Sentences with phrase «who destroys»

Yes, I think I did, though it sounds a bit intense too — it features a jealous goat herder boy who destroys a disabled girl's wheelchair because he's jealous of her friendship with Heidi.
A good example was the labelling of a 20th - century artist who destroys a piano an iconoclast.
A British artist who destroys all of his belongings, a Dutch artist's initiative that charts organization cultures, a Swiss artist who sells his right to participate in an exhibition via an online auction, an American artist who prints his own money and then succeeds in spending it...
A British artist who destroys all of his belongings, a Dutch artist's initiative that charts organization cultures, a Swiss artist...
The holy shaman of the island of Kalimba is overcome by an evil spirit, who destroys the islands sacred totem into pieces.
There is Kafei, who became a child due to the magic spell cast by skull kid, who destroys the world, and was lost suspiciously.
So there is a possibility that King Regis, saw this future in which Noctis is the one who destroys the empire and to avoid it, his father accompanied him with allies.
My 2 large dogs - a Siberian Husky who destroys EVERYTHING and my American Bulldog puppy - both love these [goDog] toys.
I currently have a 1.5 yr old girl (mixed breed, Aussie / BC probably) who destroys random things out of boredom (she counter surfs, so the counters are pristine unless something is left accidentally: remote controls, books, tape, pens, newspaper, etc.).
A dog that irritates everyone, who destroys things, and is miserable to be around will eventually be kicked out of the home.
Does someone who destroys Zebra Mussels, Kudzu, African Cichlids, Burmese Pythons, Brown Tree Snakes, or any of the other myriad destructive invasive - species have some personal problem with that species?
Carrying difficult material on sturdy shoulders, the great Tilda Swinton plays the guilt - ridden mother of a high - school psychopath (Ezra Miller) who destroys a community's future.
Greg gets the secondary part in The Room as the best friend who destroys Wiseau's would - be marriage.
We learn (multiple times) of a kink in Will's plan to kill Davy Jones and rescue his captive father Bootstrap Bill (Stellan Skarsgård): the person who destroys Jones» heart will have to take his place for eternity.
Jimmy plays matchmaker to find Beezy a date to Lucius» statue - unveiling ceremony, but when the perfect girl shows up — the one - eyed, yogurt - loving looker who destroys every likeness of Lucius she sees — Jimmy worries that Beezy's new girlfriend is out to destroy more than just statues.
Natural consequences are always best if possible, so the child who destroys the house with the granola bar should also get to clean it up.
A child who destroys property is yelling loud and clear that she desperately needs help from you.
He's a quality destroyer but Schneiderlin, as you mention, is a player who destroys just as well you possesses far more ability with the ball.
But George is exactly the type of player the Cavaliers need, a versatile, two - way superstar who destroys defenses as a spot - up shooter and can stand a fighting chance against Kevin Durant during a potential Finals rematch.
We can not but admire him and resent the brutality of the captain who destroys his powers.
From the human side, because God created humans in his image, the very dignity placed by God in and on humans justifies the death penalty for the person who destroys that image by murdering another person.
There are those who see the issue of God's violence / judgement differently: The Old Testament (and the thread of the Old Testament thought that carries over into the New Testament) version of God that sees an angry, violent God who destroys people and tells his people to destroy people.
We find the God who destroys cities with Hurricane Sandy, the God who kills millions with AIDS, the God who delivers devastation to individuals and families.
A prisoner who destroys an enemy fortress, killing himself in the process, is not committing suicide, any more than a soldier who falls on a grenade to save his battalion is committing suicide.
So just as with previous violent portrayals of God in the Bible, it seems that when the actual violence occurs, it is the destroyer who destroys, and God's primary activity is in the arena of protection and deliverance.
«Do not fear he that destroys your body or takes your life (ie spirit), fear the one who destroys your soul» JC
Can you imagine believing in a magical man who destroys your home with a tornado yet you still worship him?
The man who is the slave of anger, the man who speaks in the accent of contempt, the man who destroys another's good name, may never have committed a murder in action, but he is a murderer at heart.
Solution: Either Jesus returns and straightens up, or God gives us a new powerful pious monarch who destroys the current evil power elite, and supports again the Christian Church.
«They gave immunity to the very person you would most want to prosecute, which is the person who destroyed official public records after there was a subpoena and after there was a prosecution order,» Gowdy said.
Madrid (AFP)- The mother of Mohammed Atta, one of the kamikaze hijackers who destroyed the World Trade Center, says she believes her son is alive at the US prison in Guantanamo Bay, in an interview published Sunday in Spain.
Although there are still redactions, the JFK documents released by the National Archives appear to contain noteworthy revelations — including about the FBI agent who destroyed a note Oswald dropped off at the FBI before the assassination.
In some ways, they resemble the 19th century Luddites — the English textile workers who destroyed labor saving machinery in textile mills.
The author of Hebrews seems to be saying that it was the destroyer who destroyed the firstborn sons of Egypt, and it was God who kept the destroyer from touching the sons of those families who had the blood of the lamb on their doorpost.
In that text, the author clearly hesitates from saying that it was God who killed the firstborn sons of Egypt and writes instead about «he who destroyed the firstborn.»
The Crusades were a response to the new Seljuk Turkish rulers who destroyed the Holy Places and disrupted pilgrimages.
My enemies are the the ones who destroy in the name of God and their enablers.
Suddenly there are people who destroy the house of worship.
I wished those priest came and exorcised the evil out of the people who destroyed my life.
We are the ones who destroy beauty.
The GOP wants us to get so distracted by a bunch of made - up «social issues» that we forget that it was GWB and his GOP cronies who destroyed the economy in the first place.
Keep in mind it was Christians who destroyed the library at Alexandria in order to conceal advancements of man that didn't align with, or disproved their beliefs....
Then in the New Testament we see the God who shows up to set the record straight, Jesus who destroyed no one, but he who loves everyone, even those we might consider unlovely.
In fact, the author of Revelation declares that God will destroy those who destroy the earth (Revelation 11:18).
and QUIT TALKING ABOUT ISLAM, we aren't here discussing ISLAM, we are talking about a crazy Christian woman who destroyed a piece of art.
The city of Mosul is being liberated from ISIS, who destroyed churches and persecuted the population while in control of the area.
It was a panel of unscrupulous church «fathers» who destroyed other books that were equally inspired by God but didn't agree with their favorites; who were inspired by God to stifle dissent by persecuting and even murdering those who disagreed with them, just as God in his wisdom inspired the infanticide and genocide described in the Old Testament; just as God inspired the Crusades and the Inquisition, just as God now inspires those currently working to establish a global Islamic state to eliminate their opponents.
And the sheep will still back those who destroy the quality of their lives when manipulated by «religion» and its puppetmasters with false messages.
Who destroyed ancient Buddist statues in Afghanistan?
Now he is not so much the subject of action as he is the object of the action of others: his fellow countrymen and the Romans who destroy him, and God who raises him from the dead and thereby proves that he is indestructible.
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