Sentences with phrase «white middle class voters»

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As a middle - class white volunteer at work on black voter registration in the Deep South, I rode along a highway one day in a car with three young black men.
We can choose now to retreat once again into those echo chambers or begin to listen more attentively to one another — to love our neighbors by learning about them and their needs and perspectives whether black, white, Asian, or Latino / a; whether Christian, Muslim, or none; whether upper, middle, or working class; whether voter or one of the nearly half of eligible voters that sat out this election.
Research conducted by academics Robert Ford and Matthew Goodwin shows that the average UKIP voter is white, male, middle - aged and working - class.
The aspirational voters of suburban England — middle - class seats with falling unemployment and rising incomes — swung behind the Cameron - Osborne «long - term economic plan», while Ukip surged in seats with large concentrations of poorer, white working - class English nationalists, many of whom sympathised with Labour's economic message but not the people delivering it.
«White ethnics, middle class voters, independents — the real heart of the Bloomberg and Giuliani days — either didn't vote for him or did because de Blasio's rivals were so uninspiring or they were tired of Bloomberg,» said Dan Gerstein, a political consultant and analyst.
But if the loudest and most active (read: white upper - middle - class suburban) parents think standardized tests are just an annual annoyance, if these parents and other activist voters choose to disbelieve the results in the fact - free era of modern political discourse, then accountability will be diluted down to the posting of test results and the annual finger wagging of the local news media.
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