Sentences with phrase «whining about price»

Fellow game playing customers, give up whining about the price of games versus the hours and hours of play time they give you.
And people whining about price might want to get jobs or better jobs, it's not like the price increase was all that much.
«I could be playing better games with depth, rewarding and fulfilling gameplay» Okay, go do that then instead of constantly trolling and whining about the price.
When the fiat Federal Reserve «dollar» finally loses its status as the world's reserve currency, gold and silver will have then begun to make an upward price adjustment or will begin to make the upward adjustment, and all who paid much higher prices for gold and silver will stop whining about price.
I'll complain and whine about the price, but in the end I'll swallow my pride and turn on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse because it means I can have 45 minutes of calm in my otherwise manic life.
If u whine about the price, then u can't afford it.
Why don't you guys whine about the prices of $ 60 for new video games?
Now he's come right out and called you, his readers, children who stomp their feet and whine about the price of an ebook, which, by the way, has ZERO unit cost and essentially zero distribution cost.
But then I noticed that turnover is decreasing while prices has increased by ~ 30 % so I think that there is data to support the whining about prices.

Not exact matches

While politicians blame speculators and Americans whine about gas prices, emerging economies are growing their middle class like gangbusters.
Pricing aside, there's something special about the RS3's package — from the fine whine of its five - cylinder, 400 - horsepower engine to its exterior graphics package to the only - a-tween-can-love refinement of the interior — that screams, in a high frequency, electronic mosquito tone only teenagers can hear, drive me.
Some of my colleagues say I need to get over myself and stop whining about hard plastic surfaces inside of lower - priced cars, so I won't.
For a small example, during the recent gas price spike my SUV - driving acquaintances were all whining about the extra couple of hundred dollars they spent on gas each month, while I, driving a car that gets over 70 mpg when I wasn't biking, was spending maybe $ 10 - 20 more.
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