Sentences with phrase «white citizens»

This article is evidence that illegal immigrants are probably smarter than conservative white citizens.
I paired the top with white Citizens of Humanity jeans.
The Ku Klux Klan and White Citizens Councils did their dirty work unhindered by police restraint.
Most of the good jobs were held by White citizens while the Blacks worked as domestic servants and farm hands.
On one occasion, the good white citizens even played kick - ball with the head of a decapitated African - American.
A few months after Rosa Parks refused to leave her seat in the «white» section of the bus, editor Harold Fey traveled to Nashville, Jackson and Tuscaloosa, where he encountered firsthand the emerging White Citizens Councils, and then reached Montgomery, where he provided an account of the bus boycott for Century readers.
Affluent, white citizens who were already more likely to vote do so in significantly greater numbers after their local schools are labeled «failing.»
In the late 60's and 70's, Atlanta saw what is called «White Flight,» where white citizens living inside the city limits began to leave as Black and other minority groups became homeowners in the city.
Greenville caught the attention of the Coleman Report researchers in 1965 when its school board defied Mississippi's segregationist governor, Paul T. Johnson, and the obstructionist White Citizens» Councils to submit its own freedom of choice plan to the U.S. Department of Education.
Many lynchings took place in the light of day, and often a town's most well - regarded white citizens were involved.
In this example, white citizens based their decision about where to live on the school districts that served the area, using test scores to select school districts in which they wanted their children, and therefore which neighborhoods to which they wanted to move.
Reconstruction failed to exist when southern white citizens & authorities chose to ignore the laws and instead instituted the Jim Crow laws that to all intents and purposes kept the uneducated former slaves in bondage to white landowners.
It garnered the support of many including white citizens.
In addition, the Civil Rights Act of 1866 provides that all U.S. citizens have the same rights as white citizens to «inherit, purchase, sell, hold, and convey real and personal property.»
White Citizens Councils in the South used the Bible to defend segregation, too.
What if every white citizen with excess capital pledged some of that capital towards African Americans?
While southern legislative halls ring with open defiance through «interposition» and «nullification,» while a modern version of the Ku Klux Klan has arisen in the form of «respectable» white citizens» councils, a revolutionary change has taken place in the Negro's conception of his own nature and destiny.
Evers was assassinated by Byron De La Beckwith, a member of the White Citizens» Council.
The vitality of the Ku Klux Klan in the Twin Cities did not render every white citizen a bigot, of course, but it did reflect sympathy among a segment of the population.
Apartheid era South Africa and the American Confederate are both democracies (although only for their white citizens), and albeit Soviet Russia was not very democratic in practice, democracy was its main source of legitimacy.
However, at a time and place when black and white citizens were not allowed to use the same drinking fountains, Temple's decision raises more than a few eyebrows, and the Rayburn household soon becomes the center of a local political firestorm.
It's been endorsed by the White Citizens» Council.
Don't we have an administration that does not see its black citizens as having the same equal rights that its white citizens do?
The researchers found that citizens who are less educated, of lower income, or minority are no less able than better - educated, higher - income, or white citizens to evaluate the schools on the basis of student achievement.
Have students read and discuss the excerpts from David Halberstam's The White Citizens Councils and Robert Penn Warren's Segregation: The Inner Conflict in the South to provide historical context for the character of Atticus in Watchman.
In the early to mid 80's Atlanta experienced what some cities call white flight; when masses of white citizens / upper class citizens relocate from a particular community.
The nine million white citizens and four million former slaves who lived in the former Confederacy faced a grim future.
The deaths of Edwards, Knox, and Daniel seemed to whet the appetite for more violence from the white citizens of Forsyth County.
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