Sentences with phrase «who accepts your religion»

It can be hard to find someone who accepts your religion, however, and you may find it difficult to explain to those whom you wish to go out with.

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Well, yeah... and I mean if what someone is really trying to achieve with this is to reduce practices that in any way, shape or form could indicate that someone bears them or their faith ill will... I don't think publicly humiliating people who would take the time to look up your dead ancestor's name and then take the time to drive to a temple and then get immersed in water on their behalf so that they (by their belief) have the option to accept your religion post mortem is really misguided and contrary to the spirit of freedom of religion in what it advocates.
Yet you refuse to accept that the doctrine that they follow — the Quran — is a violent religion even though it specifically calls for the destruction of any one who refuses to accept the prophet Mohammed.
Fred, I accept that people have the right to believe whatever they want, but I will never be happy for people who chose the ignorance of religion instead of curiosity and the desire for real answers.
Without the influence of religion, we are free to accept people who are different from us and ideas that were once faith - based rejected.
Circular religious logic will still never fully justify the fact that religion asks for special rights and protections, which it gets, and then turns those rights and protections on other groups as a defense mechanism for when they are accused of discriminating... i.e. «We can choose who we accept and who we don't because of our beliefs... wait, what... how can you say you will not accept our religious organization, that's religious discrimination!»
I think a person who lives by the examples that Christ did, is far more important than organized religions demand that you «accept» him.
You can keep on saying everyone has sin to keep your happy and say everyone should accept religion, because that's your ignorance, just don't push your fabricated sins that comes with religion to others who value a clean unmuddled mind.
Should we start posting quotes from the bible ordering slaughter and genocide on those who did not accept their god / religion?
I've known some brilliant people who accept the existence of a Deity, usually one that falls under an «organized religion
Who has ever applied for a job and refused to accept it because of the owner's religion?
After 3 months of searching the internet and you tube to decide if I wanted to come back to religion, I finally found someone who preaches from the heart, the way my Mama and Papa used to hear when they went to church, DR John Collins with the Church of Biblical Christians tells it the way it should be plus he does not accept donations, He preaches against todays prosperity preachers, My Papa said hes the only guy he has heard of lately not affraid to tell you what he thinks and use scripture to back him up.
So, I guess religion is harmful in a sense as well as providing a sense of tranquility (which is beneficial) to those who are unable to accept and deal with reality.
society needs to stop protecting the rights of gays and lesbians and should focus on our mere extinction if we do nt repent, and hed to the words of CHRIST, we should not be spending even a minute talking about gays, bc the main story is how ignorant and stupid society has become, KNOW THIS, IF YOU REMOVE THE WORDS CHRIST FROM CHRISTMAS AND DECIDE THAT IS NO LONGER A STORY ABOUT A BABY FROM BETHLEHEN AND NOW ITS ABOUT SANTA CLAUS, AND PEOPLE ARE LEARNING TO ACCEPT OTHER RELIGIONS MOVING TO NY THEN YOU CAN EXPECT EVIL AND DISOBIENCE TO PROVAIL how can any group of people who blantenly marry in a church before GOD ALMIGHTY and demand that society accept them, have any place NEXT TO A HOLY GOD IN HEAVEN, WHO IS WITH OUT SIN, ACCEPT THEIACCEPT OTHER RELIGIONS MOVING TO NY THEN YOU CAN EXPECT EVIL AND DISOBIENCE TO PROVAIL how can any group of people who blantenly marry in a church before GOD ALMIGHTY and demand that society accept them, have any place NEXT TO A HOLY GOD IN HEAVEN, WHO IS WITH OUT SIN, ACCEPT THEIR Swho blantenly marry in a church before GOD ALMIGHTY and demand that society accept them, have any place NEXT TO A HOLY GOD IN HEAVEN, WHO IS WITH OUT SIN, ACCEPT THEIaccept them, have any place NEXT TO A HOLY GOD IN HEAVEN, WHO IS WITH OUT SIN, ACCEPT THEIR SWHO IS WITH OUT SIN, ACCEPT THEIACCEPT THEIR SIN.
