Sentences with phrase «white flour pasta»

I used whole wheat pasta instead of white flour pasta.
I've made regular white flour pasta, light wheat, and vegan white.
Its nutrition profile is far more impressive than the spaghetti that comes from white flour pasta.
For the longest time we ate the regular store bought white flour pasta.
Your red lentil rotini is now my favorite pasta — beating out red adzuki bean and brown rice pasta for flavor, and ordinary whole wheat or white flour pasta by a mile, gluten allergies aside!
It's been a while since I've eaten white flour pasta, but I honestly don't think I'd be able to tell the difference between the Ancient Grains Penne Pasta and that.
In other words, if the choice is between a home cooked meal of white flour pasta spaghetti and meatballs and a fast food meal, I'd much rather folks were eating the former.
Thereafter, the white flour biscuits and white flour pasta macaroni and cheese (along with, presumably, other white - flour foods) will be returning to Haywood County lunch trays.
Your red lentil rotini is now my favorite pasta — beating out red adzuki bean and brown rice pasta for flavor, and ordinary whole wheat or white flour pasta by a mile, gluten allergies aside!
Normally I cook with whole wheat pasta, which tends to be a bit firmer and grainier than white flour pasta.
I found quinoa pasta not too long ago and think I like that better than white flour pasta.
We are phasing out all white flour pastas and have found multi grain or whole wheat replacements for lasagna, spaghetti and fettuccine.
Apparently she doesn't care for many of the meals served there, and has proven conclusively for medical science that a growing child can survive for three weeks eating nothing but Froot Loops, white flour pasta, and Popsicles.
I have done much reading and from it all; it seems the healthiest way is to get rid of the white flour bread, white flour pasta, sugar, soda, potato chips, white rice, sugary juice; and consume lots of leafy greens, sweet potatoes, pistachios, creamy unsweetened peanut butter, whole grains, whole fruit, unsweetened coconut milk (which is so GOOD!)
Even if you eat 2000 calories or less a day you can still gain weight if the calories are white foods (sugar, white rice, white flour pasta, white potatoes, white bread).
If you eat too many carbohydrates, usually in the form of white foods (sugar, white rice, white flour pasta, white bread), you will be trapped in the blood sugar spikes and dips cycle.
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