Sentences with phrase «who come to school»

All these schools serve populations who come to school at risk of low achievement.
Children who come to school without important language, literacy, numeracy, motor, and behavior skills are at a disadvantage for success in the first years of school.
Although one can find heroic exceptions here and there (generally in schools led by extraordinary, beat - the - odds and damn - the - torpedoes principals), far too many public schools in tough neighborhoods and poor communities fail to get beyond the challenges of discipline, truancy, turnover of both students and staff, the ever - present risk of drop - outs, students» lack of basic skills, and such fundamental human needs as feeding breakfast to kids who come to school with empty stomachs.
It has also been shown that money has the greatest impact when it is invested in improving the education of low - income students who come to school with the greatest needs when compared to their more affluent peers.
Plus, they often face the added problem of attracting a majority of students who come to their school only as a last resort (having practically dropped out of other schools) rather than those who would be attracted to the school because of its philosophical beliefs.
A few superhuman teachers may lift a handful of children who come to school from barely literate homes, hungry, in poor health, and otherwise unprepared for academic instruction.
More than 12 percent of Revere's students are immigrants, many of whom are refugees from war - torn or unstable countries who come to school with limited — or no — English and with interruptions in their education.
The individual classroom teacher is faced with dozens and dozens of human beings who come to school in varying degrees of ability, potential, maturity, motivation levels, and readiness to learn.
Students who come to school with learning disabilities -LSB-...]
These are the kids who come to school hungry,» says Plourde - Tingley.
Marklund Day School is a well - known and respected nonpublic school serving students ages Pre K - 22 who come to our school's program through partnerships with various Chicago suburban school districts.
It is my aim that staff who come to the school will leave with an enhanced CV and experience of the latest practice.
Students who come to school bring traces of a wider community; when students leave school, either before or after graduation, they return to that community.
I always thank the substitute teachers who come to my school.
«This is unfair to students who come to school ready to learn and the teachers ready to engage them,» the petition states.
An amendment recently passed to make private schools provide school lunches to those who come to the school via vouchers.
In other words, students who come to school dressed properly will excel academically and conduct themselves appropriately while at school.
Researchers say learning to read in English is easier for children who come to school as good readers in their native language.
This chapter focuses on three important topics related to context: the socioeconomic and racial mix of students who come to the school, characteristics of the community and the district, and the school «s size and complexity.
They enroll a lot of students who come to school well prepared and thus excel on tests.
What is new, or at least newly controversial, is the notion that that we need to prioritize the needs of the vast majority of children — the ones who come to school wanting to learn.
The cause of equity will be ill - served if suspensions of African - Americans are reduced, but black students who come to school ready to learn are increasingly exposed to unruly peers.
Fresno and many other districts throughout the state are adding back bilingual programs as a result of the passage last November of Prop. 58, which ended a mandate for mostly English - only classes for students who come to school speaking other languages.
Now when you've got children who come to school and clearly have had very little exposure to print, if they don't know the difference between letters and numbers, they are starting from so far back and I don't think that there's enough recognition of that.
For students who come to our school, having their heads in the clouds isn't a bad thing — it's practically a prerequisite.
It takes support from teachers — and a little courage — for teenagers who don't speak much English to meet college recruiters who come to their school.
But let's not pretend that there are easy solutions for chronically disruptive students, and let's certainly not ignore the needs of their peers, the kids who come to school every day wanting to learn.
students who come to school ready to learn and are expected and supported to achieve to the best of their ability.
Some charter schools, such as KIPP DC, have been successful working in racially isolated schools in poor neighborhoods, developing specialized teaching strategies and support for students who come to school years behind.
Kids who come to school trained in these qualities learn better and take more joy in their learning.
Kids who come to school with the above conditions in place at home learn better and take more joy in their learning.
And he had mentors, volunteers who came to his school and talked to him about what was possible.
If you were creating a middle - of - the - funnel webinar discussing the teaching methodology your horseback riding school follows, and you were targeting an intermediate - level rider, you could include a case study of an intermediate rider who came to your school and, as a result of your methodology and training, became one of the top riders in their division and moved on to compete with more advanced - level horseback riders.
Students were released from classes to attend religious instruction of their choice taught either at a church or synagogue or by teachers who came to the school for that purpose.
The class wuss... eternal little loser who comes to school everyday knowing this is it.
«As long as we get the ends, we have a lot of flexibility to decide on the means,» said Lynni Nordheim, 30, a 4th - grade teacher who came to the school after teaching six years in Las Vegas.
The second student is a girl who came to our school as a street-wise individual, rejected by her mother and raised by her grandmother.
A child who comes to school malnourished, from a poor household, having a mother with less than a high school education, or a parent whose primary language is not English is much more likely than a classmate without those factors to have academic and behavioral problems later on.
As a former student who came to school speaking only Spanish, elementary teacher Gabriela Orozco Gonzalez says she can relate to her Los Angeles - area students, who are mostly English learners.
Crystal Battin, like several teachers who came to the school with the turnaround, had been laid off from a suburban school and was happy to find a job at Marshall.
For every child who comes to school with an empty stomach, tired from sleeping in a car or ill from exposure to smoke or toxins, there is a breakfast program, a health counselor, a tutor, teachers who believe in him or her, and a quiet place to study.
A head teacher told the researchers: «In the last three years we have had to toilet - train children who came to school in nappies at age five.
I am holding you responsible for the 9 - year - old student who came to school with hardly any sleep after witnessing his mother administer Narcan to save his father's life, only to then take a three - hour test and I am holding you responsible for the autistic child whose parents opted him out of the test but the school counseled him back into... I hold you responsible for not passing legislation that allows for a public - school TEACHER to serve on the Board of EDUCATION, yet the chair of this Board, Paul Sagan can contribute $ 600,000 to a campaign that sought to charterize, segregate, and create a two - tiered system of privilege using high - stake test scores as the ammunition.»
It was fun to talk to all of the entering MBA students who came to the school from all over the world.
I admired the «visiting artists» who came to school, and I wanted to be one of them.
We deeply appreciate each and every student who comes to our school.

Not exact matches

There are a many people coming out of law school who are finding it very hard to get a job at a decent law firm.
I will take a candidate who comes in everyday eager to learn and grow than an MBA from an Ivy League school.
tells the story of Kate Messner, a high school sophomore who's coming to terms with her sexuality.
«I believed I've extended a good service to the innocent people of North Korea who are deprived from seeing their parents who live miles away or can't call their children when they come back from school,» he said.
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