Sentences with phrase «white adipocytes»

«We have investigated how the genome of white adipocytes is reprogrammed during browning using advanced genome sequencing technologies.
We stimulated browning in human white adipocytes by a drug used to treat type II diabetes and compared white and «brite» fat cells.
Whilst white adipocytes store calories, brown adipocytes help you to burn fat for energy, as they contain large amounts of specialist adipocyte - busting cells called mitochondria.
The study indicated that about 30 percent of cells that appear to be white adipocytes before cold stress can rapidly turn on the brown adipocyte program following cold stress.
The enzyme inhibits the expression of the genes which contain the information for white adipocytes.
White adipocytes merely store fat, growing larger due to excessive calories.
Curcumin induces brown fat - like phenotype in 3T3 - L1 and primary white adipocytes.
Recently, browning of white adipocytes * 7 has been shown, where the resultant «beige adipocytes» possesses similar characteristics of brown adipocytes.
White adipocytes are mainly located in the abdominal and subcutaneous areas of the body and highly adapted to store excess energy.
White adipocytes are mainly located in the abdominal and subcutaneous areas of the body and highly adapted to store excess energy.
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