Sentences with phrase «while brain stem»

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I also use engineering and STEM toys as «brain breaks» during my homeschool day as a way to give my kids some down time while keeping their brains active and engaged.
The way males and females handle their anger or emotionally upsetting situations — women may feel sick to their stomach, while men tend to act out — may also stem from fundamental differences in how their brains have evolved.
Moreover, while surgeons are able to operate to remove certain kinds of tumors, some disorders are located in the brain stem, amongst nerves, making surgery impossible,» added collaborator and senior author Anne - Sophie Carret.
In cases of Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's or other neurodegenerative disease, adult stem cells can slow the degenerative progression of your symptoms while restoring blood flow to the brain and repairing or replacing damaged tissue.
The left hemisphere controls the majority of functions on the right side of the body, while the right hemisphere controls most of functions on the left side of the body The crossing of nerve fibers takes place in the brain stem.
Adult stem cell therapy can slow the degenerative progression of your symptoms while repairing or replacing damaged neurons and brain tissue.
Once in your brain, your stem cells are called upon to perform the important task of improving blood flow to tissues, halting destructive inflammation and premature tissue death, while ultimately replacing damaged cells.
They are an absolutely normal part of human energy metabolism that preferentially fuel the brain while much of the rest of the body runs on fatty acids during times of carbohydrate unavailability.50 The negative view of KBs stems from confusion of benign dietary ketosis (BDK) and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).
While it hasn't been as well studied as curcumin, in a recent study in rats, researchers found that it promotes repair to damaged stem cells in the brain.
While it is common to see brain injuries classified into groups like acquired and traumatic brain injuries, sometimes acquired brain injuries are considered to be the umbrella category that includes injuries like traumatic brain injuries and also injuries stemming from events like a stroke.
While this might well stem the brain drain among these researchers, I would worry that this will also further isolate these scholars within their own communities, providing a disincentive to reaching out and mentoring others who are not part of this journal club.
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