Sentences with phrase «while after the birth of their babies»

In 2011, about 30 % of Canadian fathers stayed home for at least a little while after the birth of their babies.
The doctor can explain the reasons you need to wait a while after the birth of your baby, and the changes that you may experience.

Not exact matches

While understanding the main point of the article, I wish to add that, in my view, wise men came to see baby Jesus about six months after His birth, at Passover time, not necessarily in Bethlehem, Jesus being in a house and not in a manger.
Fathers were much less likely to be involved after the birth if their baby's mother lived with her parents during the pregnancy — and of course the very young mothers were more likely to have been living with their own parents (or with one of them): 63 % of the youngest group of mums lived «at home» while only 13 % of those aged 22 or over did so.
while being coerced to push even though I wanted to breath the babies down, I didn't get to see them at all for 15 hours after they were born because the hospital staff didn't get their act together, not because it was medically necessary, etc., so much so that the head of OB (my office doc) later admitted they had me on suicide watch because what happened was so different than my birth plan... I wasn't stuck on exact details, especially because twins throw a loop in all of it, but it was nothing like I had hoped for, at all.
My birth was nothing like I had hoped, labored in bed on my back because they couldn't monitor the babies if I moved, had to have pitocin and later an epidural (I could stand the pitocin, it was the fact that no one does a breach delivery any more that, just in case Twin B didn't turn after Twin A was born), puking in the operating room because I couldn't even have a single drop of water on my tongue while laboring strapped down (talk about understanding what hell is like!)
While many think the days after birth should be filled with happy bonding moments between mother and baby, they can be filled with uncontrollable sadness or the «baby blues» — moments of mood swings and crying spells known as postpartum depression.
Because I didn't hear about it when I was pregnant and had my babies, and if it's been around for a while obviously the hospitals that I gave birth in never made any mention of it, so I'm assuming they weren't baby - friendly back then, but after I gave birth I knew that a lactation consultant was going to go on to the, come into the room, well actually at the first child you already know the rounds, you know, what's going to happen, you know, how long you're going to be there, all that stuff.
[00:00:00] Leigh - Ann Webster: With nine months of pregnancy weight hanging around after the birth of her baby, a mother may wonder how in the world is she going to get back to her pre-pregnancy weight while taking care of her new born child.
While many women will have some mild depression after the birth of a baby called the baby blues, the majority do not go on to experience postpartum depression.
While the fear of the unknown can cause parents to hesitate about giving consent for the screening, Wilkerson implores them to advocate for their babies by making sure it's conducted, either by a nurse in the hospital or a midwife after a home birth.
The overall figures showed that 18 % of all mothers always had their babies sleep alongside of them, while another 10 % often did so during the first half year after the birth.
Many breastfeeding women are completely period - free for the first six months of their baby's lives, while others are surprised when Aunt Flo returns only a few weeks after giving birth.
«The Birth Story Part 11: The First Days After After a while of holding her, I could tell she was losing more body heat and it started to be awkward holding a baby that was getting colder and colder.»
While a large percentage of mothers with IGT felt like their breasts were «different» or «something was wrong» during adolescence, it is usually not until pregnancy, when «the booby fairy doesn't arrive» and her breasts change little or not at all, or after she has given birth, when she does not produce enough milk for her baby, that a mother knows she has insufficient glandular tissue.
She may be born with blue eyes (the eyes sometimes don't produce much — if any — melanin while the baby is in the womb), but after birth, light stimulates the production of melanin, which is why the eye color may darken or change over time.
Colostrum: Chock full of important nutrients, colostrum is an essential fluid that functions to feed your baby for the critically important days after birth while your milk production gears up to begin to take over the feeding process
2) After the birth of your baby, wear the band under your regular tops to keep your belly covered while nursing.
While in the womb, babies are kept warm and protected, but after birth they are faced with feeling cold for the first time, brushing up against the hardness of the crib, or feeling the stiff edge of a seam inside clothes.
Due to the importance of breastfeeding after the baby is born, Model Hospital Breastfeeding Policies were written to promote the relevance, provide resources for the mothers and educate hospital staff on breastfeeding while in the hospital and after birth.
