Sentences with phrase «whisker plots»

Activities to help learners of secondary mathematics to interpret frequency graphs, cumulative frequency graphs and box and whisker plots for large samples and to see how a large number of data points can result in the graph being approximated by a continuous distribution.
Three part lesson on drawing cumulative frequency curves and box and whisker plots at grade B. Starter revisits learning on number.
The box and whisker plot on the left represents the results of just one anonymised school.
A KS3 / GCSE box and whisker plots worksheet with starter, main and extension.
A lesson i did introducing box and whisker plots jumping on the avengers band wagon.
Ron, those box and whisker plots indicate to me that the uncertainty of these data is huge for what appears to be 200 year intervals and would render statements about trending temperatures very uncertain.
Activities to help learners of secondary mathematics to interpret frequency graphs, cumulative frequency graphs and box and whisker plots for large...
Three part lesson on drawing box and whisker plots at grade B. Starter revisits previous learning on unit 2 number.
The second page asks students to plot the information worked out before on a box and whisker plot.
set of PowerPoint presentations for statistics: data collection, dotplots, stemplots, ogive, frequency distribution table, histogram, quartiles, boxplot, box - and - whisker plots, median, mean, standard deviation.
You could use them as examples to extract box and whisker plots to start with.
(Mean, median, mode, comparing charts and graphs, probability, equally likely outcomes, pie charts, box and whisker plots, scatter diagrams, correlation.)
We think the box and whisker plot is an easy way to represent a lot of information without any big distortions.
We also report results as a box and whisker plot.
Some teachers, like Palm Beach middle school math teacher Vince Rogers, are against the new standards stating that they are removed from reality as they consist of «teaching sixth grade math skills like box and whisker plots and interquartile range... The reality is that most people will never use that in their real life.»
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