Sentences with phrase «which type of headache»

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The treatment for these types of headaches is normally bed rest, in a particular position which will take the pressure off the meningeal membrane.
During pregnancy your brain cells won't get the perfect amount of sugar which will cause this type of headache.
Tension headaches, which were recently renamed tension type headaches by the International Headache Society, are the most common type of headaches.
It has a lot of sugar, but I don't get NEARLY the type of feeling I get drinking it than I do something like say an energy drink or a soda (of which I barely drink but I remember when I did getting a crazy rush and a huge sugar crash and headache).
If you crave sugar and carbohydrate foods you probably have candida / yeast overgrowth which is a type of bacteria that can cause many problems including headaches.
The downloads are fast, the process is very straightforward (no DRMs or dongles for music software which is a major headache and can take over an hour to configure), has the one of the vastest availability of all types of products.
A negotiable contract between the buyers and sellers which does not overlap or replace homeowner's insurance policy, this type of warranty can save the new homeowner lots of headaches, as well as put seller's fears to rest.
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