It's more likely to happen within the first six weeks after the birth of your baby, but it can appear at any time while you're breastfeeding.
While brand new babies typically lose 10 percent of their birth weight after leaving the hospital, most gain those ounces back within 10 - 14 days.
While a large percentage of mothers with IGT felt like their breasts were «different» or «something was wrong» during adolescence, it is usually not until pregnancy, when her breasts change little or not at all, or after she has given birth, when she does not produce enough milk for her baby, that a mother knows she has insufficient glandular tissue.
The baby survived her birth after slipping down the toilet bowl of a moving Indian train onto the tracks when a pregnant woman unexpectedly gave birth while relieving herself.
Pain while breastfeeding is usually down to sore, tender nipples, especially once your milk «comes in» around two to four days after giving birth.2 Your baby will be feeding every couple of hours, which means the problem can worsen quickly, with some mums finding their nipples crack, bleed or become blistered.
While a woman may experience a short period of tearfulness, irritability, and frustration soon after giving birth, the baby blues do not interfere with a mom's ability to care for her baby or herself.
The Cocoonababy nest helps your baby to adapt to life after birth while also limiting the risk of flat head syndrome.
Does anyone remember a while back the lady who had HB twins and (with lotus birth) and the second twin wasn't born for, like, 22 hours after the first, so one of the things she tried was an oh so romantic «dose of semen» from her husband to get baby # 2 moving.
While having a big baby might not seem like a bad thing, large - for - gestational age infants have a higher incidence of health problems after birth and can also complicate labor and delivery.
15 to 20 % of mothers experience significant depression or anxiety while pregnant and / or after the birth of their baby.
While others do not notice any leaking until after the birth of their baby, some women produce colostrum, a yellowish, thick liquid in their breasts.
After we were settled back on the bed, Michael and I spent some time gazing at our new baby while doula Rachel cooked us a breakfast of eggs and toast, and Pam and Monica were cleaning up after the bAfter we were settled back on the bed, Michael and I spent some time gazing at our new baby while doula Rachel cooked us a breakfast of eggs and toast, and Pam and Monica were cleaning up after the bafter the birth.
While most babies can be circumcised within 2 days after birth, you may need to wait if your baby is premature, born with a problem to his penis, or has bleeding problems or his family has a history of them.
Baby is sleepy in the first couple of months after birth (hey, he's been through a lot) so falling asleep while nursing is common.
Previous work from a team at Imperial College London suggests depression during pregnancy may affect the development of the baby while in the womb, as well as affecting bonding between mother and child after birth.
I have 4 children, and my skin was its clearest actually while I was pregnant, but began to break out immediately after the birth of my babies.
In the new movie, Theron plays Marlo, a 40 - ish mother of two who decides, after the birth of her third child, to hire a «night nanny»: a child - care worker who watches the baby while the parents sleep, waking Mommy only for periodic feedings.
She gave birth to her son Gionni alone in solitary confinement in the Ottawa - Carleton Detention Centre (OCDC), after laboring for nine hours while allegedly being ignored and / or taunted by staff who did not believe that she was in the process of delivering a baby.
15 to 20 % of mothers experience significant depression or anxiety while pregnant and / or after the birth of their baby.
In one study, Dr. Gottman found that after the birth of the first baby, 67 % of couples experienced a decline in marital satisfaction while the other 33 % remained stable or saw an improvement in their marriage.
Of course, there are real and important reasons why couples stop having sex, often temporarily: after the birth of a baby, while caring for aging or sick parents, acute job stress, or a diagnosis or treatment for cancer or another condition — anything that throws you off your rhythOf course, there are real and important reasons why couples stop having sex, often temporarily: after the birth of a baby, while caring for aging or sick parents, acute job stress, or a diagnosis or treatment for cancer or another condition — anything that throws you off your rhythof a baby, while caring for aging or sick parents, acute job stress, or a diagnosis or treatment for cancer or another condition — anything that throws you off your rhythm.
This book and workbook are designed for couples, at any stage of their pregnancy or after the birth of their baby, who want to consciously take steps to deepen intimacy and romance in their relationship while still being dedicated parents.
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