Sentences with phrase «while helping out in your kitchen»

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Whether it's helping out at the soup kitchen, giving a few hours to your local charity shop, or teaching a class in your community, if you're feeling lonely, volunteering is one of the best options on this list because it offers unlimited potential for new relationships while simultaneously pumping the world around you full of glittering goodwill and kindness.
Cooking up a good helping of hominy and grits for the performers, Derek hangs out in the kitchen while Cody listens in on a meeting between his host and the errant spy.
They're helping you out in the kitchen, and while walking to the fridge they slip and fall.
They're helping you out in the kitchen, and while walking to the fridge they slip and fall.
You are at home when the fire breaks out in the kitchen, and your best friend is injured while trying to help you put out the fire.
While the dark gray of the sofa stands out the most, lighter grays on the rug and in the kitchen also help to frame the many moments of yellow that happen on the sofa and gallery wall.
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