Sentences with phrase «while higher birth»

Maternal smoking during pregnancy acted as minor risk factor for ADHD - only, while higher birth weight acted as minor risk factor for ADHD + ODD.

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While most of us have higher cortisol levels in the morning, different people's hormones rise and fall at different times, and medications like hormonal birth control pills and medical conditions like obesity can influence when an individual's levels are highest.
The rate of triplets and higher order multiple births (like quintuplets), while rarer overall, has also increased dramatically since 1980 — it's more than quadrupled.
The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program changed the lives of young people who came to the United States illegally as children in incredible ways — boosting high school graduation rates and college enrollment, while slashing teen births by a staggering 45 percent.
«The cattle were lowing,» as the song goes, but it it's difficult to imagine a Jewish setting with high values on both cleanliness and hospitality that would permit a woman to give birth while having to worry about being stepped on by a donkey.
I am no longer on birth control for medical reasons (higher risk of clots in my family), but when I was on it, I used it because I didn't want to get pregnant while working full time, writing full time, and living as a single woman.
A woman can do anything a man can do, but she can she can do it better, faster, and in high heels, while giving birth.
I'll be giving birth at Yale, and while they have high C - section rates, the episiotomy rates are below 5 %.
While it remains unclear how much of that lock down was requested by the Carters, or if it was the hospital acting in what it considered the best interests of it's patients, what is clear is that regular protocol goes out the window when you're dealing with such a high - profile pregnancy and birth.
While high school is typically the time that student stress can boil over, Bradley says it's important to start preparing your child from birth to deal with stress.
Or with childbirth, I had an epidural, a cesarean, and a VBAC, and while my unmedicated birth experience definitely made it easier to bond with my newborn, the high - intervention births didn't hinder what has turned out to be a very secure attachment with those children.
I have been through A LOT as a mom including pregnancy, birth, high - risk pregnancy (preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome), adoption (international & private domestic), special needs, working from home, running my own businesses while raising my kiddos, international travel with kids and SO much more!!!
While the teen birth has dropped significantly over the past 20 years, it remains high in Original Aurora; teen births in the four target zip codes were actually a bit higher in 2013 than in 2012.
Every baby's development is different, but according to the AAP, general signs that your baby may be ready for solid food are when he has doubled his birth weight and weighs at least 13 pounds, holds his head up steadily while sitting in a high chair, and can accept a spoonful of food without pushing it out of his mouth.
The medical profession, while extremely useful in the event of a high - risk pregnancy, has taken the 80 % of low - risk women and turned their birth in to a medical event that needs to be managed - an event that women and babies need to be «delivered» from.
Inadequate weight gain is associated with a higher risk of problems, such as low birth weight and preterm birth, while excessive weight gain is linked to problems including gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, c - sections, and weight retention after pregnancy.
Personally, I think it's curious how many physicians and mothers - to - be place such a high emphasis on the 0.11 % risk reduction of neonatal mortality from hospital births, while thinking nothing of engaging other common practices (i.e. poor dietary habits, overuse of antibiotics, participation in contact sports) that certainly increase their child's lifetime risk of chronic disease, injury, or even death.
While HELLP syndrome is rare, effecting only 1 or 2 out of every 1000 births, without early treatment HELLP syndrome carries with it a high risk of severe health complications, including death, for the mother and fetus.
Pregnancy (while normally a normal process) actually poses much greater risk to the average woman's health than any birth control pill because estrogen and progesterone levels are MUCH higher during pregnancy than when any woman is on BC.
While this is more of a concern during pregnancy, since high levels of vitamin A can lead to birth defects, a breastfeeding mother may also be concerned about consuming too much vitamin A and passing it to the baby through her breast milk.
While breastfeeding soon after birth is believed to increase uterus contraction and reduce bleeding, high quality evidence to support this is lacking.
It is more common for multiple births to be stillborn, while for singletons the risk is not as high.
While successfully breastfeeding twins and higher order multiples can be straightforward, it can also be time consuming for the mother, who is likely to need good support at home to ensure she gets sufficient rest and adequate nutrition (Multiple Births Foundation 2011).
While high testosterone levels have been linked to aggression, extroversion, and risk - taking, drops in testosterone have been linked to fathers» responsiveness to their children, Other research shows that the hormones prolactin and cortisol (both connected with pregnant women) rise significantly in the three weeks before birth is due.
And today, more than a third of American babies are born via surgery — a rate even obstetricians» groups acknowledge is too highwhile the majority of U.S. births involve the use of epidural anesthesia or the labor - inducing drug Pitocin.
While having a big baby might not seem like a bad thing, large - for - gestational age infants have a higher incidence of health problems after birth and can also complicate labor and delivery.
These high quality bottles are versatile to use from birth to 5 years old and make feeding and drinking simple during outings and while traveling.
