Sentences with phrase «who developed»

Medicines that are personally tailored to your DNA are becoming a reality, thanks to the work of U.S. and Chinese scientists who developed statistical models to predict which drug is best for a specific individual with a specific disease.
The idea of a sieve for sorting numbers dates back at least 2,200 years to the Greek mathematician Eratosthenes, who developed a simple but effective method for picking out primes: Start, for example, with a list of numbers from 1 to 100.
They compared changes in gene expression in 37 of them who developed suicidal feelings with previously published work and with post-mortem samples of 26 men who had killed themselves.
«There was too much emphasis from the people who developed the Common Core on using testing as a sort and select mechanism.»
And Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a martyr of the Faith who stood up to and was murdered by the Nazis, before he returned to Germany sat under the teaching of the man who developed the Abyssinian Baptist Church in the 1930's, Adam Clayton Powell, Sr..
Specifically, «The bill expands coverage to volunteer firefighters with at least five years of service who developed lymphoma or leukemia after their service, and coverage for volunteer firefighters with at least 10 years of service who develop stomach, skin, breast, prostate and other reproductive cancers after their service,» according to information from Senator Jacobs» office.
In the late 19th and early 20th century, this region attracted European immigrants who developed farms or took over existing ones, particularly from Italy and Poland.
«People from the outer boroughs drive cars,» said Cuomo, who developed a love for muscle cars while growing up in Queens.
The advert uses a series of tragic stories from the UK, including Katie Brickell, who developed terminal cervical cancer after being refused a smear test.
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today signed legislation to expand unlimited sick leave benefits for public sector officers and employees who developed a qualifying health condition as a result of their heroic response to 9/11 rescue, recovery, and clean - up efforts at World Trade Center sites.
A task force created to figure out what to do with controversial statues and monuments on New York City property — described by the mayor as «symbols of hate» — has recommended only one statue be moved: a monument to J. Marion Sims, a 19th century doctor who developed advances in gynecological surgery by conducting operations on black slave women.
Just to add to the problems, many of the Lib Dem MPs who developed a strong local presence in these areas have now either retired from electoral politics or are at an age where another election run seems unlikely.
In that spirit, Gove deployed a group of advisers who developed a near - blitzkrieg mentality.
New York wants most of the state to be reliant on clean energy in 15 years, and the key to getting it done may lie with the award - winning Long Island researcher who developed the pacemaker battery.
But he would face a very tough challenger in Staten Island District Attorney Daniel Donovan, who developed a national profile after the a grand jury did not indict a police officer in the death of Eric Garner but who remains popular in Staten Island, a borough home to many cops and law - and - order types.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo today signed legislation to expand unlimited sick leave benefits for public sector officers and employees who developed a qualifying health condition as a result of their heroic response to 9/11 rescue, recovery, and clean - up efforts at World Trade Center sites.
But it bears repeating that this new law could help more than troops returning from combat — in addition to aiding sexual assault survivors, medical marijuana could help treat some New Yorkers who developed PTSD after experiencing 9/11.
According to Lord Foster, the Mayor of London has expressed his support for the Thames Hub vision, as have civil engineer Douglas Oakervee and economist Bridget Rosewell who developed the «Boris Island» proposal and are now part of the Thames Hub scheme.
Kristina Johnson, an engineer who developed technology critical to 3 - D movies and served as under secretary in the U.S. Energy Department before founding a hydroelectric company, will be appointed chancellor of the SUNY, replacing outgoing Chancellor Nancy Zimpher, the first woman to hold the post.
Construction worker Carlos Cardona, who developed a respiratory illness from working at the World Trade Center site in the weeks after the 9/11 attack won a stay of deportation after the Daily News highlighted his plight, and Cuomo gave him a pardon.
After university I spent a summer exploring Mayan pyramid sites in Central America - another much under researched civilisation who developed one of the most accurate calendars and astronomical charts until the modern computer age and built palaces and pyramids on a par with the European classical period.
