Sentences with phrase «who accept some form»

Of the 54 % of Americans who accept some form of evolutionary change, 7 in 10 (a total of 38 %), are theistic evolutionists, believing that God guided the evolutionary process.»

Not exact matches

Seventy - two percent of small - business owners who took part in the survey say they prefer to accept cash or checks as a form of payment over credit cards.
Lynda had sued a doctor who treated her husband and accepted a $ 175,000 insurance settlement, though some of that went to legal expenses and a judge awarded the rest to the two boys in the form of an annual payment.
Bitcoins are growing in popularity, and although they were largely used by speculators who were looking at it as a way to make money by buying bitcoins at lower prices and selling them at higher prices (much like trading foreign exchange or forex), there is a growing trend of businesses accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment.
If you're unemployed, many lenders accept applicants who receive government benefits as a form of income, but you'll still need to demonstrate you can afford to repay the loan while on those benefits.
Well, yeah... and I mean if what someone is really trying to achieve with this is to reduce practices that in any way, shape or form could indicate that someone bears them or their faith ill will... I don't think publicly humiliating people who would take the time to look up your dead ancestor's name and then take the time to drive to a temple and then get immersed in water on their behalf so that they (by their belief) have the option to accept your religion post mortem is really misguided and contrary to the spirit of freedom of religion in what it advocates.
Others think that the church should teach monogamy as the preferred form of marriage relationship but should accept those who practice polygamy.
As one who accepted the strange vocation of being an apocalyptic seer, Blake was not in quest of a hidden but ancient mythical form; instead, he was engaged in a desperate search for a new mythical «system» by which he might record the dawning of a final movement of redemption in the arena of our totally fallen history.
The church recalled it, from the beginning, in dramatic action; and in this it was wise, or fortunate, for a doctrine of «representation,» or «corporate personality,» may well appear abstruse; but those who share the broken bread in Christian fellowship know in themselves what it means, whether or not they could form, or accept, any particular theory about it.
Those who accept his kingdom «like a child» enter in, and so by act of God himself, which is especially exhibited in the forgiveness of sins, his people is formed within the old Israel, ready to emerge in due time.
Those who accept traditional physics and thermodynamics look upon this sort of dividing as «releasing energy», although they are using the term «energy» equivocally here, in my» view, since in part they mean «matter» (the energy» retained in the parts), and in part they» mean the difference between the energy required to maintain the integrity of the form (or «system») before it was divided, and the energy left in the parts.
Itself a potent example of the ambiguity of human association, the congregation nevertheless dares to accept its designation as the body of Christ and the household of God, proclaiming in its acceptance the incarnate nature of its God who took on servant form.
The ecumenical councils later achieved the only true form of Christian teaching only by declaring to be heretical all who failed to accept their definitions.
If the majority of society put half of the effort into developing their intellect and forming their own beliefs that many put into living a life controlled by what any random man who claims they are spreading God's message, perhaps people would actually come to their own conclusions rather than simply accepting the ones presented to them as the one and only truth.
You may answer by saying «it's the moral think to do» but using «God» provides a nice quick and dirty shortcut... We just sometimes have to accept the good (getting these dimwits to do the right think) with the bad (religious fanatics who think the world was formed a little over 2000 years ago)...
Biological evolution is not only universally accepted by all scientists in some form or other, but it is part of the common knowledge of nearly everybody who has had a secondary school education.
(Against Tödt [Son of Man, pp. 224, 50], who accepts the saying as representing a warning by Jesus to «the present generation, [which] though living before the end, does not watch the signs of the times... in the way Noah did» [p. 50,] and Colpe [TWNT article, C I 3a], who can find no ground for rejecting the saying in its earliest form.
A player Mourinho may struggle to secure quite so much for is Spanish flop Fernando Torres who's form this term will leave Chelsea willing to accept as little as # 15m for a player they forked out # 50m for back in January 2011.
And, here's another idea: if you can not offer support, don't get in the way of the mother who accepts this support in the form of judging, shaming, or sharing stories of how you raised three kids without help.
They're particularly useful for babies who have problems accepting textured foods and are perfect for little ones who might refuse the ingredients in their «whole» form... but will slurp away happily when blended into a creamy (and hard to identify) consistency!
To sum up their piece, they say that their clients» messages ARE getting through, via web - form or fax if not directly through email (they tailor their system to connect via online form for those congressional offices who've stopped accepting direct emails).
I don't think plural voting would be considered a less democratic system, if we were able to come up with a balanced (or at least apparently balanced) and (mostly) frictionless way of determining who gets the extra votes, similarly to how forms of weighted voting are not generally considered undemocratic and are practised and widely accepted in several democratic countries and institutions.
It collects the contact information for the Democratic superdelegates, including web forms for those congressmembers who don't accept direct emails, with details being entered by volunteers.
Percoco is on trial on charges that he accepted over $ 300,000 in bribes, most of it in the form of a job for his wife, in return for help he provided three businessmen who are co-defendants with him.