As detailed in the top stoner zine, High Times, researchers from Washington University conducted a detailed analysis of more than 30 studies to determine if smoking grass while pregnant can cause low birth weight or premature delivery.
Yes, the initial costs of cloth diapers are pretty high but your entire cloth diaper stash could cost you around $ 600 at the high end, while disposable diapers will costs you well over $ 2000 (from birth to potty training).
Cobedding of twins and other infants of multiple gestation is a frequent practice, both in the hospital setting and at home.174 However, the benefits of cobedding twins and higher - order multiples have not been established.175, — , 177 Twins and higher - order multiples are often born prematurely and with low birth weight, so they are at increased risk of SIDS.101, 102 Furthermore, there is increased potential for overheating and rebreathing while cobedding, and size discordance might increase the risk of accidental suffocation.176 Most cobedded twins are placed on their sides rather than supine.174 Finally, cobedding of twins and higher - order multiples in the hospital setting might encourage parents to continue this practice at home.176 Because the evidence for the benefits of cobedding twins and higher - order multiples is not compelling and because of the increased risk of SIDS and suffocation, the AAP believes that it is prudent to provide separate sleep areas for these infants to decrease the risk of SIDS and accidental suffocation.
The problem is when this devolves into the claims that 1) homebirth in the US is an acceptable alternative to hospital birth and 2) the main reason for poor outcomes in hospitals is opposition to natural birth (and the inevitable c - section)-- all the while completely ignoring much more real problems such as the huge disparity of outcomes by race; the high prevalence of pre-existing health conditions in the general population; and access to healthcare.
Fertility tests of the mice in adulthood showed that those whose mothers had been fed a high - fat diet while breastfeeding had decreased litter size, longer duration from mating to date of birth and impaired pregnancy rate in both female and male mice.
Professor Mol says that while many clinics are moving completely away from fresh embryo transfers, the freezing process adds additional costs in IVF and does not result in higher rates of live births.
While clomiphene is a first - line treatment used to induce ovulation in women with PCOS, it has downsides — namely that in a significant number of women it does not lead to improved ovulation or live births, and if it does induce ovulation, it frequently results in pregnancies with multiples who face much higher negative outcomes including death.
While governments generally favor higher birth rates to maintain the workforce and tax base needed to fund pensions, health care and other benefits for the elderly, it is typically families that bear the brunt of the cost of having children, the study found.
New estimates of multiple births suggest that while guidelines have reduced IVF's contribution to the percentage of medically - assisted triplet (or higher order) births, non-IVF means are increasing their share.
The difference in live birth rate was due to higher rates of early pregnancy loss before 20 weeks in women who conceived while established on dialysis.
Carriers of this mutation have fetal haemoglobins levels as high as 20 per cent of total haemoglobin, while most people's fetal haemoglobin levels fall to about 1 per cent of total haemoglobin after birth.
Fertility tests of the mice in adulthood showed that those whose mothers had been fed a high - fat diet while breastfeeding had decreased litter size, longer duration from mating to date of birth and impaired pregnancy rate in both female and male mice.
Alcohol can cause birth defects, while large amounts of caffeine have been linked to higher rates of miscarriage.
Women who used hormonal birth control for less than a year had a 9 % higher risk of breast cancer, while those on it for 10 years or more had a 38 % higher risk, researchers found.
This can be ingrained in a person's genes if they are exposed to high estrogen levels while in the mother's womb before birth.
The concern with consuming flax seeds WHILE pregnant is that the risk of certain birth defects is higher.
According to Forbes magazine, «being exposed to a high - fat diet while in the womb, and after birth, can permanently alter brain cells that control food consumption and lead to a propensity for over-eating and an increased preference for fatty and sugary foods.»
The Institute of Fiscal Studies estimates that schools in the UK will face up to 12 per cent real term cuts over the next Parliament while forecasts suggest pupil numbers will increase by seven per cent, a result of rising immigration and higher birth rates over the next five years.
As a result, school reformers focus on kindergarten through high school and stay away from pre-K advocacy, while early childhood advocates tend to focus on birth to age 5 and steer clear of school reform.
If your spouse or ex-spouse's date of birth is January 2, 1954 or later and they become eligible to receive a higher benefit on your record while receiving retirement benefits, they can no longer delay filing for the additional benefit.
The 1960s saw the birth of aggressive growth funds, which bet on high tech stocks, while the 1970s and 1980s saw some of the biggest contributions to mutual funds» history.
In 2005, Dr. W. Marvin Mackie of Animal Birth Control clinics in Southern California, demonstrated in a DVD called «QuickSpay», his high - volume surgical pet sterilization techniques developed while operating low - cost spay / neuter clinics since 1976.
A bold, high - contrast figure is accompanied by its ghostly duplicate, collapsing Warhol's strategy of serialisation into a single frame, while also providing an eerie reminder that Presley was a twin, even though his brother was lost at birth.
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