Sentences with phrase «while sleepy»

If you like staying under the covers, don't search while sleepy and make sure your cover letter follows some of the same principles in these marketing, advertising and PR resume samples
Determining the type of person whom is most likely to drive while drowsy is difficult; however, studies by the National Highway Traffic Safety Authority have shown that young adults between the ages of 18 - 29 are more likely drive while sleepy than any other age group.
Playful bottlenose dolphins frolic in the waters riding the bow waves of passing boats, while sleepy koalas laze around in the sun.
While the sleepy town is just two hours south of the high - rise and fast - food - laden strip of beach known as Cancun, it's a world away.
Much of what you write is good; however, you claim to help Canadians «prosper» while your sleepy portfolio has hardly kept up with inflation.
The bottom line is that while the Sleepy Portfolio is well thought out (even if I say so myself!)
While the Sleepy Portfolio is very simple to assemble, there are some pitfalls to be aware of:
«But when sleep is poor or inadequate, people feel tired or fatigued, their social and intimate relationships suffer, work productivity is negatively affected, and they make our roads more dangerous by driving while sleepy and less alert.»
When sleep is poor or inadequate, people feel tired or fatigued, their social and intimate relationships suffer, work productivity is negatively affected, and they make our roads more dangerous by driving while sleepy and less alert.
«Driving while sleepy is as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol,» says Siebern.
I have a much greater risk of my child dying in a car crash caused by me because I'm driving while sleepy because I'm sleep - deprived if I'm not cosleeping.
after she did this she realized that every night something would wake her up and while sleepy force her out of the room and into our living room.
While the Sleepy Portfolio is very simple to assemble, there are some pitfalls to be aware of:

Not exact matches

Sleepy brains have to work harder while short - term and long - term memory is worse.»
While production doesn't actually happen in Sleepy Hollow, the attention from the show has attracted a new wave of tourism to the area.
While these are just projections, the numbers are still impressive for a «sleepy» utility.
The family - friendly, but still a bit eerie, ride winds its way through spooky sites while listening to narration of the story of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow.
Nadine's mother holds a very sleepy infant, while toddler Arwen works on her princess drawing.
Leave that magic and sweetness in sleepy conversation while tucked under our comfortable duvet.
I catch up on the visual feast of my Instagram feed while the stirring of my sleepy faced children fills the previously quiet kitchen.
James Lyddy, sleepy - eyed Bridgeport, Conn. seventh grader, was wide awake while leading his team to 49 - 46 win over Puerto Rico for Biddy Basketball championship at Scranton, Pa., earned title of Mr. Biddy Basketball.
The Panthers are up 24 - 6 in the third quarter, and while Cam Newton is making his fantasy owners very, very happy, he's also making his team owner very, very sleepy.
Studies have shown that while these medicines can help dry nasal passages in adults, the only effect they have on babies is to make them sleepy.
Another option could be that you would set out extremely early in the morning while your children are still sleepy.
Never drive while you're sleepy.
While newborns are awake and alert during the first 2 hours of life, they tend to become sleepy from about 2 to 24 hours after they are born.
While many newborn babies simply become so sleepy when they are breastfeeding that they can't help but falling asleep, the fact that they do this over and over again in the beginning, will teach them a new way to fall asleep — with your nipple in their mouth.
So soak in his sleepy smiles and caramel scent while they last: this is a season.
put your baby to bed while he is sleepy, but still awake, which means that he hasn't fallen asleep eating or being rocked in your arms
To encourage self - soothing, put your baby into her crib while she is sleepy but still awake.
It May Delay the Start of Breastfeeding: Depending on the type of anesthesia you receive for your surgery, you and the baby may be sleepy for a while after the procedure.
Put him down while he's sleepy but still awake, so he can settle himself and learn to fall asleep on his own.
When the baby is sleepy but still awake, gently place her in the crib, while patting her and telling her it's time to sleep.
It's a skill that becomes much more efficient with time, but it takes a while to get in sync with baby, and sometimes babies are sleepy at the breast.
This helped a lot when my child was just really sleepy; I didn't have to look around for new bedding or my husband peeled it off while I took our child to the toilet to finish...
So whenever the baby feels sleepy while you are walking it, it can simply fall asleep in the walker.
But while that's the goal, parents must recognize the individual needs of each child, who won't always be hungry, sleepy, awake or playful at the same time.
Along with its white noise, lullabies, and nature sounds, the Sleepy Sounds app also displays soothing animation while it?s playing.
This involved going into her room when she woke at night, telling her it wasn't time to get up and still sleepy time, laying her back down, telling her we loved her and would come get her in the morning, and leaving the room while she cried for first 10 minutes, then 15, then 20, etc..
She may be lethargic if you have a difficult time waking her for feedings on a regular basis, if she is sleepy or sluggish while she is awake, and if she does not pay attention to sound or visual stimulation.
If you have a sleepy baby, not only should you wake her up every three hours to breastfeed, but you also want to keep her awake and actively sucking while you're breastfeeding.
Motherhood is one of the toughest, and most physically demanding roles you're ever likely to undertake, and so it's important to dress for the occasion; comfortable pants, looser fitting tops, maxi dresses, and layers all work fabulously well with the trials of motherhood, including chasing after toddlers, bending and stretching, and carrying sleepy babies, while many of these items are incredibly on trend at the moment.
Even if you are feeling sleepy or in pain, your family members can help you with the baby while in your room.
So if you MUST change a diaper at night you can keep the baby snug up top and as sleepy as possible while you change their diaper and lay them back down to sleep.
When he got sleepy, we turned him inward so he could rest his head against my chest and sleep a while
re other methods that we tried: In addition to all the lovely, sleepy bedtime things that became our routine (bath, lotion, nurse, book, lullabies, white noise, swaddling), we tried rocking and walking at different paces and just sitting and holding her while being still.
Perhaps if I waited until he was sleepy he would nap in the stroller while I ran?
Most children who wake up while they are swaddled quickly fall back to sleep if they are still sleepy.
Very new babies tend to be very sleepy, you just have to keep waking them up and it may take up to an hour sometimes just for one feeding (for the first little while).
Do not give your child over-the-counter medicine that may have a sedative effect (makes people sleepy) while giving the prescription for pain medicine.
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