Sentences with phrase «while smaller effect sizes»

They found that significantly larger effect sizes were reported for students aged 14 to 17 (effect size = 0.53), while smaller effect sizes were reported for students aged 6 to 9 (effect size = 0.06)

Not exact matches

And while 100 subjects used to be considered «a huge data set,» she says, with effect sizes as small as they are in schizophrenia, researchers need to look at thousands to «really get a sense what's going on.»
While the study points to diet having a small effect on changes in brain size, it didn't look at the effect on risk of dementia.
While these studies suggest beneficial effects, they both studied healthy young adults (in their early 20s1, 2), had very small sample sizes (one study had 10 participants2, the other had 201), and used volunteers as study participants.1, 2 All of these factors decreases the chances that the results can be generalized to all people who engage in exercise.
Both Greece and Iceland performed considerably below the international average on TIMSS, while the countries where class - size reduction did not have even a small effect performed above the average.
While Black and Wiliam (1998) found an effect size of 0.4 to 0.7 (moderate), Kingston and Nash (2011) found an effect size of 0.2 (small) in their own meta - analysis.
«While a handful of SEL programs have been tested and shown to improve children's SEL skills as well as academic, mental health, and behavioral outcomes, the effect sizes are smaller than we would expect,» says Jones.
However, examination of effect sizes indicates that while the naturalistic speech in experiment 1 elicited large effect size (η2 = 0.563), effect sizes obtained with the reversed stimuli were extremely small (η2 < 0.001).
While several investigators have demonstrated that women who receive EC before they need to use it («advance provision») are more likely to use it if unprotected intercourse occurs, there have been no trials in the United States evaluating the impact of pharmacy access on key reproductive health outcomes.4 - 6 Glasier and Baird demonstrated that Scottish women who had an advance supply of EC on hand were almost twice as likely to use the medication if needed; however, the sample size was small and the difference in pregnancy rates between access groups was not statistically significant, making it difficult to draw conclusions about the effect of advance provision on unintended pregnancy rates.7
The evidence base suggests that while Responding in Peaceful and Positive Ways (RIPP) showed promising results with urban African American school children (see Study 1), the program showed inconsistent results with small effect sizes when administered to schools in a rural setting with majority white schoolchildren (see Study 2).
Second, while the small sample size that accompanies an open trial is a limitation, our findings were statistically significant, with large effect sizes that are comparable to larger trials of standard PCIT.
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