Sentences with phrase «while others birth»

Some moms ask for their epidural at the hospital front desk while others birth at home in their tub.

Not exact matches

The agency said there have been recent variations in the number of cases reported in the region and, while the level of risk is unknown, Zika virus infection during pregnancy causes severe birth defects, including microcephaly and other severe brain abnormalities.
It's extremely humbling to think about God using us to give birth, adopt or foster other human beings, while also helping form them into adults.
, while others don't favor aid for the poor but are against SSM, abortion and it the most extreme cases the use of birth control.
While most people are firmly in one camp or the other, roughly 3 to 4 out of 10 Americans either sympathized with both sides — or with neither — on issues of whether employers should be required to provide birth control (43 %), transgender people should be able to use the bathroom of their choice (37 %), or businesses should be required to serve same - sex couples (33 %).
In fact it contradicts itself starting in THE VERY FIRST TWO CHAPTERS of Genesis when the order of creation is mixed up to having only 2 of the 4 Gospel writers bothering to talk about the birth of Jesus (and those two accounts conflict with each other while also providing timelines which make it IMPOSSIBLE for Jesus to have been born based on their accounts) to 3 of the 4 Gospel writers not agreeing on what the final words of Jesus were.
the bible says GOD created adam (which in hebrew means mankind, not just «one» person, so apparently while the bible is about one person, and his offspring, generations and others intertwined leading to the birth of JESUS as told by the prophets of the OLD TESTAMENT, there were OTHER people alive on EARTH..
While federal funds can not be used for abortions, Planned Parenthood reports that half of its patients use Medicaid to cover other services like birth control.
An alleged peculiarity of Jacob's birth and the subsequent, continuing relationship between the descendants of Jacob and Esau is etymologically explained («heel - holder» — born holding his twin brother's heel, 25:26); while the same man's character (and in their own eyes, surely, that of his descendants who bear the name) is etymologically defined in his other name, Israel (perhaps «Striver with God» 32:28).
Two health visitors in Grantham, Lincolnshire, conducted a comparative study in which one continued to use the standard letter about the primary birth visit, while the other used a new father - inclusive version (below).
She spoke about the path that lead her to become a midwife, as she began attending births while traveling across the country (on hippie buses) with hundreds of others who were following Stephen Gaskin on a five - month - long speaking tour across the United States.
I agree, I read Birthing from Within while preparing for my second birth and now highly recommend it to other expectant mothers.
Newsflash: While some women make choices for their births that others don't see the sense of, the best response would be to ask why they made that decision in a balanced manner and get an education rather than judge and scream and accuse, which helps nobody.
And while I never overtly contradicted a care provider, unplugged my clients from their monitors without permission or guidance from their nurses, put my hand in front of a pair of scissors about to cut an episiotomy, or secretly hoped for an accidental home birth (or any other opportunity to catch a baby), my birth bag and arms - load - of - balls did some serious damage to my relationship (as a doula) with hospital staff.
But to be able to stay in the comfort of your own home sweet home while giving birth, there was no other option.
During the actual birth (which was very quick, and very intense and painful), me and my husband were so close to each other, that we were actually even joking while I dilated the last inch.
Some women will get their first period as soon as six weeks after birth, while others may wait for months.
I encapsulated my placenta after my 3rd birth, using a similar method as the lady in the article, only I added cayenne and other «heating» herbs to it while it steamed, and I dehydrated it thoroughly in our dehydrator, not the oven.
In terms of your health care providers, «some families birth unassisted, while others have a team of midwives and a doula,» says Maria Moser, a writer who chronicles her home birth story at Change Diapers.
I offer a regular workshop for women who have experienced a traumatic birth where we can build each other up and connect on the shared heartbreak of motherhood while truly witnessing and hearing each other's stories.
Some travel system strollers have car seats which are suitable from birth to around 55 lbs while others are birth to 22 lbs so this highlights the need to shop carefully.
They forgot about the oxytocin... My vaginal birth not having messed things up (and the pitocin having even increased my natural levels... shh don't tell anyone), I was able to chill out and send the occasional text message without the usual fight or flight response caused by texting while I get on the freeway (wait a minute, I thought fight or flight was the response caused in all the other drivers when they see you texting).
If you have concerns about nursing while consuming birth control hormones, there are many other birth control options that will have absolutely no effect on your baby, like condoms, IUDs and diaphragms.
