Sentences with phrase «who after careful consideration»

Some of them are exegetes and theologians who after careful consideration have felt compelled to conclude that this is what the weight of the evidence points to.

Not exact matches

So after careful consideration and with the thanks of my coworker who set the I - eat - leftover - seafood - for - lunch - so - deal - with - it tone, I'm going to take whatever leftovers I've got to work and reheat them proudly.
SB Nation Soccer think that hyperbole is the worst thing in the world, yet after careful and level - headed consideration, we have concluded that this scoreline, to somebody who has not seen the game, is the bleakest, least encouraging, most off - putting scoreline imaginable.
«After careful consideration of the candidates left in the race, there was little doubt in our minds these are the individuals best suited to hold those positions and who will best serve county residents,» DiGerolamo said.
Consequently, until we have better ways of defining those patients who have been cured by SLN biopsy alone (or the long - term results of current prospective trials indicate otherwise), nodal observation should be chosen by SLN - positive patients only after very careful consideration, and not routinely recommended by surgeons or oncologists as a proven alternative to avoiding CLND.
After careful consideration, the ESOF Supervisory Committee has published a shortlist of cities who will be asked to submit a full bid to host ESOF 2020.
Of the eighty people who applied, twenty candidates were chosen after extensive consideration and careful review.
That there is a moral right, grounded in autonomy, for competent and informed individuals who have decided after careful consideration of the relevant facts, that their continuing life is not worth living, to non-interference with requests for assistance with suicide or voluntary euthanasia.
I realize, though, that for many if not most lawyers, «going public» with a written thought, even a fairly anodyne one, is a step made only after hesitation and careful consideration: clients, law societies, colleagues, senior partners, judges — anyone who matters might read what you've written and have a negative reaction; the risk, though slight, can make commenting publicly a game not worth the candle.
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