Sentences with phrase «who died in the desert»

I'm sure many Israelites who died in the desert, repented and maintained their faith in God and will receive eternal life.
Working with the remains of a woman who died in the desert was particularly emotional for her.

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Born into a nomadic tribe in the Syrian desert to a poor mother who was raped by his father and died when he was young, Altrad was raised by his grandmother, who banned him from attending school, in Raqqa, the city that is now capital of ISIS.
Hospitality of Abraham: In Genesis 18, there is a myth about the hospitality of Abraham, (he welcomes two strangers, who turn out to be angels), as that was an important cultural value, in a society where a wandering desert dweller could get lost, and diIn Genesis 18, there is a myth about the hospitality of Abraham, (he welcomes two strangers, who turn out to be angels), as that was an important cultural value, in a society where a wandering desert dweller could get lost, and diin a society where a wandering desert dweller could get lost, and die.
They speak of me with scorn, calling me beggar - woman or witch or harlot; but their words are at variance with life, and the pharisees who condemn me, waste away in the outlook to which they confine themselves; they die of inanition and their disciples desert them because I am the essence of all that is tangible, and men can not do without me.
Wonderful, I mean who else would expect someone who is capable of thought to start believing in fairy tales about a nomadic desert - dwelling people one of which bore a male baby who was his own father and died for problems created by himself and now is magically eaten and drunk during Holy Cannibali... Communion.
For a peasant woman's child in occupied territory in an out - of - the - way corner of the Roman Empire to have become the man he did, attracting what looked like flash - in - the - pan attention during his brief years of ministry, unknown to most of his contemporaries and viewed as an upstart, a wonder - worker, or a fanatic by most of those who knew about him, dying a felon's death deserted by most of his close and trusted friends with the incredible rumor then circulated that he had risen again — what chance had he of any lasting fame?
A relative of Fikadu Debesay, an evangelical mother of three who died while imprisoned in Metkel Abiet, a desert camp in the Northern Red Sea Region, told Morning Star News that it is likely that some form of «mistreatment» could have contributed to her death.
True for the jobless Madridista, true for the Nepalese school teacher whose jobless cousin is dying in the desert to «build» stadium for the next world cup where he will cheer for Brazil or Argentina, true for you and I who buy Arsenal shirts with «Fly Emirates» on our chest.
«Great Britain and France will be faithful to those who died for them in the skies above the London, the deserts of Libya, the beaches of Normandy and the fields of Alsace.
Thus, we find Matt Parkman [Greg Grunberg] in a desert; skip to a future confrontation from a very dark [brunette, actually] Claire and Peter, and meet a character named Tracey Strauss [Ali Larter] who looks exactly like Niki Sanders whom we were pretty sure had died in that exploding building in last season's finale.
THE DESERT BRIDE --(Chile / Argentina) Dir, Cecilia Atan, Valeria Pivato A middle - aged woman who works as a maid for an upper middle - class family in Buenos Aires goes back to her hometown of San Juan after decades away to visit her dying sister.
He probably wanted to die in the desert anyway, one of those people who wanted to die a clean, hard death in the desert.
I can think of worse things to happen to me than being stranded on a desert island in the Caribbean for a couple weeks, especially if during those two weeks I was marooned with someone who knows a thing or two about how not to die while there, like Survivorman's Les Stroud.
The game begins with you who — after reasons which are left up to player speculation — find yourself crucified and left to die in the middle of a desert.
British scientist James Lovelock, who predicts a rise of eight degrees in temperate areas and five degrees in the tropics this century, says the tropics will become scrub and desert, leading to unparalleled human suffering: «Before this century is over, billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable.»
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