Sentences with phrase «which was difficult»

Captain Cook's accounts of his explorations, Melville's Typee, and Paul Gauguin's dazzling displays of a world that never existed created a pastel haze over the whole region which was difficult to dispel.
By the time it was released though, the JooJoo was an overpriced and underperforming tablet which was difficult to use and couldn't match the user experience of Apple's iPad or any number of Android tablets.
I also found that the steering wheel seemed to interfere with comfortable viewing of the gauges on the dashboard, which was difficult enough given that they were deeply recessed into the instrument panel.
The only part which was difficult to digest was the fact that the lights and A / c etc was working perfectly fine (as if the battery was really powerful)
She said there was «a clear divergence» in performance between English and Welsh candidates which was difficult for the Welsh to accept politically.
With the 6th graders we did out to twelfths, which was difficult for many of them to build «evenly».
An emphasis on electoral politics was certainly on display at this year's Representative Assembly, which was difficult at times to distinguish from a campaign rally.
We looked at high street and wedding dress shops but it was the colour we fell in love with in the end, which was difficult to find in a high street shop (to be revealed).
I gave the product 4 stars because it does make my lashes dry / stiff which was difficult for layering in my experience (although I didn't need many additional layers for big dramatic lashes).
FYI - The skirt of the dress does have a lot of fabric which was difficult when going to the restroom.
I had to get this taken in quite a bit which was difficult because the zipper is on the side.
According to a Caltech press release, they eventually realized that the six most distant objects in Trujillo's and Sheppard's study all followed elliptical orbits that pointed in the same direction in space, which was difficult to explain, because the objects were traveling in orbit at different rates.
Given the aggressive nature of BPDCN and the need for cytotoxic chemotherapy the patient elected to terminate her pregnancy which was a difficult emotional decision for her and her spouse to make.
They were told to detect the tone, which was difficult to hear at times.
I pumped for 3 months which was difficult.
Fisher - Price was founded in 1930, during the Depression, which was difficult for many American business to survive.
He's also missed some very good chances (not talking about Chelsea which was a difficult shot to control), he missed some uncharacteristic against Stoke, Bournemouth and West brom.
Take a look the second goal, Monreal was left exposed by the two centre back and he had to cover and also follow Aguero which was difficult.
The major life changes brought about by his leadership in the reforming of the church and his leaving the Augustinian order issued in Luther's rather sudden decision to marry, which was difficult for some to accept.
Another aspect of Eastern religions which was difficult for me to understand was that of magic and sorcery.
I listened to my nine - month - pregnant body the night my co-workers stayed late in the office, which was difficult, because I wanted to show off my wordsmith skills.
Bear in mind that the law in their context is not the original Law of Moses (which was difficult to keep in its own right) but the one around which the religious leaders had built fence upon fence — to the extent that Jesus accused them of expecting others to keep to a law that they themselves could / did not.
So far, 2017 is looking a lot like 2015, which was a difficult year for the majority of our stock selection models.
People will be able to buy and sell oil at will, depending on the price and their needs, which was difficult to do until now.
Forward - looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties, most of which are difficult to predict and are generally beyond our control.
Google has extremely complicated algorithm, which is difficult to comprehend if you aren't from the SEO industry.
Some of these don't have a very clearly defined mission and objectives and that stems from the fact that there is no process in place to manage volunteers, which is a difficult and particular task.
«Parker has a unique combination of intelligence, drive, grit, and flexibility which is difficult to come by.»
You may be profitable and still have a negative cash flow, which is a difficult concept to understand for most business owners.
Just like HTTP became a protocol for information exchange, Bitcoin, Ripple, and other decentralised ledger - based solutions might be seen as the protocol for value exchange, promising exciting possibilities, some of which are difficult to imagine at this stage.
However, I find it much more comfortable and suitable to my personality to be able to garner investment results that correspond to the internal results of the business, as this eliminates the need to be right about timing, and it eliminates the need to constantly be producing good investment ideas — which is a difficult task to begin with.
It is problematic to raise the limit because it requires a hard fork, which is difficult to coordinate.
Furthermore, economic terrain that is forever shifting violently is ground on which it is difficult to build a fortress - like business franchise.
Our long history has allowed us to build extensive databases of proprietary index, risk and ESG data, as well as accumulate valuable historical market data, which is difficult to replicate and provides us with a substantial competitive advantage.
These forward - looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are difficult to predict and beyond the Company's control.
Members of the First Medical Relief team visited the complex and said the residents need water, many are hungry and need their medication which is difficult to get.
This is a question which is difficult to answer for Christians who always want to find some grace in tragedy.
I find, on the contrary, that it is much more difficult today for the knowing person to approach God from history, from the spiritual side of the world, and from morals; for there we encounter the suffering and evil in the world, which it is difficult to bring into harmony with an all «merciful and almighty God.
This is a cosmic speculation about which it is difficult to get evidence.
Denominationalism sets up hard and fast prejudices and creates an unbrotherly atmosphere through which it is difficult to discover that which is real in others.
The other fact that our media doesn't want to tell us is that Iranian Jews are very much anti-Israel which is difficult to swallow for our politicians.
The problem, says Kuhn, is like that of translation between two language communities, which is difficult but not impossible.
An «affinity» which is difficult to analyze is necessary to enter into and comprehend the relationship between the data which represent the structure of a cult.
On the other hand, what it means to walk «in the presence of God» is so all - embracing a presence, so weighty, that it places one's life on a wholly new axis, which is difficult to clarify.
Something I can not stress enough but which is difficult to articulate is this: language would not have come about were it not for the reality of social relationships.
Hartshorne added copious marginal, head and tail notes often in longhand, which is difficult to read.
Even Peter says «in the writings of our beloved brother Paul there are some things which are difficult to understand» (1 Peter 3:16).
Not to value and employ men of superior ability is the way to keep the people from rivalry among themselves; not to prize articles which are difficult to procure is the way to keep them from becoming thieves; not to show them what is likely to excite their desires is the way to keep their minds from disorder.
«In many cases, particularly true in a divided community, prohibition in relation to goods and services is a task which is difficult to police through a commission or litigation.»
It also creates a division between denominations which is difficult to bridge.
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