Sentences with phrase «who by nature»

Powerlessness was particularly frustrating for the practitioners, who by nature are self - starters and leaders.
Temperament testing allows you to identify those who by nature lack the discipline, desire or self - motivation to consistently achieve peak performance.
That's a run - on sentence that simply means that crooks (yes, some sellers are crooks, as well as others who by nature aren't crooks, but who may via the vagueness of the SPIS be swayed temporaily to step out of line) will be tempted to use any means possible to fulfill the desire to gain financially, all the while discounting the effect of the negative costs to be borne by those buyers who are helping «them» to get on with «their» lives.
This is an excellent option for your Schnauzer who by nature is intelligent.
YA / General Interest: The sharp social satire will not be lost on teens, who by nature are among the world's most observant social critics.
Whereas, educational research shows that effective schools are led by effective principals; who by the nature of their position are indispensable leaders in their schools; and
«I am inspired every day by teachers who by nature, are creative problem solvers.
That makes the holiday season, from cheery office festivities to New Year's blowout celebrations, a tricky time for people who by nature get the life sucked out of them by large crowds and small talk.
«Ghana does it but there are some categories of prisoners who by the nature of crimes committed lose the right to vote.
unfortunately you choose to insult atheists who by nature are humanists and value the well being and continuance of the human species above all other things.
Consultants are specialists who by nature will seek the best solution to the challenge laid out in front of them.
I think that some subject areas, and some teachers who by their natures are not aligning well to block scheduling, should be allowed to stay as 45 - minute school periods.

