Sentences with phrase «while other ailments»

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While researchers explore — 20 to 30 Investigational New Drug Exemptions have been approved by the FDA for DMSO experiments involving herpes, malignancies, spinal - cord injuries, eye problems, arthritis and scleroderma among other ailments — many athletes aren't waiting for official findings.
Dr. Ma Thida suffers from endometriosis and other ailments for which she did not receive adequate medical treatment while in detention.
While Teitelbaum and others wait for answers, Wallace - Babb continues to grapple with the ailments that drove her from Colorado.
While the studies addressed in the paper focused on patients taking opioids for non-cancer pain such as back pain and other musculoskeletal ailments, similar studies are now underway to examine the effect of naloxegol in patients with chronic cancer - related pain.
Kmiec noted that while some ailments, like sickle cell anemia and Huntington's disease, involve faulty DNA within a single gene, others, like Alzheimer's and heart disease, appear to involve malfunctions in multiple genes where the best option «is not really gene editing, but gene replacement.»
Some leg massagers are designed for athletic injuries and rehabilitation, while other focus on medical ailments like neuropathy or lymphedema.
However, while some curative attributes may be anecdotal, evidence grows that turmeric, properties of which are actually used as an ingredient in medications, has been proven as a cure for some ailments and potential cure for many others.
While neem infusions are one of the most common ways to consume the plant, other concentrated forms - such as tincture, oil, and ointment - are widely used topically to soothe and heal skin ailments.
Raw milk contains enzymes and antibodies that make it less susceptible to bacterial contamination than pasteurized milk, while many toxins that cause diarrhea and other ailments survive the pasteurization process.
Ben Whishaw's guest («The Limping Man») starts injuring other parts of his body to match other people's ailments, while the ever - brilliant John C Reilly («Lisping Man») is all too eager to join in the regular hunts, which earn guests an extra day's breathing space for every runaway or single person they can shoot in the nearby forest.
Most women seek commonalities with other women (one complains of an ailment, the other sympathizes with a similar tale of woe) while men tend to one - up the other in a hierarchcal scramble for dominance (a guy has an ailment, so the other guy ignores it, dismisses it, or elevates his own standing).
While these specialized techniques are ongoing, the hospital also sees and treats the more common veterinary patients including puppies and kittens for examinations, vaccination, spay and neutering; provides comprehensive wellness programs to maintain health and detect disease early in its course, and manages patients with all of the ailments seen at other veterinary facilities.
While your bulldog will have to battle common dog problems such as wax in the ears, fleas and ticks and other dog ailments, due to their physical attributes, they are prone to certain other genetic health problems.
The head of a cooperative of honey harvesters, a park guide, and a doctor who uses a garden of medicinal plants to treat asthma and other ailments are among the key «puzzle pieces» in preserving Rwanda's biodiversity while providing its people with sufficient sustenance.
While health insurance was considered a luxury earlier, modern times necessitate a health insurance plan because the incidences of ailments and infections are increasing on one hand and the medical costs are inflating on the other.
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