They also experienced more symptoms of paranoia, such as a psychotic episode, than women who developed depression during or after pregnancy.
Despite the short time - frame, 46 % of controls received breastmilk in the first week while only 28 % of children who developed cancer received any breastmilk [8].
«Once their babies are born, they show more obsessive - compulsive symptoms — like over-worrying about their baby's health — than mothers who developed depression before or during pregnancy.»
Soy formula is also for sale for infants who developed allergies to the milk - based formula.
Remember last year's scandal about the 300,000 Chinese infants who developed kidney disease after being fed infant formula laced with melamine?
Dr. Kurtz is the person who developed PCIT - SM, the official adaptation of Parent - Child Interaction Therapy for children with SM.
«We try to help kids understand they «ve got to take that step forward, to take more responsibility for their own development, «said Don Hellison, a University of Illinois at Chicago physical education professor who developed a basketball program for children living in the Cabrini - Green public housing complex.
The people who developed this curriculum have been attending births and supporting families after birth in Hamilton for over 12 years.
The concept was first introduced by B.F. Skinner, a behavioral psychologist who developed a theory of learning known as «operant conditioning.»
Waters (2013) who developed the AQS also expressed his concern over mothers» ratings: «I am embarrassed to say that I was surprised when most of the people who contacted me wanted to have mothers do the sorting.»
The scientists who developed the product would win prizes and the wealth and influence of everyone involved would increase dramatically.
For people who developed a secure attachment as a child, adult relationships are relatively easy, loving, and nurturing.
Emmi Pikler was a Hungarian Pediatrician who developed a new theory of child development in the 1930s / 40s, based on allowing the child to move freely and develop at his or her own pace.
Thanks to Dr. Jane Nelsen who developed Positive Discipline, based on the work of Dr. Alfred Adler and Dr. Rudolf Dreikurs.
I also chose to become certified as a TummyTime ™ Tutor with Michelle Emanuel who is an OT, who developed this program.
Their work, published in the PLoS ONE journal, showed that hair cortisol levels in women who developed postpartum depression were higher throughout pregnancy than those seen in women who hadn't developed it, being that difference statistically more significant during the first and third trimesters.
Of the women who developed gestational diabetes, nearly 15 percent experienced depressive symptoms after birth, which was more than four times that of women who had not had gestational diabetes.
Conversations with Michael D'Aleo — who developed the Teaching Sensible Science teachers» program — have deepened my appreciation for this approach to teaching science at lower grades.
These results may explain why infant who developed colic were on the parent ‑ child relationship have been found.
Infants who developed colic were no more likely to be insecurely attached than infants who did not have colic.26
Tiffany Field, who developed the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami, reported a 47 % weight gain in preemies who were massaged for 15 minutes, three times a day for 10 days.
THE WAHM / WAHD who developed this system are extremely kind and helpful.
While everyone can benefit from low - impact workouts that are easier on the joints, exercising in water is ideal for expectant moms, says Sara Kooperman, who developed her nationally known Water in Motion program that incorporates yoga, Pilates and dance moves after she injured her back in a skiing accident.
Seeking to understand the motivations of the key players who developed these certifications, I have interviewed over 30 members of the national boards and major divisions of both organizations, and have conducted case studies of midwifery politics and legislation in New York, California, and Washington state.
I am a Certified Conscious Uncoupling Coach personally trained by Katherine Woodward Thomas who developed the Conscious Uncoupling process.
The alliance hired environmental consultants and planners, who developed an alternative plan that would have put the center on Highland Avenue, away from Lyman Woods and sparing the adjacent trees now planned for cutting.
«They can take various forms — I once saw a patient who developed warts as a result of a tattoo.»
Steiner saw people as meldings of body, soul, and spirit who developed in three stages that could be characterized as early and middle childhood and adolescence.
Thanks for watching this episode of The Family Couch In this episode of The Family Couch we chat with Eric Greene of 1 Awesome Dad, a peaceful parenting father who developed a passion for treating children with respect and humility.
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