Sentences with phrase «white fat»

A more recent study found that cold applied to human neck fat initiated the conversion [21] of white fat cells into brown ones.
Furthermore, he demonstrated that a class of drugs often used in the treatment of diabetes also reduces the harmful effects of white fat cells on bones.
In an ideal world, there'd simply be a switch one could flip to convert white fat into brown and obesity would eventually become a thing of the past.
As toxins are known to deposit in white fat cells, this action greatly boosts toxin elimination.
Other research groups are also generating promising results through the use of drugs to convert white fat cells into brown fat and through discoveries of the pathways and hormones that control brown fat metabolism.
Unlike energy - storing white fat, brown fat burns energy to generate heat, which can help maintain body weight and prevent obesity in rodents.
The ultimate aim, he said, is the creation of drugs to turn white fat into brown fat through brown fat recruitment.
When rodents are exposed to cold temperatures, they can convert white fat deposits to beige fat.
The more obese you are, the less brown fat and the more white fat you have.
Additionally, cold water activates the brown fat, which boosts the metabolism and burns white fat.
Babies are born with predominantly brown fat; as humans get older, more and more of the brown fat is replaced by white fat.
While white fat does not share this ability, it can play a role in burning calories when it takes on some brown fat characteristics.
After birth, your baby won't have much white fat to retain his or her body heat.
Another cell, called a beige fat cell, is an energy - burning cell that comes from the same precursor cell as white fat cells.
«Love handles» in particular contain troublesome white fat cells which store excess food.
In the study, mice were given food until they became obese, and were then fed the drug, which increases the cellular metabolism of obesity - linked white fat cells.
The roast should have a moderately thick layer of white fat over the meat.
But since white fat cells have very few nerves, how do beige fat cells get the message that it's cold outside?
More beige fat cells and fewer white fat cells could reduce the symptoms or negative health outcomes of metabolic diseases like diabetes, obesity.
Too many enlarged white fat cells lead to obesity and diabetes.
They are more closely related to muscle than they are to the usual white fat you want to get rid of.
While they make up only 1 percent of total body fat, they help burn fat in the major white fat storage areas of the belly, hips, and everywhere else.
One animal study demonstrated that the addition of cinnamon to the diet improved insulin sensitivity and reduced accumulation of dangerous visceral white fat.
Various studies in mice have shown that weight loss is aided by the conversion of cells — specifically white fat cells to brown cells.
As some of my friends would say... just an «old white fat man».
We originally planned to stay here overnight, but as the night took over, white fat sand flies started coming out.
Researchers have discovered that besides coconut oil not increasing body fat, it in fact produces a reduction in white fat stores.
Most fat is energy - storing white fat, however, even small amounts of brown fat can help induce weight loss through an increase in energy expenditure.
Turning white fat into brown fat is a very exciting new approach to developing weight loss agents.
His findings on the role of white fat in bone also have important implications.
This led in the former to a conversion of white fat into energy - burning brown fat, and in the latter to an enhancement of their anti-inflammatory properties.
While white fat is the kind that you see on your waistline, thighs and other parts of the body, brown fat is hidden from view.
Since toxins are known to live in white fat cells, this action is believed to effectively boost toxin elimination.
Exposure to cold temperatures can convert white fat tissue from the thighs and belly to beige fat that burns calories for heat, but this biological response is hampered in obese people, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
Exercise, however, seems to transform white fat into beige fat — a middle ground between white and brown.
Detection of this CD29 marker eventually may help in selecting white fat precursor cells that can be transformed for obesity treatments, Dr. Tseng comments.
Added to this is the fact that white fat also damages the hematopoietic stem cells of bone marrow which could results in reduced blood cell formation in bone with excess fatty infiltration.
Schulz showed how stem cells produce white and brown fat and how white fat harms bone health in old age.
Vegetable shortening is a solid white fat made from vegetable oils, and it's super common in the U.S. — not that that helps you!
For the first time, a research team, led by a UC San Francisco biologist, has isolated energy - burning «beige» fat from adult humans, which is known to be able to convert unhealthy white fat into healthy brown fat.
The scientists discovered that when cBAT is deficient, cBAT cells send a signal through the sympathetic nervous system to increase production of rBAT within white fat.
In the laboratory, irisin and FGF21 turn human white fat cells into brown fat cells over a period of six days.
Research has shown that not only does coconut oil not increase body fat, it also reduces white fat stores.
They discovered a protein called Casein Kinase 2 (CK2), which appears to be responsible for preventing white fat from burning energy for heat in cold conditions.
Brown fat is different than the more commonly known white fat, which stores energy.
For a long time, scientists have dreamt of converting undesirable white fat cells into brown fat cells and thus simply have excess pounds melt away.
Prof. Dr. Alexander Pfeifer from the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Bonn has spent years researching how harmful white fat cells can be converted into desirable brown fat cells.
Pear shaped bodies tend to store white fat around the butt and thighs, and less around the middle.
PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University scientists have shown that berries, grapes and other fruits convert excess white fat into calorie - burning beige fat, providing new strategies for the prevention and treatment of obesity.

Phrases with «white fat»

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