Sentences with phrase «white piece of»

When decorating, we always recommend testing colour by painting it on to a white piece of card and holding it up against the wall you are decorating, at different times of the day.
Right now every white piece of furniture in my house is kind of blue.
These organizations DO N'T want your boring resume on a white piece of paper.
You no longer have to cram your experience and expertise onto a plain white piece of paper... ``
You may want to tweak it in GIMP so it has a transparent background, or just make sure you sign a white piece of paper and that the background is entirely white.
You could also hang a white cloth or a white piece of paper outside your driver's side window.
And even if you do get your resume in front of a real human being, all they see is a white piece of paper with the same margins and fonts as everyone else.
The flip - up piece is a mirror that projects the image onto the desk surface; usually you would use a white piece of paper on the desk as a screen.
Tweets calling a TTC employee a «fucking faggot», «brown son of a gun of a driver», or «bald white piece of shit fuck», clearly fall into that category, as do a number of others included in the Tab 1 «Derogatory Language» section of the exhibit.
Hammons made the piece repeatedly bouncing a basketball against a white piece of paper.
That changed in 2013 when artist Matt Hebert used an excerpt of one of Allen's books in a piece of his own, copying onto a white piece of wood in cut - out black letters:
In this lesson we use a Sharpie, oil pastels, and a white piece of paper from our printer.
You'll need something to draw with, white piece of paper, and oil pastels.
Woodman's experimentation with media evolved in this period of time to include videos which portray a similar sensibility to her still works — during several minutes of raw footage, we see her strategically tearing a white piece of craft paper to eventually reveal her naked body.
Grab a white piece of paper and black marker, click the video, and follow along.
Have your cat stand on a white sheet or a white piece of paper and rub your cat vigorously.
Cheaper White Boards: At your local home improvement store, buy a large, plain white piece of the material used for shower walls.
I love white clothes, but I'm also scared that I will spill something on a white piece of clothing when I wear it.
That was also very hard for us because we had to really start from a blank, white piece of paper.
They make such a beautiful statement in any room and you can not go wrong with a white piece of ironstone and pretty flowers.
Hold a white piece of paper up to your face.
If they have difficulty, they can try holding a white piece of paper near the skin.
Savoring these last long days of Summer with plans to wear every chic white piece of clothing I own before Labor...
«I'm looking out of my window right now, and it is like looking on a white piece of paper,» she writes in an email.
If you cut the cap off, put it on a white piece of paper and let it sit overnight.
You may want to consider asking your nurse to put the footprints onto a plain white piece of paper if they are uncomfortable with putting the prints right into the book.
I left a little air in the bag so that the leaves could shift around., If, like us, your floor is similar in color to the leaves, just slide a white piece of paper into the bag underneath the leaves to add contrast.
It was winter so we decided to give him a «snowball», which was a white piece of paper cut into a circle, and we would write his good deed on the snowball and then tape them up on the wall so he built a wall of snowballs.
The stars have a red or white piece of yarn attached for hanging.
For example, give your child a handful of goldfish crackers, and draw a picture of a fishbowl on a white piece of paper.
He can be just a piece of sh*t, he doesn't have to be a white piece of siht, or any other color piece of shot.
Tape your design over a blank white piece of paper.
Chalk white pieces of candy that keep you from thinking for awhile.
Add the mushrooms and the white pieces of green onions and cook until begins to soften, about 5 minutes.
The white pieces of paper were in the low hundreds, and after the game on AFTV it showed any who had them were holding handfuls of them.
Shred white pieces of paper to make these winter penguins.
Big huge white pieces of skin that almost look like mini shower caps..
Combining two or three white pieces of clothing can create the most trendy day time look and actually makes you glow.
I actually got a nice tan while I was down there, which was perfect since I wanted to wear some of my white pieces of clothing that I packed.
A lot of bloggers have these beautiful white pieces of luggage.
You could slip small white pieces of cardstock into the slits on the bigger chalkboard turkey and have everyone write down something they are thankful for before or after dinner.
If you see small white pieces of what looks like rice or sesame seeds in their waste, bedding, or even around their anus — call your veterinarian and get it treated as soon as possible.
Most pet owners make the mistake of posting flyers (8 1/2» x 11» white pieces of paper) instead of posters.
The metal chassis is sandwiched between two white pieces of Gorilla Glass, and like the S5.5, it has a truly premium feel.
I have several white pieces of furniture at my house, my parents have them at our beach house and have had a white coverlet on my bed for like a decade so I am all for the love for white, but it is just a fact.

Not exact matches

«We don't know exactly what McGahn said, but the mere fact that he put a stop to that letter is another piece of evidence that Mueller could use to say, «Donald Trump was warned by the White House counsel that this was a problematic step and decided to do it anyway,»» former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti told Business Insider in September.
Say you've produced a «pot roast» piece of content — a weighty, meaty asset like an e-book or white paper that you'd like users to download, perhaps in exchange for their email address.
Not to be outdone, my current pastor (who is white, by the way, but pastors a very diverse congregation) recently did a cooking demo onstage and had a few of the thousand people in the sanctuary come up to get their piece of the hero sandwich he'd constructed.
There are no black and white rules as to whether or not you should get a particular piece of intellectual property patented.
I found his piece on the economic history of the black / white wage gap to be an essential read.
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