Sentences with phrase «while philosophical differences»

While the philosophical differences between Thorp and Buffett were vast, over a game of bridge they were able to find common ground chatting about their shared interests in statistics and finance.
All coaches are different, and while philosophical differences some times come into play, parental concerns around coaching start at the most basic level: Is my son or daughter safe in his or her care?
All coaches are different, and while philosophical differences...

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«1 While there may be some justification for this categorization, it nevertheless fails to capture the theoretical scope and philosophical ambition of what is perhaps the most important of Deleuze's works: Difference and Repetition (1968).
My beliefs border more on philosophical than religious, and while the two can obviously coincide, the difference is that I would never write an op - ed piece calling those who wont handle snakes «fence sitters.»
Like Wittgenstein, Whitehead is not, of course, opposed to the concept of a «philosophical illness;» the difference lies in the seriousness with which the two thinkers approach traditional philosophical issues: Wittgenstein seems to see no legitimacy in questions that science or common sense can not answer, while Whitehead struggles with classical metaphysical problems, stepping beyond the strict boundaries of the scientific method.
So while your friend may think it's acceptable to let her child jump on your furniture or show off for guests, don't lose your friendship over a few philosophical differences.
The mayor said he has «real philosophical differences» with the governor while also insisting the personal nature of their feud has been overblown.
While Lancman almost certainly has strong philosophical differences with Turner, and vice versa, whether or not he'll be able to turn those into campaign fodder will depend entirely on how the Congressional lines are drawn in redistricting.
While U.S. Sen. Roy Blunt, R - Mo., clearly has his philosophical and political differences with the president, last night he praised Barack Obama's plan to embark on a major effort to cure cancer and boost medical research.
While some of the accusations in the ACLU report are true of some charters or were true of some in the past, other accusations that are commonly thrown at charters are hard to prove one way or another or boil down to philosophical differences.
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