Sentences with phrase «white years ago»

I added a pair of antlers I painted white and gold last year, a brass ram I bartered with Sarah for, a thrifted squirrel and tree vase I painted white years ago, feathers, a brass candlestick, and a little white pumpkin.
I painted it white a year ago and cleaned up the original brass hardware.

Not exact matches

April 30 - Whiting Petroleum Corp reported first - quarter profit on Monday compared with a year - ago loss as the U.S. oil producer benefited from higher oil prices and lower costs.
April 30 (Reuters)- Whiting Petroleum Corp reported first - quarter profit on Monday compared with a year - ago loss as the U.S. oil producer benefited from higher oil prices and lower costs.
Barry Callebaut, which works behind the scenes to produce chocolate sold by all the major producers including Hershey (hsy) and Cadbury, chose to introduce the product through Nestle, which invented white chocolate more than 80 years ago.
He was addressing an intimate crowd at the StartUp Health Café in San Francisco about the White House Cancer Moonshot — the widely praised initiative he had begun leading just a year ago and that, only days from now, was slated to lose its potent «White House» prefix — when he began talking about his eldest son.
A social - media white paper I wrote five years ago still ranks # 1 on Google and Bing in searches for «social media white paper.»
One year ago this week Airbnb, Lyft, Medium, Box, GitHub, Intel, Pinterest, Spotify and other technology companies came together to make a pledge to the White House that they would work to ensure their employees better reflect the makeup of the United States workforce.
Just over a year ago, a puff of white smoke announced the new spiritual leader of 1.2 billion Roman Catholics around the world.
Relations between the U.S. and its closest ally have been repeatedly strained since Trump took office a year ago and U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May became the first foreign leader to meet him at the White House.
About eight years ago, just as he was running a white - hot chain called Dylan's Candy Bar (his co-founder was Dylan Lauren, Ralph's daughter), Rubin realized that much of his work — the kaleidoscopic displays, the lollipop lamps, the peppermint - patterned barstools — mattered not a whit to his target audience.
A few years ago, Michael Pryor watched a software team collaborate on a white board, with sticky notes.
Additionally, Spotify removed several white supremacist acts that had been flagged as «hate bands» by the Southern Poverty Law Center three years ago.
Dell has its own white box business, and two years ago, a pre-split Hewlett - Packard signed Foxconn, the Chinese manufacturer most famous for building Apple's (aapl) to make cloud servers for it to re-sell.
It sells billions of dollars in food and beverages that years ago would have been considered gourmet but are now mainstays of the U.S. diet, such as craft beers and white - cheese popcorn.
Luckey first met the alt - right provocateur in Los Angeles about a year and a half ago, before Yiannopoulos began working on a charity to send white men to college.
When James Whitely started garden furniture maker White Stores from his Essex home seven years ago, he was not able to handle the overhead and expenses of fulfilling orders himself.
There were also concerns about reactions across the Atlantic, after a senior White House official accused London of «constant accommodation» towards China, three years ago.
In Dallas, the suburban market occupancy level climbed to about 91 percent from 86 percent a few years ago and 82 percent in 1990, says Cheri White, CCIM, senior vice president of Davidson Conine Realty Advisors, Inc., in Dallas.
When you read news sites like Search Engine Land and Search Engine Roundtable and see penalties handed out left & right for things that seemed generally white hat just a few years ago, you can't help but think «maybe what I've thought for so long that's completely white hat is targeted next?»
The annual bacchanal of self - importance and self - righteous celebration that is the White House Correspondents Association Dinner should have been laid to rest years ago.
Jayson White, Executive Director of Adaptive Office Resources, likened coworking's opportunity to that of city libraries 100 years ago.
Net losses were down by about 60 % from year - ago levels, and even though production was down slightly from the third quarter of 2016, Whiting managed to make considerable progress even with sales of assets that had contributed substantially to production in last year's results.
With all due respect to Ohio Republicans and their collective affection for the late William McKinley, whose second term in the White House was cut short 114 years ago by an anarchist's bullets, the most important event of President Barack Obama's trip to...
William White, President of DuPont Canada, has held a variety of global business unit leadership roles since he joined DuPont Company 33 years ago, including DuPont Titanium Technologies, DuPont Chemical Solutions Enterprise and DuPont Safety Resources.
Larry White, who drew attention to Hayek's anti free - banking stance some years ago in a History of Political Economy article entitled, «Why Didn't Hayek Favor Laissez Faire in Banking?
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
I still wonder how he got away with calling everybody in the White House crooks a few years ago.
Also, the idea that a guy from the middle east living in the middle east was white 2,000 years ago is down right laughable!!
How come 200 years ago, I, as a white male land owner, had a right to vote — a right apparently granted by your god.
«More than 2,000 years ago, a child was born to two faithful travelers who could find rest only in a stable, among the cattle and the sheep,» Obama said at the tree lighting ceremony, a longstanding White House tradition.
I recently listened to a debate from several years ago between Bob Wilkin and James White.
Saying a person from the middle east 2000 years ago is white, is just plain ignorant.
According to Rah, «fifty years ago, if you were asked to describe a typical Christian in the world, you could confidently assert that person to be an upper middle - class, white male, living in an affluent and comfortable Midwest suburb.
No one in the middle east who has DNA of ancestors who lived as Jews 2000 years ago is white.
Jackson faces the elephants in the room of whites and blacks having deep, meaningful relationships very quickly, especially in book two when one of the White main character's husband, Denny, is mistaken by, MaDea, an aging African American woman who is suffering from dementia, as one of the men who brutally lynched her brother nearly 70 years ago.
However, white evangelicals (89 %) and black Protestants (84 %) buck the trend, and are actually more likely to want a candidate that shares their faith than they did four years ago.
Approximately 150 years ago in the United States, some Christian teaching held that there was a two-fold moral order: black and white.
If I decided the World started 4,000 years ago with one man, one woman and a dancing bear, people would rightly consider me a fool, but give me a white collar and black robes and change it to 6,000 years, one man, one woman and a talking snake, and all of a sudden I'm believed without question.
Fifty years ago almost all seminarians in North America where white young men.
(I was a philosophy major, and a huge pure white Samoyed adopted us years ago we called Sophie.
's debut, 10 years ago now, was as unassuming and docile as our first impression of Walter White.
He had full white hair and trim features; one imagined him as a sweet - faced, athletic lad 60 years ago when he was growing up in the Punjab, the son of missionary parents, and when he joined the mission himself in 1944.
It sure seems like they have never forgiven our white ancestors for what they did a 150 years ago... just saying!
Black people are still blaming white people for things that happened 300 years ago.
Some years ago in Montreal I heard James Cone speak about his «white» education in a similar vein.
However, I do have to say the idea that anyone native born in the Middle East 2000 years ago was white, is truly bizarre.
Just over five years ago I stood on the stage of a dimly lit chapel waiting for my very best friend, dressed in white, to come stand beside me as...
Santa Claus is part of a Indocrination program that has been on - going from 500 years ago to maintain the status quo of white supremacy, people grow up totally conflicted when they realize their hard earned dollars is the real Santa claus that they willingly spend and too their kids continue to support the Lie.
years ago two preachers (one was a black man and the other was white) were arguing about what color God was....
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