Sentences with phrase «which types of problems»

Bridwell - Mitchell is doing a follow - up study to assess which cognitive contexts and social contexts may be more effective at solving which types of problems.
This was unrealistic, and many pastors have had no guidelines as to which type of problems might best be handled by the pastor, and which problems might best be referred to mental health services.
In order to give students practice at this kind of discernment, problems within class and homework assignments need to be interleaved — mixed up, all jumbled together, so that the student never knows in advance which type of problem she will be confronting but needs to figure it out afresh each time.
It is impossible to tell which type of problem you are dealing with until someone is willing to get close enough to your teen to hold a meaningful and respectful conversation and get to the heart of your teen's issues.

Not exact matches

If you work with or lead a mixed bag of people, you've noticed that personality types have different communication styles, which could be a problem since we're not naturally wired to communicate to each other's style.
I love writing and coming up with crazy new ideas and hacks to solve problems, which tends to attract the types of people who want to do the same while working for my company.
Data from a number of other studies, including the Nurses» Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow - up Study also report greater risk of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and metabolic syndrome, which is related to diabetes and cardiovascular problems, for consumers of artificially sweetened beverages.
Types of businesses that run into a problem with this pillar are factoring companies (which the IRS considers to be an investment of capital) or more passive investments like a single real estate property you intend to rent out.
You will learn about various types of Blockchains, how their designs are created to solve different problems, and which to apply to your solution.
One way in which entrepreneurs differ from everyone else is this: They have laser - like focus for identifying the types of people who have a problem.
Your exact needs will depend on which products and services you offer and what types of problems your clients want you to solve.
The promote the Bible as containing easy answers to common everyday problems which has a strong appeal to certain types of people who want to see everything in black and white.
The problem is most believers believe in that type of God, which your school of thought can not set those parameters around.
The problem is most believers believe in that type of God, which your school of thought can not set those parameters around.Now if that school of thought helps you come to a belief or an opinion that there is no God then fine, because I certainly could not bring any solid evidence to contradict that belief, but if your proclaiming that there is no God to be a fact, there really is no basis for that fact.
They have a firm, entrenched belief that * everyone else * is the problem, not them, which means that type of intense therapy is rare.
Here are the basis types of counseling which the minister is normally called on to do: (a) Marriage and family counseling, (b) supportive (including crisis) counseling, (c) counseling for referral, (d) short - term educative and decision - making counseling, (e) superego counseling, (f) informal counseling, (g) group counseling, (h) religious - existential problem counseling.
The latter is a tangled problem at best, but it is clear that among the important founders of the process perspective — specifically I mean James, Peirce, Bergson, Whitehead, Dewey, and Hartshorne — it is Hartshorne's work which comes closest to being a kind of personalism.1 Whitehead explicitly sets aside the personalist perspective in Religion in the Making, considering its claims beyond the possibility of being established.2 On the other side, a number of personalists have been sympathetic to process thought, and Brightman is surely principal among them.3 Here I will not investigate the question of whether personalism in general, or even the idealistic type, is reconcilable with process thought.
It deliberates on the problem of the type of subjective identity which transcends itself, and yet at the same time is constantly threatened with being swallowed up once again by insatiable nature, and thus losing its meaning for mankind.
The quite fundamental issue and that which specially concerns us here — for it is that which Professor Buchler's discussion has brought to the fore — is the problem of the basis upon which a distinction into «kinds» or «types» of «entities» or «existence» is made at all.
lets stop stereo typing eachother and reconize that we are the one that is the cause of the problem if we are not apart of the solution, Which is the Grace of God, I hope you can find great renewal of friends and family in your hearts today America
The presuppositions which the scientist brings to his enquiry are reflected in the way he formulates a problem, the kind of apparatus he builds, and the type of variable he considers important.
(UPDATED) Urgent request on visa problem notes: «YWAM has never been the type of organization which fits neatly into boxes.»
Niebuhr himself recognized the additional type in which culture controls the church, but used it only to state the problem of defining what the Christian alternatives ought to he.
Father M. C. D'Arcy's penetrating study, The Mind and Heart of Love, shows how a contemporary Catholic doctrine which moves within the Augustinian and Thomist traditions discovers the inner tension and unresolved problems in the position.33 The tension here occurs with variations in each of our three types.
Urgent request on visa problem notes: «YWAM has never been the type of organization which fits neatly into boxes.»
