Sentences with phrase «who breastfed their child»

Further more, those I know who breastfed their children are significantly more healthy and don't get sick near as often as those who have formula fed their babies.
However, research has found that mothers who breastfeed their children can lower that risk for up to two years after childbirth.
A study found that women who breastfed their children reduced their risk of developing postpartum depression, which is a major win, especially since anyone going through PPD might find it difficult to breastfeed their child.
There are countless stories of parents in the LGBTQ community who breastfeed their children, either the parent who carried the child will nurse, or in some cases, co-nursing is encouraged and practiced.
Mothers who breastfeed their children lower their risk for diabetes and, as is often seen in breastfeeding research, the protection is dose - dependent.
I did not breast feed at night but I have other mom and therapist friends who breastfed their children and used the same or very similar method with success.
I am a mother who breastfed my children well into tyke - dom.
As a mother who breastfed both children (and worked through multiple problems in order to be successful), it drives me a little crazy to see negative breastfeeding stereotypes reinforced on mainstream television programs.
As a mother who breastfed her children long - term, I wish this book had been available when my children were still breastfeeding.
In Stupino, the success of the League's work is reflected in the high percentage of its course attendees (83 %) who breastfeed their children for more than one year, while 50 % continue to breastfeed for more than two years.
But a larger group of studies over the past ten years has proved that women who breastfeed their children past the age of two years actually reduce their chances of contracting pre-menopausal breast cancer by 30 percent.
Women who breastfeed their children have been shown to be less likely to develop uterine, endometrial or ovarian cancer.
* Though not a uniquely female experience, since there are trans men and non-binary people who breastfeed their children.
Women who breastfed their children had a Body Mass Index (BMIS) of about 1 % less than those who formula fed.
I had one girlfriend who breastfed her children and offered to help with any questions I had.
Surprisingly, one of the biggest obstacles a mother, who breastfeeds her children past 1 year, has to overcome - is Criticism.
«This law ensures that a mother who breastfeeds her child in public has the same protection as a woman who bottle - feeds her child.»
A lot of women who breastfeed their children past 1 year start tandem breastfeeding too because of a new pregnancy and a new baby.
You should take advice from a trusted friend or family member who breastfed their child for several months or more, or see a lactation consultant.
Positive affirmations for us moms who breastfeed our children until they are ready to give it up.....
Someone who breastfeeds a child who could prepare their own grilled - cheese sandwich is obviously not just doing it for nutrition.
Finally, to study the relation between breastfeeding and risk of maternal post partum depression, our results evidence a significant difference between mothers who breastfed their child and mothers who not breastfeed him in terms of post partum depression [χ2 (1) = 3.8, P = 0.049](Table 5).

Not exact matches

I am all for a mother breastfeeding her baby discreetly, but for those who assume that there's nothing wrong with whipping out a breast to feed her child anywhere she wants, that I find just rude and patronizing to anyone around her.
Children who see a woman breastfeeding aren't going to be harmed.
That is one reason why I actively support women (and by extension, their partners and families) who want to breastfeed and parent their children in an «attached» way.
An excellent starting resource is the book Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing by Sheila Kippley, an NFP practitioner and breastfeeding counsellor who is hersBreastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing by Sheila Kippley, an NFP practitioner and breastfeeding counsellor who is hersbreastfeeding counsellor who is herself Catholic.
I know people with these conditions who struggled significantly with breastfeeding their first child, but were able to successfully breastfeed their second child because they were more informed and more prepared.
When we breastfeed and watch our children thrive and grow on the milk our bodies made we are the ones who feel that these formula companies are trying everything possible for us to buy their products.
«But Attachment Parenting International supports parents in all walks of life, including mothers who are unable to breastfeed, and I was able to learn how to meet my child's attachment needs through sensitive responsiveness beyond breastfeeding
In Bangladesh, where infant formula isn't readily accessible, affordable or safe for most families, 98 percent of babies are breastfed and the average age of weaning is 33 months (source: WHO Global Data Bank on Infant and Young Child Feeding).
That was my thought as well - that it's not so much that breastfeeding prevents a mother from neglecting her child, but that the type of mother who chooses to breastfeed her child is less likely to be the type of mother who would neglect her child.
My friend said that with her first child, she got the best help in hospital from a domestic, who had breastfed.
-- including a list of moms who have breastfed older children.
I had a friend who breastfed her 3 children from 5 - 6 months.
Melissa, who points out that she breastfed her three children, said, «Are you freaking kidding me?
I told her about another friend who gave up breastfeeding her 1st child at 3 weeks, due to bad medical advice, about an abcess.
So, you breastfed all of them exclusively for 1 year (yes, many doctors argue that you should not give any solids for the entire first year if life), only fed organic foods after you let them start feeding themselves at 1 year, never offered baby cereals, don't put anything in plastic, wore your baby every minute of every day, co-slept or didn't co-sleep, depending on who you asked, don't allow your children to sleep on commercially produced mattresses, don't use any Johnson's products, etc. etc. etc.?
I honestly believe that mothers who continue to breastfeed their children past the infant and toddler stage is so beautiful and touching.
How are women who are told that they must breastfeed and it is best for their child ever supposed to «win» in this kind of a climate?
A family member who had not been successful breastfeeding her first child came to me and asked for some advice about how to do better with her next one.
Seven years later I have four children, all of whom were exclusively breastfed (with the exception of my first who was supplemented with formula for a short time while I was having difficulty), all of whom either were or will be breastfed for at least two years.
Women who exclusively breastfeed are also more likely to be stay at home mothers whose children get to avoid daycare and all the germs that come with it so those kids may tend to have less infections earlier in life.
I also know many stay - at - home moms who formula fed and left the workplace to stay with their children - so the «cons» against breastfeeding are «cons about having children» but not cons against breastfeeding.
Obviously, women who are committed to breastfeeding their babies come hell or high water are probably just as committed to other aspects of their children's lives which may explain some of the benefits seen in SOME studies.
Now it is definitely true that mothers who believe in dedicating more time to their children often tend to be mothers who breastfeed.
According to Baby Center, studies show that young children who were exclusively breastfed as infants had higher the IQs and than those that were formula - fed.
A woman who breastfeeds past age 6 months and is financially secure might be more inclined, as a majority, to have multiple (3 +) children.
I have a few qualms about his hunch that «The key difference is likely to come down to the demands of breastfeeding following the birth of a child — an activity that's energy - intensive, time - consuming, and quite difficult to integrate with paid work, at least as work is currently structured» — because that assumes that all women who want a high status - high income partner plan to have children.
A study released by the National Institutes of Health in 2004 indicated that children who were breastfed had a 20 % lower risk of dying between 28 days and our year old when compared to children who weren't breastfed during this time.
Women who live in these communities are not questioned about «still» breastfeeding their children.
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