Sentences with phrase «whistleblower claim brought against»

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Actually, under this new act, which is being referred to as FERA, the AG, a local government, or a whistleblower to bring a lawsuit against any party who makes or uses a false or fraudulent claim, record or statement to obtain government funds.
Cases involving Medicare fraud, defense contractor fraud and other types of fraud against the federal government and states brought under the False Claims Act and similar state whistleblower laws.
Similarly, in state court Mr. del Russo has defended clients against claims brought under the Florida Civil Rights Act, the Florida Whistleblower act, the workers compensation retaliation statute, and related retaliation and tort law claims.
In addition to defending against employees» claims of sexual harassment and all forms of discrimination, including gender, race, and sexual orientation, BHPK attorneys have also successfully represented employers in claims brought by their employees for wrongful termination, whistleblower claims, contract disputes, and issues arising out of alleged violations of The Family and Medical Leave Act.
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