The biologist C. H. Waddington (1969 pp. 72 - 81) was convinced that a scientist's metaphysical beliefs have a definite influence on the work he does, both in the type of problems he sets himself and in the manner in which he tries to solve them.
Whitehead considers this single procedure from different perspectives and in different types of relations, and the difficulty which the reading of his major work entails is — as already emphasized — to be traced back to the problems of gaining intellectual control over this shift of perspectives.
It can reflect the problems of the concretion and individuation of the world, i.e., the dangers of forming types of world unity, which only shatter understanding and the capacity for association, and the difficulties involved in objectifying world unity without just promoting the fictionalization of the world (cf. 2.4 and 2.5).
Be careful of the artificial ingredients in this bar as it contains numerous types of artificial food colorings, which have been linked to hyperactivity and other problems to those who are sensitive to it.
Also, the recipe is hardly going to be used and eaten by one person in one sitting so I don't think the 1/4 cup will be a big deal - when used medicinally a single person may take up to a tablespoon of coconut at each meal - this type of fat actually helps people loose weight and it kills candida yeast which is a problem for many people.
Allen has a Jamarcus Russel arm and the same accuracy as a high school QB Darnold might not be there and seems to have «bad Eli» type of turnover tendencies and a long wind up Rosen seems like a stuck up punk with injury problems but a talented arm (Jay Cutler) Mayfield — played in OU spread offense which makes every read easy with simple short completions
The problem is almost all players who criticized oezil are English players, they are not much talented or gifted players, so the one thing they know, is use energy and to defend.imagine keown will be the coach, which type of players he will sign?all defensive minded players..
I have no doubt Rangers posses the type of players which could cause United problems, particularly in the final third.
The only real problem is that it can sometimes ride up in the back, which is a problem most bands of this type have.
My belief is that it probably has to do with uncontrolled confounders which are a * big * problem in these types of studies.
In fact there are often methodological problems with such findings, which may reflect data - sets that include very few children with highly involved fathers, significant variation within the samples of children's exposure to other pathogenic circumstances; and the confounding of many types of «involved» father, from the abusive to the devoted (Lamb, 2002b).
During sessions of psychotherapy the doctor may use CBT which is a type of cognitive therapy, to help solve the problems arising from dysfunctional emotions and behaviors by using a goal - oriented, systematic procedure.
We appreciate the need to monitor the ways in which children are being fed, as well as exploring issues such as the types of problems mothers may have experienced while breastfeeding, which are also covered in the survey.
The problem is, this type of language, and the tone in which you would probably would say it, succeeds in making your child feel small, weak, powerless and very defensive.
For some people, infection, a big problem these days, I don't know, in the news, is MRSA, which is a type of skin infection, a very strong bacteria that can live on the skin.
Other risk factors include physical limitations or problems after childbirth, a history or family history of depression, bipolar disorder, previous bouts of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), which is the severe type of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
In a study of first - time mothers that assessed concerns with breastfeeding at several time points during the first 2 months of life, these problems were most pronounced at 3 and 7 days postpartum (16), which is after most women have left the hospital, but before they might be connected to other types of community support.
The types of stress that have been shown to cause developmental problems in children include sexual and physical abuse and serious neglect, described as «the absence of sufficient amounts of essential experiences,» which some children raised in state - run institutions in China and Romania suffered, for instance.
Rather than penalising certain breed types, which compromises the welfare of the animal, Dogs Trust wants to see a clear legislative focus on «deed not breed» and a new dialogue on the social problem of «dangerous owners»..
The type of leadership style, which attempts to bring all the stakeholders to the table so that we can develop common sense, implementable solutions to the problems which face this city.
The phenomenon of similar, repeated recommendations from multiple expert studies producing relatively little change is not unique to these types of workforce issues; a similar, steadily growing series of careful, judicious, and thoughtful reports has accumulated over recent years in the field of laboratory safety, which is also beset by serious problems.
The problem with this type of computer simulation has previously been that the amino acids of the proteins are so different, in terms of size, electrical charge, etc., which has presented problems in the calculations.
In the end, Liu replaced the original system's problem catalysts — which made a microbe - killing, highly reactive type of oxygen molecule — with cobalt - phosphorus, which didn't bother the bacteria.
Unlike binary bits, which store a 0 or a 1, qubits can hold a mixture of both states at the same time, boosting their computing potential for certain types of problems.
«It really pointed to some kind of problem that the devils have with this kind of cell's regulation, which probably gives them a greater risk of developing this type of disease,» Murchison says.
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