Not exact matches

Having an interaction with someone who knows you by name can completely alter the nature of a conversation.
This personality trait doesn't sit well with entrepreneurs who, by the nature of their professions, must be willing to risk some level of uncertainty.
And even if you aren't an entrepreneur by nature, you can still learn a great deal by studying the habits and characteristics of those who possess a truly entrepreneurial spirit.
According to the study, being slightly more difficult to get along with may come with monetary benefits, but people who are agreeable by nature tend to have stronger friendships, are liked more by their peers and are more satisfied with life in general.
And, by nature, entrepreneurs are typically opinionated, stubborn, smart, competitive, fast - moving adrenaline junkies who take lots of risks.
«People who are by nature orientated toward the same sex... do their duty,» he wrote.
It's also showing up in the number of MBAs who are anxious to work for smaller companies and startups that are, by nature, more entrepreneurial.
For Thiel, a contrarian by nature who later became a hedge fund manager, startup founder, and venture capitalist — all posts requiring an ability to reject herd mentalities, shun market bubbles, and seize overlooked opportunities — Girard's analysis of man's unconscious compulsion to imitate his fellow man was compelling.
Learn more about a candidate's encouraging nature by asking them, «Who is someone who looks up to you and why?&raqWho is someone who looks up to you and why?&raqwho looks up to you and why?»
He argues that entrepreneurs are by nature impatient, competitive individuals who thrive under pressure.
Plus, by nature, I'm the type who gets a little itchy when I see «its» where there should be «it's» or «your» in the place of «you're».
In an interview with Business Insider, EDF Climate Corps program director Liz Delaney dropped a juicy tidbit of information about the nature of green energy jobs: Of the 2.2 million Americans who work in energy efficiency jobs, 70 percent are employed by companies with 10 or fewer employees.
Open platforms invite controversy by their nature, giving voice to groups who want to challenge cultural or legal principles.
He has a strong corporate business development background and is by nature a lateral thinker who provokes unconventional thinking about ordinary problems.
As proven in 2008, the democratic nature of P2P lending helps to fill gaps during liquidity crunches by providing a funding option to small businesses and consumers who need to borrow.
As first reported by CNBC, the complex nature of the business and the lack of interests among hospitals and changing who they purchase their drugs from is what prompted that decision.
People who are humble by nature tend to be more open - minded and quicker to resolve disputes, since they recognise that their own opinions might not be valid.
Ralph Waldo Emerson once described the 51 year old billionaire as a man or a company of men who was plastic and permeable to principles and by the law of nature overpowers and override all cities, nations, rich men, kings and poets.
The one - sided nature of these demands was aptly described by US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross who is reported to have said;
By its very nature, a small business loan is usually given to someone who doesn't have a stable nine to five job that they can use to pay it back.
They are by nature people who are going to want to sin all their lives.
If, as our current philosopher - pope reminds us, sin flows from a failure to gratefully acknowledge and do the duties that flow from our deeply relational being, then Mattie was, in a way, sort of a sinner by nature (as are we all, due to original sin), who added to her natural brokenness through her proud willfulness.
Now... if you'd like to discuss the nature of an omnipotent being who finds it necessary to coerce bows out of his own creations, and whether or not such a being deserves to be worshipped by anyone or anything, we can certainly discuss that.
Or slavery and the «nature» of a human person (i.e., those who are «slaves by nature,» in Aristotle's definition)?
Yet, thinkers from Edmund Burke to Russell Kirk have shown the deeply anti-conservative bases of the social contract theory of Lockean (and Hobbesian) origin, one that is premised upon a conception of human beings as naturally «free and independent,» as autonomous individuals who are thought to exist by nature detached from a web of relationships that include family, community, Church, region, and so on.
NOt all who call themselves prophets are true believers... some are just for the gains... those are persecuted... cause their evil gets them... those who don't separate themselves from God's side and wisdom can not be harm by evil... evil bows to them and allows them to pass by him unharmed... Cause evil can not harm God... it's the law of Nature... only evil can be harmed by evil...
but it is exasperating to be told by the religious that atheists are perhaps lesser beings as god only favours those who reject what nature tells us is the truth, I find the god myths boring and in no way inspiring.
NATURAL more than HISTORICAL determinism is our enemy now, and so the «natural right» of either Aristotle or Darwin aren't enough to account fully for who we are by nature.
To us, Satan is the symbol that best suits the nature of we who are carnal by birth — people who feel no battles raging between our thoughts and feelings, we who do not embrace the concept of a soul imprisoned in a body.
People who can't stand up for themselves and are preyed upon by others typically are in favor of government regulation, laws, things of this nature to protect them.
He is considered, by many Christians, a liberal, who can be said «argued that biblical stories were mythical rather than historical, and taught that Jesus had a sinful nature
It is Kate, practiced in observing Binx at his own detached observation, who most nearly draws him into the world, by recognizing the nature of the «game» Binx is playing in his Kierkegaardian exercises of repetition and rotation.
Contrary to the plati - tudes abhorred by Lamott and put forth often by people who claim to be Christian, putting faith in God does not mean letting go, it means grabbing on to the truth of God, trusting fully in Him, and acting responsively to His love which endures for us despite our undeserving nature.
And thus it has been ever since: All of us must «come down to the level adopted by God himself in his Incarnation — the level of poverty, crib, flight...» Yet in lowering ourselves to the lowliness that God himself assumes in taking on a human nature, we remain who we are: Some are intellectually gifted and rich in the world's goods; others are impoverished in various ways.
Violeta John 1:3: «In the beginning there was one God, who had reason, purpose and a plan, which was, by its very nature and origin, divine.
The other book (Who Walk Alone, by Margaret Evening, 1974) speaks of the gifts, sensitivity and loving natures characterizing many homosexual persons and includes this statement:
Reviewing a book titled The Son of Man written by François Mauriac (a French Roman Catholic who wrote about the problems of good and evil in human nature and in the world), Flannery O'Connor writes: He proposes in the place of that anguish that Gide called the Catholic's «cramp....
If, as the Scriptures and experience tell us, all men are by nature in a state of guilt and depravity from which they are wholly unable to deliver themselves and have no claim whatever on God for deliverance, it follows that if any are saved God must choose out those who shall be the objects of His grace (Boettner, Predestination, 95).
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