Sentences with phrase «while average joes»

Not exact matches

Self - consciousness can cause us to put on a mask or attempt to please those whom we perceive as having greater status or power than we do, while simple laziness makes it easy to overlook the average Joes or Janes on the street and offer them less than the best version of yourself.
While we've been using Taylor Swift's weirdly - similar - to - our - own - life breakup songs to get over the short but significant list of Average Joes we've dated Country - pop powerhouse Taylor Swift has been sporting a new Taylor guitar on her latest tour: a ruby - hued 614ce to color - coordinate with her RED album.
While the movie tries to sometimes make good use of its dumbed - down protagonists, the depiction of Nick, Kurt and Dale in this installment is far away from the average - Joes trying (and hilariously failing) to execute the ultimate recession - era fantasy.
All of this is happening while bitcoin is still kind of difficult for average joes to purchase.
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