Sentences with phrase «who die on»

Tell that to people who die on the operating table.
Many dog breeds who die on average at a younger age, have never actually become old.
Surviving spouses of persons who die on active duty or die as a result of service - connected disabilities
The results have been announced in the 2017 United Nations Global Road Safety Week, which is timed to raise awareness of the 500 children who die on the world's roads every day on bikes, in vehicles, as pedestrians and in walking to school.
(It also says that «Most climbers who die on Everest are generally physically fit and in the prime of their life.»)
The person who died on the Southwest flight on Tuesday was the first fatality in a US passenger airline accident in over nine years.
Arnold Palmer, who died on Sunday, at 87, won his first Masters in 1958, during America's great post-war expansion.
The owners of a giant rabbit named Simon who died on a United Airlines flight while bound for the Iowa State Fair sued the carrier on Monday, claiming its employees were responsible for the hare's death.
There is an estate tax that is based on Federal Estate Law, but anyone who died on or after January first, 2005 is not subject to the estate tax either.
Now, the Sun Sentinel has confirmed through friends and family of the dead that all eight who died on Sept. 13 had lived on the top floor.
Wasn't it Judas who died on the cross mistaken for Jesus being in his cloth?
4 — I believe anyone who has accepted Jesus Christ as the Son of God, who died on the cross and rose again, as their savior will spend eternity in splendor.
Tributes have been paid to the former Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy - O'Connor who died on Friday afternoon, aged 85.
the one who died on the cross for our sins then was ressurected three days later and ascended to heaven.
The body of Rev Billy Graham, who died on Wednesday, will be transported from near his home in the North Carolina mountains on Saturday to the US evangelist's hometown.
Graham, who died on Wednesday, will become only the fourth person to lie in honour at the rotunda since the tribute began 20 years ago for two police officers who died while on duty.
The Pope has joined people around the world sending condolences to the family of Alfie Evans who died on Saturday morning.
So that same Jesus who died on the cross personally witnessed Lucifer fall from heaven, on the day Lucifer rebelled against God.
Accordingly, radical or spiritual Christians believe that the demands of the God of law and judgment are annulled in the grace of the God who died on Calvary.
In the original of Isaac Watts» hymn, it was the «young Prince of Glory» who died on Calvary, forgoing most certainly opportunities of profound service to his fellows that might well have been his, had he avoided the issue of his supreme hour.
Peter Berger, who died on June 27 at age eighty - eight, ranked among the most distinguished sociological thinkers and public intellectuals of the past half century.
Because it was a material being who died on the cross, rose from the tomb, and ascended into heaven with spirit and body inseparably united, Latter - day Saints have no difficulty believing also that «the Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man's; the Son also; but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit.»
The body of Rev Billy Graham, who died on Wednesday, will be transported from near his home in the North... More
We should be the last people calling for the death penalty because we have a God who died on a cross to save us from death!
He is God in human flesh who died on the cross for humankind.
But my faith demands me to do so as my eyes were a witness to the scattered bones of those heroes who died on the sands of Punnappra and Vayalar.
Rudolf Bultmann — who died on July 30, 1976 at the advanced age of 91 — was the last of the theological giants who grew up in the universities of the Kaiser's Germany (he began to study theology in 1903 at 19), and the last of the prophets who struggled to hear the word of the Christians» Lord after what had happened in 1914.
What all people (Muslims included) need to do is believe Jesus is the Son of God who died on a cross for our sins and was raised for our justification.
A person who acknowledges their sin, asks God to forgive them in the name of Jesus who died on the cross to forgive our sins, and asks for God's mercy and grace to do His will on this earth, (in all matters, even political) is best going to serve our country and our fellow citizens.
Like an explorer who humbly accepts the council of those who are experienced and know, or learns lessons from those who died on the ice, so we should sincerely appreciate what has worked and what hasn't.
Oh sure, we have the example of Jesus who died on the cross for the sins of the whole world, but how are we really supposed to follow that example?
I also know that wearing a cross is meaningless, unless I come to the cross and seek forgiveness from the Christ who died on that cross.
As was mentioned in the article, a cross is a symbol of Christianity, but Christians aren't the only people who died on 9/11.
Its «God» has often been understood after the model of political potentates instead of the humble shepherd of Nazareth who died on a cross.
this is just offensive to every non-Christian person who died on that day.
They are an offense to him who died on a stake that is long since gone.
Rudolf Bultmann — who died on July 30, 1976 at the advanced age of 91 — was the last of the theological giants who grew up in the universities of the Kaiser's Germany (he began to study theology in 1903 at 19), and the last of the prophets who struggled to hear the word of...
We can not get to Heaven on good works according to Christianity, so God grants grace through Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins and rose again.
Thus for him the preaching was, so to say, an occasion of «resurrection», since the Lord who died on Calvary was now available and actively expressed as he was proclaimed.
The Bible Christ who died on the cross conversed with the thief telling him in Luke 23:43 «Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.».
He is the one who died on the cross for your sins and was raised for your justification.
It's about your relationship with the one who died on the cross — and if you have a relationship with Him, as it says in the Bible, the Holy Spirit will convict you of what is right and wrong — but in order to have the Holy Spirit, you must seek the only one who is worth seeking.
Heavy overnight rain tapered to a light, occasional drizzle on Monday morning when the doors opened to the boyhood home of the famed evangelist, who died on Wednesday aged 99.
Theological education was prominent among the many interests of Lutheran scholar and theologian Joseph Sittler, who died on December 28, 1988.
Look at it this way: whether or not there was actually a guy named Jesus who died on a cross and rose from the dead some two thousand years ago, and whether or not you or I believe this story to be historically accurate, it doesn't really matter.
We can be sure that Christ, who died on the Cross for us, will not fail to give us the grace we need.
Wzrd1: The wars we are fighting now were never about seeking justice for the people who died on 9/11.
It means that we draw certain inferences from the fact that of the three men who died on Good Friday afternoon, only one was raised from the dead.
My relationship with God is fine and I know who died on the cross for me.
The Christian Institute has paid tribute to the life and work of author Harry Blamires who died on Tuesday, aged 101.
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