Sentences with phrase «white kind of»

«I'm a black - and - white kind of person.
I'm a white kind of girl too, but I have to say that this dress seriously looks stunning on you!
I was happy to first grab it in white because to me a white kind of slouchy top like this totally reads off - duty super model.

Not exact matches

You can never be sure how much weight to put on this kind of talk from a White House that is on its way to forcing dictionaries to rewrite their definitions of «bluster.»
The star - studded dinner honoring the White House press corps was a source of worry, because as White House advisor Kellyanne Conway allegedly said, Trump is not funny «in that kind of humorous way.»
«In addition to moving it the cost of any kind of repairs and renovation required that it be done to historic guidelines,» White said.
Though he hopes to become what his father calls «the white Will Smith,» Paul has yet to find his breakout starring role, though he does know what kind of work he'd like to be doing.
Ashley Stoney is the kind of black, millennial woman who thrives in corporate America: Educated, over-prepared, focused on achievement, comfortable in majority white environments.
«Now we're looking for a new kind of personal workplace beyond the white - collar environment,» he says.
«And I think what we're seeing from this White House is they're kind of all over the place.
Early on in her tenure at the White House, Knight reportedly butt heads with Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin over what kind of tax structure that US should have.
PayPal is giving Startup Blueprint companies the star treatment, including «the kind of «white glove» support large companies like British Airways get, offering them a named, local contact at PayPal who will manage their account and help with their business models, plus access to startup mentors and evangelists,» John Lunn, global director of PayPal's developer network, told the Guardian.
But the White House has repeatedly undermined its own legal case, including by intimating that the tariffs would be lorded over Canada and Mexico as some kind of negotiating tool to extract NAFTA concessions.
We don't need M&A to deliver our growth and we are very much focused on our strategy of driving growth by accelerating our core products, by continuing to expand into white spaces like chocolate in China, chocolate here in the US, and continuing to expand our position in all kind of — all retail channels including e-commerce.
There is simply no place in our society for racism of any kind, white supremacy, or Neo-Nazism.
The White House is now clearly avoiding that kind of talk:» We will have ongoing discussions with Canada and Mexico,» a senior White House official said in a pre-announcement briefing.»
Once upon a time, many health proponents (including Dr. Oz) claimed that you should swap your sugar for agave since it has a low - glycemic index and doesn't lead to the kind of impromptu spikes in blood sugar (a.k.a. glucose) linked with plain old white sugar.
The timeline for any kind of very big tax bill looks incredibly ambitious and difficult to navigate, Politico's Ben White says.
The event at the Trump International Hotel, just down Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House, raised $ 10 million to be divided between Trump and the party, the kind of bounty usually reserved for the final months before an election.
«And when the president gets into the kind of controversy he does, and the U.N. committee responds the way it does, they begin to doubt whether we are living those values,» Wallace said, referring to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination's criticism of the United States government's failure to adequately condemn white supremacists and the events in Charlottesville.
«We actually document in our research paper that there has been a major transition from more technical white papers to the kind of white papers that look a lot more like sales pitches,» Catalini told The Verge.
Nobody with this kind of exposure to blackmail or manipulation by special interests or foreign intelligence agencies would be able to get a high - end security clearance, and, traditionally, at least, that would have made someone ineligible for a high - level White House position.
Lunn said: «We're also offering startups the kind of «white glove» support large companies like British Airways get, offering them a named, local contact at PayPal who will manage their account and help with their business models, plus access to startup mentors and evangelists.»
Until the word came down from the White House to lay off that kind of talk which just made Mitch McConnell unhappy.
Top Canadian officials have also warned the White House against this kind of maneuver.
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«This is the kind of tax reform and tax cuts that get our economy growing to reach its potential,» House Speaker Paul Ryan said when celebrating the law's passage at an event on the White House lawn in December.
Trump's tariff announcement and Cohn's subsequent departure represent a kind of double victory for Navarro, as well as others in the White House advocating for erecting big trade barriers around the US economy.
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
Will there be a glory hole separating the two genders, kind of like in the whole white sheet thing?
Perhaps the White Rose, in the limited space available in their leaflets, could do no more than raise the basic point that the Nazi policy of extermination of the Jews was of a different kind altogether from the earlier anti-Semitism, which for all its enormities would never have suggested that the solution to the so - called «Jewish problem in Europe» should be mass murder.
On CNN, Jeff Zeleny described it as a «White America, America First kind of speech.»
Kind of like is the new godzilla they same monster as the old black and white movies showed?
If so, it may be past time for a reality check as he's operating like just another Old Kind of (White Male) Christian.
The opposite of faith is not doubt but certitude — the kind of black and white fundamentalism that is the bane of many of our world's religions.
Writing in the Washington Post, Michael Horton has offered a concise but compelling historical account and theological critique of the kind of religion White represents.
In fact, I studied Physics and I am inclined to think that we all want to believe in the big bang becasue it is simple and it conjures up all kinds of imaginary causes such as a creative old man with a long white beard floating out in vast void in need of excitement.
Carter then used — more in sorrow than in anger — the perennial resort of the exclusive Club of Presidents: «This is the kind of question that has to be faced by any president when someone leaves the White House.
Players must answer the question or complete the statement by using white cards printed with answers that have to do primarily with unusual kinds of sex, excrement and bodily fluids, and popular culture.
A more interesting part of this is found in the survey cited in the article: the first choice of white evangelicals for avoiding this kind of event is teaching more morality and god.
Poor Rush thought that Jesus was some kind of white skinned capitalist entrepreneur, and has just found out that Jesus was a middle eastern dark skinned hippie socialist!
But I keep letting longer weeks between colouring it again because I kind of like the grey and white strands peeking through at my temples.
It's not a black and white thing, which is kind of my point.
Having that «kind» of religion in the White House is beyond disturbing, and yea, it doesn't fit.
After nearly 10 years and who knows how many millions or maybe even billions spent I kind of liked the thought of the wrapped in bacon and hanging from flag pole at White House idea.
I have been pulled out of a line once by the TSA, and I am white / blonde hair / blue eyed, with -0 - record of «any» kind.
I also noted how attractive it was to see those white - habited Dominican friars with banjos on subways as a kind of counter-sign of pilgrim joy amidst the world.
The scientist Lynn White, for example, has stressed the connection of this idea to the kind of values that have led to our despoliation of the environment.
... And what kind of posture and partnering do you desire from would - be allies and white Christians, and how can we avoid white saviorism?
Forging this kind of relationship created such a sense of trust that when the white police officer who trained me killed a young African - American male in an incident that was ruled to be a justifiable shooting in the mid 90s, there was no finger - pointing between the African - American community and the police department.
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