Diplomatic immunity in the UK is conferred on all entitled members of a foreign mission (and entitled family members forming part of their household, provided they are not nationals of the UK) who have been notified to, and accepted by, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) as performing a diplomatic function.
Percoco is on trial in Manhattan federal court on charges that he accepted over $ 300,000 in bribes, most of it in the form of a job for his wife, in return for help he provided three businessmen who are co-defendants with him.
E.C officials will also not accept a situation where NDP leaders allegedly decided to sign on behalf of those from various regions who endorsed her forms but failed to append their signatures.
Silver, who is accused of accepting bribes in the form of legal fees, was the fourth speaker to enter into legal peril over the past 10 months.
Pearce is one of 29 Arizona legislators (20 Republicans and 9 Democrats) who accepted illegal gifts from the Fiesta Bowl in the form of all - expense paid trips and free football tickets.
Although the Greens, like UKIP, have no realistic prospect of forming a majority government in May, they have fallen into the trap of accepting the burden of proof expected of the main parties who do hope to.
Cuomo's 2016 - 17 budget proposal re-ups the $ 400 million TIF in the same form Skelos created it; his budget language was accepted by both Democrats who dominate the Assembly and Republicans who control the State Senate.
It is also on record to say that it was our own son Chief Tom Ikimi, who had the privilege of managing these four political parties without clear cut rules to get all of them to accept to come together to form a mega party.
Today soy protein isolate forms the basis of a $ 1.6 billion market of imitation foods — from tofu burgers to soy milk — purchased by consumers who have accepted the fallacy that traditional foods are bad for them and must be avoided.
In one case, however, she formed an intimate relationship with a girl somewhat younger than herself, and a very feminine personality, who accepted Miss B. Mar 29, 2017.
I a Pagan who accepts and does not judge any form of life.
A friendship with a mature and stable Catholic WOman who is well formed in hER faith, accepting of the church's teachings, and truly practices and lives hER faith.
I feel that it's definitely a form of racism being as we have mixed couples such as indian / white who are accepted with no problems.
Things go great the first few years, that is, until trouble arrives in the form of Whitey Marsh (Mickey Rooney), a street tough who's gangster brother pays to have accepted into the town.
But she forms a bond with Nate (Jay Pharaoh), who counsels her to accept that everyone in Highland Creek Behavioral Center is being milked for their insurance money.
The leader of that group is pure evil, but at least he has character, in the form of Darcy Banker (Patrick Stewart) who is accepted by the freaks who decorate their «concert hall» with a huge Confederate flag.
Do we need there to be some form of corruption in her past to accept her as someone who likes to get men off?
«The school formed the view that we could coach teachers to accept that they were actually great teachers... [who] were able to believe in their ability to make a huge difference individually and, more importantly, collectively.
It has long been accepted that there is a link between exercise, health and emotional positivity, but, of course, it has also been accepted that there are a number of children who dislike team sports and other structured forms of activity.
accepting service of the form petition and supporting papers on behalf of any school district employee or officer named as a party or the school district if it is named as a party or arranging for service by mail by mailing the form petition and supporting documents to any school district employee or officer named as a party and, if the school district is named as a party, to a person in the office of superintendent who has been designated by the board of education to accept service on behalf the school district;
providing the parent or guardian or unaccompanied youth with a signed and dated acknowledgment verifying that the local educational agency liaison has received the form petition and supporting documents and will either accept service of these documents on behalf of the school district employee or officer or school district or effect service by mail by mailing the form petition and supporting documents to any school district employee or officer named as a party and, if the school district is named as a party, to a person in the office of superintendent who has been designated by the board of education to accept service on behalf of the school district;
GPS is currently accepting interest forms for families who want to enroll for the 2018 - 19 school year.
Any person so employed on the basis of a written offer of a specific position by a duly authorized agent of the district school board for a stated term of service at a specified salary, and who accepted such offer by telegram or letter or by signing the regular contract form, who violates the terms of such contract or agreement by leaving his or her position without first being released from his or her contract or agreement by the district school board of the district in which the person is employed shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Education Practices Commission.
The fact that Achievement First (call it non profit, it is a private corporate - reform model of «school» — test prep factory Is more like it) does not accept any and every child who walks through the doors is already a form of «creaming» and narrowed access.
Applicants who have been accepted through the lottery must submit all state and school - required enrollment forms in accordance with posted instructions and deadlines in order to maintain their placement status.
Another reliable form of humor, which might be called irony's cousin, is incongruity, the pairing of two generally accepted incompatibles; one of my favorite examples of this comes (again) from the Freddy books: it's found in the character of Leo the Lion, who has a penchant for getting permanent waves to keep his mane looking spiffy («And I ought to have another permanent; there isn't hardly a crinkle left in the darn thing»).
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