Not only would a demonstration of the inconsistency of divine relativity make Hartshorne's thesis of divine relativity and all that depends on it incoherent and also make Whitehead's famous portrait of God as the fellow sufferer who understands inadmissible, but philosophers of religion would have to accept a different picture of the world.
In contrast, constitutional stipulations that are substantive contradict the provision for constitutional change because they falsely assert that they must be explicitly accepted by any political participant who seeks to change them democratically The contradiction becomes fully apparent if we recognize that the argument for permitting substantive constitutional prescriptions also permits an established religion.
All the death and destruction comes from the right wing fundamentalists of each religion who are too immature and insecure to accept living side - by - side with people of other beliefs.
Apart from being a smooth con to support their respective clergy, religions continue to be nothing more than primitive soporifics for the weak, gullible and stupidest people who can not accept responsibility for and limits to their own lives.
I say that we can teach tolerance and love and caring and morals to each other and our kids and to just accept everyone for who they are without religion.
It is as if there is almost three tiers of religion M. Scott Peck speaks about this in some of his writings, the bottom tier are those who blindly accept, the middle level is composed of those who came to reject the things they accepted blindly, and the final tier of enlightenment is those who have gone through all the hard questions, accepting nothing blindly, yet eventually find God.
As Collins and Miller illustrate, there are those who accept a divine supernatural realm and methodological naturalism (as opposed to metaphysical naturalism); but because religion is introduced long before science education, your «brainwashing... only ways» statement and your subsequent tu quoque are both faulty.
Additionally, Baha'is who regard Islam as a revealed religion have a keen interest in reducing Islamophobia in the west as our own beliefs are not valid if Islam is not from God, and do not accept donations from non-Baha «is, thus are clearly not «funded» for anti-Islamic purposes.
Azariah who later became Bishop of Dornakal argued that the church in accepting the position of a communal political minority with special protection would become a static community and it would negate its self - understanding as standing for mission and service to the whole national community, that in any case the Indian church is not a single social or cultural community since it consists of people of diverse background, each of whom would have its own political struggle to wage in cooperation with the people of similar background in other religions; and therefore theologically and politically Christians should ask only for religious freedom for its mission and service to all people, not as a minority right, but as a human right (ref.
At the end of the day, those people who can accept and respect that others think differently than them, and can realize that making generalizations about a race / religion / philosophy truly makes you ignorant, those are the people who are truly intelligent.
Actually, if the idiots in Iran would just stop and understand their own religion, It tells them that this is a religion for those who choose to accept and you are only a Muslim if you have the faith in your heart.
That's no evidence that Christianity is true, but the religion certainly did start as a cult of personality that followed a charismatic teacher who is generally accepted to be an historical personage.
If I decide for example to be a vegan, because meat / eggs are against my religion I have to accept that I'm going to live in the world with people who eat meat.
NOT sorry to disapoint you but MY religion or spirituality is NONE of your business and suits me just fine, makes me a better person, more accepting of others, more kind to my fellow earthbound souls, more respectful to mankind and morther earth than all religions combined who unfortunately have over 2ooo years of evidence of horrors committed against each other ALL in the name of the religous organizations you want me to join??? I think I will stick with my smorgasborg of this and that spirituality.
Judaism I guess takes it a step further and wants to make sure it's adherents are very serious about being part of the religion, than say a person who accepts jesus or mohammed to ease their conscious at a certain moment in time.
It's not religion that's the source of craziness, it's people who give the wrong message, and stupid people accept it without reflection / thinking it through.
For it is Jesus who declares the publican justified and not the man himself, since the publican has accepted and internalized the judgment of religion over him («a sinner»).
Again the Qur» an says, «And who seeketh as religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him» (Surah III, 85).
Is the church composed only of those who call themselves Christians, or followers of Jesus, and who accept a certain dogma; or does it consist of those who dwell in the Spirit, by whatever religion or label they identify themselves, those who live according to the principle of love for one's fellow man, and of recognizing the holy spirit within each?