Some babies may sleep long stretches at night from birth, while others will have more complex medical needs and may not be able to sleep long stretches at night.
Most moms do what «sbest for their kids.And yes, there are women out there who legitimately can not bf, so formula is a WONDERFUL choice for them.I exclusively bf both of mine, but think it's okay to ff if you don't have enough milk.there are other situations where i think it's selfish.As for drugs during pregnancy and birth, I had to take 3 doses of medication while pregnant so that I could morning sickness was so bad I couldn't even keep water down.I made the choice to do that so I didn't starve my unborn child, but I only took what was neccessary to keep something down, and then had no other drugs and plan not to until my son is done bf.And as for the «natural» baby, carcinogens are EVERYWHERE, even in your organic this industrialized world you can not get away from them, and to attack other moms for their choices is a sad statement of your morality and on how your child's persoality is going to turn out.also, having multiple kids is definately more demanding than one.
This may be because they decide this is the safest option for them based on their medical history, while others prefer the certainty and convenience of scheduling their birth.
For many other people, though, it's the totally avoidable result of being abused while giving birth.
Some women wouldn't dream of giving birth without drugs, while others are set on going drug - free.
Still others have decided to stay in Muskegon and show up in labor at Mercy Health Hackley, while home birth after cesarean (HBAC) is a clear choice for others.
There are many types of birth plans, some being very extensive in detail and several pages in length, while others consisting of only a few short paragraphs.
During pregnancy, women's bodies cultivate these bacteria while pruning out others, seemingly in preparation to pass them onto our babies during birth.
Condoms and other barrier methods of birth control, such as female condoms and diaphragms, are safe to use while breastfeeding.
While other animals do eat their placenta after giving birth, this doesn't necessarily mean that we need to follow suit.
Mission BEBA supports families to resolve prenatal, birth and other early trauma, both physical and emotional, while facilitating the development of compassionate relationships, the healthy growth of children, and effective parenting.
While some new moms are dying to tell others their birth story, recounting our own experiences can be pretty difficult.
Part of you wants a water birth with whale music, while the other voice in your head is screaming «epidural».
Some practice in a home birth setting or birth center, while others have multiple hospitals that they use for their birthing clients.
Your practitioner may be skilled at vaginal breech birth or refer you to someone who is, if you are a good candidate, while others may suggest a cesarean birth if your baby does not turn.
Some women are able to move around within an hour after birth, while other moms will take a few hours.
Some women try to have «natural birthswhile others opt for drugs in case of severe pain.
The Pill, Condoms and You has a detailed explanation about two of the most popular forms of birth control while Natural Birth Control will provide you with valuable information about other contraceptive metbirth control while Natural Birth Control will provide you with valuable information about other contraceptive metBirth Control will provide you with valuable information about other contraceptive methods.
And while some hospitals and care providers welcome birth plans, others dislike any requests that deviate from standard labor and delivery procedures.
Some parents may need the extra income, while others might not be returning to work until after the baby's birth.
Many breastfeeding women are completely period - free for the first six months of their baby's lives, while others are surprised when Aunt Flo returns only a few weeks after giving birth.
In other words, the hospital birth death rate is basically unaffected by the liveborn homebirth transfers, while the homebirth death rate is considerably lowered by removing the deaths that occurred after transfer.
While many working moms - to - be save the entirety of their family and medical leave for when the baby arrives, others are able to take some time before birth as well.
My hamster gave birth in the other corner of my bedroom while I slept, which makes me just as qualified as many people who hang out a shingle as human homebirth midwives.
A few celebrities swear by yoga to help get their shape back after the baby's birth, while others turn to running or jogging and some, such as model Heidi Klum, swear by the rowing machine at her gym.
Especially when I hear other birth stories and there are many obvious signs of distress, long and drawn out in a rough labor, and the baby comes out kicking and screaming... Now that we can look back on her birth day, while holding a healthy, resilient little one, I'm still trying to figure out a way to disconnect the wonderful, powerful, redeeming qualities of my experience, from the terrifying experience at the very end.
Some people think that you can't have a baby without one, while others insist that encouraging women to plan an event as unpredictable as birth will automatically set them up for disappointment.
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