Sentences with phrase «while cur»

If you've been around these rosy parts awhile now, you probably know that I'm Christian; while CUR isn't a faith / religious blog by niche, my own faith comes out by nature since it's a yuuuuuuuuge part of me.
If you've been around these rosy parts awhile now, you probably know that I'm Christian; while CUR isn't a faith / religious blog... Continue Reading»

Not exact matches

While those who can mentally gloss over its sordid subtext may enjoy a romcom with a twist, Ruby Sparks will remain a difficult film about an unlikeable, self - absorbed cur who gets to imagine his cake and eat it too.
Function ConvertToKey (Key) Const KeyOffset = 52 i = 28 Chars = «BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789» Do Cur = 0 x = 14 Do Cur = Cur * 256 Cur = Key (x + KeyOffset) + Cur Key (x + KeyOffset) = (Cur \ 24) And 255 Cur = Cur Mod 24 x = x -1 Loop While x > = 0 i = i -1 KeyOutput = Mid (Chars, Cur + 1, 1) & KeyOutput If -LRB--LRB-(29 — i) Mod 6) = 0) And (i < > -1) Then i = i -1 KeyOutput = «-» & KeyOutput End If Loop While i > = 0 ConvertToKey = KeyOutput End Function
The Mountain Cur has an incredibly short coat, with a thick top coat that helps to protect him from undergrowth while hunting.
Yet, the cur dog with humble roots may still be laughing all the way to Buckingham Palace, as the Prince of Wales is merely a king in waiting, while the Corgi was long ago crowned as monarch over the queen's heart — By Appointment to Her Majesty.
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