It is a time when new leaders emerge who articulate a set of commonly shared beliefs and understandings — a new worldview — which the vast majority of the population accept because it makes sense in terms of their own experience, regardless of their particular denomination or religion or formal belief or affiliation.
if we accept the «religion about Jesus» without discretion, then the constructed mask is inevitable and the threat of those who wear a different mask soon follows... it makes for a very small God
Jane, Buddhism is one of the great religions of the world, in panthrotheism it is one of all religions that God had willed to serve humans who believes on its doctrine.But since we are all humans, we have to experience all the trials of life so that in the future when His Will shall be implemented by us, the wisdom of experience of all religions will be the basis of our decisions.Thats why genocides, wars,, pestilence, natural calamities, and all what we percieve as injustices, such as tyranny, persecutions and all the negative events in history is part of His will, because in panthrotheism, there is no devil or satan.everything has a reason.and we have to accept it, Remember that He is not faith selective but performance appreciative, it is the good things you do that He wills.
Perry is using religion as a stamp of approval to get votes from «believers» who are: 1) gullible enough to believe this nonsense about hearing directly from God; and 2) those stupid enough to accept that religious beliefs along qualify a person to run a country.
All this being granted, Father Vagaggini said, it would appear that one can accept a further hypothesis: There is nothing to deny the fact that in the non-Christian religions even after Jesus Christ there have been elements, in greater or lesser number — whether of a ritualistic, institutional or doctrinal nature — with a positive value for salvation, in the sense that God makes use of them to effect the salvation of those persons of sincere faith who belong to these religions.
By the way - Hippies and New Agers - the Dali Lama, whos religion and philosophy and practices like mediation and meatless diet, Yoga, etc — you all have embraced — clearly states abortion is killing and not accepted by the Buddist religion.
If your religion can not withstand the questions of a six year old who doesn't accept, because as the answer, then you religion is likly false, as all religions are.
The second approach to comparative religion at Chicago was advocated by George Burman Foster (d. 1918), who accepted a widely held three - layered scheme: (1) a narrow history of religions — conceived to be the simple historical study of «raw» religious data, often colored by an evolutionary ideology — toward (2) «comparative religion,» which aims to classify religious data and culminates in (3) a philosophy of religion (or a theology) that provides a meaning for the comparative religion enterprise as a whole.
Intermarried Jews like Ms. Snyder who choose to accept Judaism as a culture and not a religion will disappear from our fold.
Their definition of what it means to be a Christian can certainly be open for debate, but it is not discrimination to have a definition of what it means to be a member of a religion and live by those standards, just like it is not discrimination to have Greek standards, unless everyone who has ever been in a Greek organization is saying that every Greek Fraternity or Sorority must accept everyone who applies.
So how can ANY atheist who accepts evolution claim to be more «moral»?!??!?!?!?!? The religion of atheism is seriously messed up beyond belief.
This claim, in theory and practice, is as exclusive as any made by certain religions in history, and has the same tragic consequences on the life of other people who refuse to accept such claims.
I am going to weigh in, being a catholic and the whole shabang... First of all this is not infringing on anyone's right to practice their religion... Requiring insurance companies to provide contraception for women does not mean the woman has to use it or purchase it... Catholic hospitals take federal funds for their patients, therefore they are not exempt from employment laws... If the Catholic Diocese doesn't want to provide the insurance claiming religious beliefs, then they can no longer accept federal funded patients... They also know that they will be subjected to discrimination lawsuits based hiring and religious discrimination — non-catholics work there, and therefore are being denied healthcare due to catholic beliefs... Majority if not all Catholic women do, have, or had used contraception in their lifetime... God does not nor does the bible say anything about contraception, since it had not been invented yet — so this is a man - made law, made by a bunch of men, who have never had a menstrual cycle — and the pain that comes with it....
If we can't accept ppl for who they are, regardless of their practices, just like Jesus did for us, then what is the point of our religion?
Persons who in their moral integrity pursues truth may come to accept one religion or another or may reject all religions and acknowledge the truth of atheism; and they should be free to propagate and give expression to the truth as they differently see it.
And they did not do a Reformation, for they only added to the dysfunction of organized religion by accepting the «prophecies» of a drunk, womanizing, snake - oil salesman, and con - artist who was murdered in Nauvoo, Illinois.
Steve, those us of us who don't accept religion see its long history of repression, of blacks, of women, of gays and others.
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