Sentences with phrase «while dog gates»

The main difference is the size since crates and playpens are very small cages (literally) while dog gates put a barrier between an entire room and the rest of your home.

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Finally, there's the main terminal, now a high - ceilinged dining room that glows with soft light, making reference to the past at every turn (greyhound dog statuettes, painted gate markings) while creating an experience that's altogether new.
I was now already late for work, so I shut all the room doors upstairs to keep him confined to wherever he might have hidden and then put the baby gate up to keep the dogs downstairs today while we were all away.
Once in a while we receive a phone call asking for assistance in installing a pet safety gate for a dog.
While the gates are closed BAVA (Biscuit Acres Volunteer Association) has been addressing other issues and concerns in the dog park.
Some show up in torn jeans and a dirty sweatshirt, while others come in through a dog gate and leave it open behind them, allowing a dog out.
If the gate accidentally shuts and make a lot of noise while the dog is in the dog crate, it will scare the dog and most likely also create a feeling of entrapment.
While raising a guardian dog, teaching him respect for fences and gates will go a long way in eliminating the core problem seen in livestock guardian dogs.
Some dogs take off when an opportunity presents itself (like an open gate) while others will do whatever it takes to escape (like digging under a fence).
The Primetime Petz Designer Dog Gate - Palm Springs adds an elegant piece of home decor while containing your pets!
Depending on the size and age of your dog, you could consider taking a break from the crate and trying your pup in an exercise pen or a room secured by baby gates while you are gone.
Indoor or Outdoor — most gates for dogs are used indoors while boxed kennel runs are mainly used outdoor, you've got to make up your mind because weather - resistant materials that can withstand the elements will be required for outdoor dog gates.
Gates open at 8:30 a.m. Sunday for the Osceola Canine Training Association Fun Day, which includes a wheelbarrow race with dog owners running the race while their family pooches are perched in wheelbarrows, water and land retrieve retrieving competitions and an obstacle course.Canine competitors are divided into large - dog and small - dog classes except for the obstacle course, toss and catch (with the winners catching an object or food the greatest number of times)
While a female dog is typically only fertile for 8 - 10 days every year, a door or gate accidentally left open during that time can result in a large litter of puppies.
The ability to spend a bit of time in a crate or behind a gate should be a skill every dog should have, just like Sit or Stay, so he can hang out stress - free at the groomer's, veterinarian's office, or while traveling.
Once your dog can do this well, try placing a baby gate on the doorway while you are also in the room but occupied doing other things such as watching television or reading.
Space to keep a crate, or a room that a dog could stay in while unsupervised that can be separated from other rooms by a door or baby gate.
While you are training your new dog or puppy, keep them safely separated using baby gates, playpens, and / or a crate.
But we don't want the dog to bark, howl, or scratch at the door while she's gated, crated, or shut in the room.
Ever since I was little I'd stack our family pets in front of the TV while I watched the dog shows like the Eukanuba or Westminster, I'd even gate them out in the front yard to play «dog show».
Even if you don't leave your dog out while you are gone, you may have a gate that is not in plain view that you don't realize was left open.
Or, let one dog sleep in your bedroom behind a baby gate for the day while the other gets the sofa.
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