Sentences with phrase «whispering to»

One woman is whispering to the other «Oooh look!
People familiar with the matter went whispering to the Wall Street Journal saying that some of the parties were holding talks to try to avoid a court battle.
She would make a desultory round of the play area, watching the children, whispering to Prem that he'd be better than them all — more handsome, more active, and of course more intelligent.
He lost his boat to the bank in»31 when Teddy was eleven, spent the rest of his life hiring onto other boats when they had the work, unloading freight along the docks when they didn't, going long stretches when he was back at the house by ten in the morning, sitting in an armchair, staring at his hands, whispering to himself occasionally, his eyes gone wide and dark.
Over the past year, I lost count of how many times Morgan or Elise would stand off a little ways with the boys they liked, whispering to them or showing them something on their phones, leaving me with whoever else had tagged along.
Ben stared at the dark bush surrounding the car, the rustling of the grasses like old women whispering to each other, the scary smear of galaxies above.
It's a bit like walking into a WWE «professional wrestling» show and whispering to the face - painted, bought - everything - including - the - tshirt fan next to you «You know that this isn't real, don't you?»
Right away, we could hear them whispering to each other, «What was that?»
Whispering to someone that they had a rip in their pants was also a popular thing to say to someone.
For instance, a minute and a half into the first day, I gave one student a verbal warning for whispering to another student as he was searching for his seat.
The truth is that Revere rode quietly, whispering to those he knew supported the revolution.
Showcase lots of jittery handheld camerawork and couples whispering to each other so quietly that not even the audience can hear what they are saying.
Eight - year - old Simone (unforgettable newcomer Morgana Davies) becomes convinced that her father is whispering to her through the leaves of the gargantuan fig tree that towers over their house.
«The Tree of Life» at this point ends as, with slow but vibrant colors, ascending into «the universal solution», softly whispering to us that true honesty, forgiveness, and love brings back us, and... Life.
The Post is almost queasily at home in the corridors and garden parties of power, even as it attempts to portray Graham's struggles as the lone woman in boardrooms full of men in dark suits whispering to one another.
So it takes a normal restful nature hike where you've been enjoying the birds singing and the wind whispering to the trees and instead turns in to just like this, suffer fest where your, you know, covered in sweat and hoisting this 40 lbs vest up the hill and breathing through them that Batman like mask.
It had been whispering to me for years before, but I was a skating athlete and only had the time to utilize yoga for cross training.
Some very light and slow walks outdoors or a step away from the high intensity altar for a short time and instead substituting with exercise that honors what your body was whispering to you and now is screaming will help you feel better faster.
The ancient teachings of yoga are hints whispering to you where to search next, yet even the teachings are no guarantee to your own liberation.
Adrenal fatigue is when the brain is either screaming at your poor adrenals, whispering to them, or speaking at the wrong time.
My inner knowing has been softly whispering to me lately that I am destined to play bigger.
In effect they are whispering to their satellites in the hope they won't attract the zombie's attention.
It was whispering to me: Just one more.
Politicians talking to voters, middle school teachers talking to a classroom, and lovers whispering to each other may all tweak their timbre to convey... something.
Vice President Biden christened the just - passed health care bill with some more «salty» language, whispering to President Obama at a news conference that the passage of the landmark legislation was a «big f *** ing deal.»
In other Paterson news, at his swearing - in ceremony in Albany yesterday, Hillary Clinton's closest aide, Huma Abedin, and Rep. Anthony Weiner weren't hiding their «friendship» — they were standing side - by - side and whispering to each other not far from where Clinton was seated.
Clegg keeps biting his lips and whispering to Danny Alexander.
'» Gasparino added, «[H] e really looked creepy whispering to. . .
I remember whispering to Nova, in between the low, steady moans, that I was intimidated by the pain.
Her eyes sparkle as she eagerly outlines the scene: canoeing, the ropes course, bonding with the counselors, whispering to her cabinmates after dark.
Her voice has been called «whispering to the soul».
My baby sleeps later than my toddler in the mornings, so after she's nursed for a while, we «hide out» under the blankets in bed, cuddling together, whispering to each other so as not to wake our little sister up.
When I'm frustrated and whispering to my son with my jaw clenched and anger in my voice.
Keep your tone of voice lively and vary your volume from whispering to loud excitement to keep your baby's attention.
Next time something inside you is whispering to you about getting a bag of Doritos, consider these healthy substitutes instead.
I remember whispering to my husband that I was too tired to deliver this baby, too tired to push, too tired to do anything.
Later she felt God's spirit whispering to her that two would be due.
It looked as though the match would then peter out into the interval until Costa provoked Gabriel, walking behind him and whispering to him, causing the defender to lash out slightly with his foot.
The binge will cease, and there you'll be, sitting with bloodshot eyes in a chair and whispering to yourself, «My god, I'm really about to watch the Senior Bowl.»
They're all quietly whispering to me, just one click away.
To some of them, it is the devil — patient, persistent, seducing them every four years with images of others bending to receive medals as the flags go up and the anthems play and the throats tremble, whispering to them to sell their souls for a piece of silver, waiting for them to weaken.
Jesus may also know when it is God who speaks to him through scripture - and when it is the devil who is whispering to him in scriptural words.
Yeah, that same voice keeps «whispering to my heart» but it always says stuff like «kill john lennon» and «shoot up a post office»...
Would it not make sense to assume that God was whispering to them as well, and that some of their legends, myths, and religious writings are based on what God was whispering to them?
The Bible is inspired in that it reveals what God was whispering to people who wrote Scripture, and to people in other parts of the world who were also responding to the revelation which they had received from God (whether it be through creation or conscience).
In other words, since Moses began writing the Pentateuch (Genesis — Deuteronomy) around 1400 B.C. and since the last book of the Bible was written around 400 B.C., are we to believe that throughout all history and around the entire world, God was only whispering to a select few individuals for only a few brief centuries?
There is a huge difference between people hearing what the Spirit is whispering to people all around the world, and writing inerrant Scripture.
There is a huge difference between people hearing what the Spirit is whispering to people all around the world on the one hand, and writing inerrant Scripture on the other.
At the second opening, these words: «You the talkative I have loved, saying, «Life hath much to say»; and you the dumb I have loved, whispering to myself, «Says he not in silence what I would fain hear in words?
I will try to believe what some have been whispering to me, that «animals talk» and that the Lion is not going to eat me.
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