make a final decision on which type of LMS to purchase, Litmos is offering you a free trial of their vendor supported LMS.
For any particular decision, there are usually several relevant types of information, each of which could have one or more measures.
While the teacher has at least thought about the need to plan different types of instruction for different learners, s / he is only basing those decisions on student surveys and observations (that is, which students seem to be struggling and in need of extra help).
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