Sentences with phrase «while trading stories»

So lets go get coffee, go to an obnoxiously pretentious art gallery, go get some wine and play pool while trading stories and laugh about how horrible we are for each other.

Not exact matches

«While the «Amazon effect» has dictated trading in several sectors, for banks it seems a much tamer story
While there are many stories of the se - x trade like Annie Lobert's, there are also stories like Dr Brooke Magnanti's of a high class call girl who made tons of money and loved her job.
For a while he had no money and was trading stories for dinner.»
Worth noting that when this story first broke on the Daily Mail website a short while ago the headline stated «Four Premier League Players», however this has since changed to «Four Millionaire Footballers» which would lead one to believe that one of these players is in fact no longer plying their trade in the English top tier, does that help move us nearer to the truth?
Again, the story is this - the democrats take a whole bunch of campaign contributions, push through the trade deals «fast track», and then look the other way while jobs, jobs, jobs get exported overseas.
And while World Trade Center, which follows Port Authority officers John McLoughlin (Nicolas Cage) and Will Jimeno (Michael Pena) as they're trapped beneath the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, is ultimately marred by a midsection that just doesn't work, there's simply no denying the effectiveness of several individual sequences within the film (particularly those at the story's beginning and end).
While it might not spring to mind as a Christmas movie and was in fact first released in June, Trading Places does prominently feature the holiday in its production design, dialogue, locations, and story.
While Kate Plays Christine consciously exposes the apparatus, the tricks of its trade (the tubes, the tape, the behind - the - scenes SFX craft), Christine plays it — like it does Chubbuck's entire story — completely straight.
If you think you're ready to handle rehashing some of the feelings of 9/11, and hearing a story of hope and survival to counter the overwhelming tragedy, World Trade Center offers a bit of solace, while also honoring the memory of those that sacrificed their lives to save others.
While older critics and the Hollywood trades hailed Eastwood for trying something new and imbuing a corny story with his own funky energy, the younger, web - based critics couldn't get past the silliness.
Most Americans know the story well, as the plane never met its intended destination, while the passengers on board were able to contact their loved ones as the flight was en route, informed that three other planes had been used as weapons of mass suicide, two of them hitting the twin towers of the World Trade Center, and a third striking the Pentagon.
While the archetype of the tinker is generally the whipping person in classical bedtimes stories, this particular individual was a tinker by trade and just happened to be economically disadvantaged.
Our small monthly single issue sales and growing trade sales do well enough that Wayward is still Steven's full - time job (living in Yokohama with a wife and two wonderful kids) and pays a competitive page rate to Tamra, Marshall, Zack, Ann, and myself while giving us the flexibility to make the story exactly the way we want.
Printed collections will be around for quite a while, but the monthly comic is as anachronistic as television commercials, since nearly all comics stories are written with the trade (or hardcover) in mind rather than the single issue they first appear in.
It seems that IPOs continue to generate interest, and while calling a bubble is hard to do, the word comes to mind when looking stories such as this one from the Financial Wisdom Forum that showcase a high frequency trading firm going public.
The story typically goes something like this: A trader does well for a while, sticking to his plan and hitting some nice winners, now his perception of risk in the market has decreased because his confidence has increased, so gradually he starts entering lower and lower probability trades.
While timing trades perfectly is nearly impossible and now what I'm talking about, being aware of the current stock market level and investing public sentiment is a whole different story.
While Scott Nordstrom was recovering from the death of his dog of 11 years, he saw a news story about San Diego Humane Society's involvement in rescuing dogs from the South Korean meat trade.
This store will tell you they have standards and are «improving the pet trade» while inspections and photos tell a very different story.
Nelson Mandela so we could trade stories about how we survived our endless years of imprisonment all while remaining optimistic we would survive.
TRADING CARD GAME can also hone their skills courtesy of the game's comprehensive tutorial, while experienced players can dive into the rich Story Campaign and Duel with more than 90 characters in hundreds of matches, and compete in new Battle Pack Sealed Deck and Draft play with other Duelists online.
While there's a brief story, Battlefield's long - term offering is in its vast, disorienting multiplayer battles, where up to 64 players assume the roles of infantrymen, horse riders, tank drivers and biplane pilots, and trade shots while using war pigeons to call down artillery strikes on one anoWhile there's a brief story, Battlefield's long - term offering is in its vast, disorienting multiplayer battles, where up to 64 players assume the roles of infantrymen, horse riders, tank drivers and biplane pilots, and trade shots while using war pigeons to call down artillery strikes on one anowhile using war pigeons to call down artillery strikes on one another.
Crista Nice to read stories like this, there are many people like myself that find your information helpful and things that we never think of while trying to succeed at our trade..
While some of the specifics of a solar development don't apply universally (for example, solar trading credits and the solar resource are uniquely relevant to solar), the broad principles cover the key aspects of the basic economic story for an energy project.
Annie Leonard's Story of Cap & Trade, which we wrote about a while back, throws a critical and generally dismissive eye on the concept of a cap & trade solution for carbon emissTrade, which we wrote about a while back, throws a critical and generally dismissive eye on the concept of a cap & trade solution for carbon emisstrade solution for carbon emissions.
More on Sustainable Fishing & the Fish Fight Campaign Celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsey Assaulted While Investigating Shark Fin Trade Fish Fight Campaign Claims Early Victory (Video) Europe's North Sea Fisheries Throw Half Their Catch Away Iceland is the Success Story of Sustainable Fishing Is This the End of the Line for Fish?
While some of the stories may have been urban myths, my friends and I often traded stories about senior partners that would routinely reduce students and young lawyers to tears, verbally assaulting them and in some cases, throwing objects at them.
Carlos Zambrano to NY Rumors Persist While Crystal Bowersox might be making news for music fans, when it comes to sports, baseball trades are the only real news story.
Each section is unique — while our news coverage features current events and the latest stories, our reviews provide insight into everything from digital wallets and major exchanges to the technology behind each digital currency that's being traded on the market today.
The 9.7 - inch Retina display has always been the perfect size and quality to enjoy sequential, illustrated, story - telling, but it would get heavy after a while, even when compared to a trade paperback.
While Twitter is certainly a useful platform for perusing pictures of your nieces and nephews and trading drinking stories with your college roommates, the power of the platform for connecting those with common career paths and skillsets is invaluable when utilized to help locate, apply and even obtain an offer for a career - making position.
Figure out how to perceive while trading off the quantity of your experiences will affect the nature of your employment story.
While the evidence for restricting trading hours may be heading in one direction the public debate in New South Wales is a different story.
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