Sentences with phrase «who enslave»

However, after coming to realize that I don't want the course of my life to be determined by corporate bosses who enslave people to work while giving them just enough pa...
But more than this, in his eyes through the course of the movie, we see the horror of a hope that completely dwindles and fades to nothing, until it matches the faces of the other lifelong enslaved people whose only separation between those who enslave them comes from geography and skin color.
Is Maeve bad to try and kill the humans who enslave and torture her?
Yet, so many don't know that they are ruled by demonic forces who enslave them.
The trees of the field shall yield their fruit, and the earth shall yield its increase, and they shall be secure in the land; they shall know that I am the Lord when I break the bars of their yoke, and deliver them from the hand of those who enslaved them.
He likened his vision to Christopher Columbus's 1492 voyage — but not to the colonizers who enslaved and killed the natives.
He became a priest back in Britain and then subsequently returned to Ireland to serve the very people who enslaved him.
The Grandmaster (Goldblum) is a mischievous elder who enslaves powerful aliens for his own gladiator - style fighting games on the planet of Sakaar.
Native Amerindians settled on the island thousands of years ago, and in more recent history, it was conquered first by the Spanish, then colonized by the British in the 1600's, who enslaved the local population and establishing the sugarcane industry.
Now he heads to their home planet in order to confront the Grand Intellect: a mysterious leader who enslaved all the Vorticons and forced them to carry out his evil deeds.

Not exact matches

The truth is that many poeple have been tricked in arguing in these dichotomies by the fiendish, «elite», people who presently enslave us.
Man wrote the holly books so man could enslave people who didn't know any better.
Let's not forget what and how America was suposedly started as a place of relgious freedom by the pilgrams (according to so called american history books) these religious people proceeded to rob & kill the Indians who saved their lives, take & kill Mexicans for land & gold & oil enslave a whole group of people as property for financial gain all under the guise of being good «Christians» (WHITE) and now perceive all «Muslims» (NON-WHITE) are evil unless proven otherwise.
And, I wish people who have never studied the bible and the qu «ran to stop and learn the truth... both books are telling the same story of God's love and they both have been used to kill and enslave people.
In 1785, Jefferson and Adams, in negotiating with the ambassador of Tripoli to London, got this response from the ambassador which they conveyed to John Jay: «It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every muslim who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise.
I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't a blight upon society and a pawn of those who would enslave me.
the rules of Islam seem to be to enslave women, destroy diversity and kill anyone who doesn't believe the way you do
Of course, Christ had warned us about people such as your self who would be enslaved by evil spirits.
Le Cheri If God hates slavery why does the Bible outline for the Jews who they can enslave, how much they can sell their daughters for, and how far they can beat their slaves?
God wants individuals who are generous and hospitable and who, in a healthy and wise way, serve those who are hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, hurt, imprisoned, enslaved, oppressed, lost — and those who just arrived and do not know the way.
Put plainly, God desired to bring a Messiah - > So he created a covenant with a people who would honor him - > they found themselves enslaved by the Egyptians - > God (through Moses) reasoned with Pharoah but to no avail - > God unleashes the Passover Spirit - > Pharoah releases the Israelites and they continue on their way to make the way for the Messiah.
To those who believe that they are gods b / c of technology, your are nothing more than a pawn in the fallens plan to enslave mankind and they will succeed for a time as quoted in the bible.
WHat about the national debt, The Fed printing money devaluing my savings account, our CIA probably assassinating Iranian civilians, Sanctioning nations who love to speak out aganist us, forcing our elderly to be enslaved to welfare...
The story is about Israel's God — the God who lives on a mountain down south somewhere, whose subject are an enslaved people — marching onto the home field of the superpower of the day and beating up their army and their gods.
We must have the courage to recognize that it is the Christian God who has enslaved man to the alienation of «being» and to the guilt of «history.»
Should we believe another religious nutjob who thinks myths and legends (Satan, Jesus, God, Moses, Virgin Mary) are real and can hear and help them, or should we listen to rational individuals who tell us that there is NO supernatural dimension and that ALL gods, Gods, Goddesses (Mary) are human inventions designed to enslave humanity in the supernatural?
But since your king has taken prisoner those who took you prisoner, you know that they can never enslave you again.
Do I not feel that he who is still enslaved deserves his fate?
Funny how an African American, who just fifty years ago would have ridden on the back of the bus to his interview, is using the same Bible used to enslave his ancestors, to relegate those different from himself to a second class citizen status.
They abhorred the Roman Catholic French as infidels who would bring slavery to the people of America just as they had enslaved the French Protestants on galley ships.
That we may, and ought, to resist, and even make war against those rulers who leap the bounds prescribed them by the constitution, and attempt to oppress and enslave the subjects, is a principle on which alone the great revolutions which have taken place in our nation can be justified.»
The ecstasy of liberation that is the gift of sex reverses the repressed energy of a fallen body, and resurrects the dead who are enslaved to an alien law and an inhuman Creator.
We realize that those who have been called «slaves» are human beings with integrity of their own, and that they have rights of their own, including the right not to be enslaved.
The treatment of people outside Christianity was even worse, such as our treatment of «pagans» who refused to convert to Christianity after it became the official religion of the Roman Empire, or the Jews during most of Christian history, or other religious groups in Germany and Great Britain who were slaughtered and enslaved by invading Christian armies, or the enslavement of Native Americans and Africans by imperialistic Christian settlers of the «New World.»
Sooner or later every enslaved will know that he / she is the only one who can make themselves free from any slavery.
The Banu Qurayza eventually surrendered and all the men, apart from a few who converted to Islam, were beheaded, while the women and children were enslaved
On the one hand being a Christian meant a deep commitment to the oneness of man; on the other it meant the right of Christian Europeans to enslave or destroy any who differed radically from them in belief, custom, and complexion.
But we do not condemn the people who are enslaved to these sins.
Resistance leads toward freedom — for the enslaved, but also for those who are so lost in the pretensions of their power that they do not know themselves as enslavers.
Let's also not forget the many, many people who have killed or enslaved others in the name of God or used the Bible to justify their atrocious actions.
BARBARIC??? Before we label «Barbaric» other countries system we should see how «Barbaric» is for the US, corporate and financial system NOT to give a damn about the real American working people who support [by being enslaved and blackmailed] the wealth of those who, instead, destroyed the economy and what was hardly achieved in 60 years!
Regarding malakoi, Matthew notes that most uses of the word in ancient literature are not related to same - sex behavior but rather to men who were self - indulgent and enslaved to their passions... for women.
I actually have an ultra-religious gay friend who married his male partner and you should hear how they skirt around the words of the bible to justify themselves in the eyes of a god they are still enslaved to.
We are to be who God made us to be, rather than enslaved to the thinks that make us less than who God wants us to be.
We hope and long for the day when Iran, and nations like it, are free from those who wish to enslave the conscience at the point of a sword.»
But the most obvious candidate for reparations, as James Forman had foreseen in 1969, would be the descendants of the African - Americans who, from 1619 until 1865, had been legally enslaved in the United States.
Understand that those who provide the comfort and security we enjoy usually aren't just trying to enslave us.
And with all the contradictions and enslaving your neighbor and whatnot, who could argue with them?
As Edward Ball demonstrated in his best - selling Slaves in the Family, it is not impossible to trace back the family trees of slaves and slaveowners in place after place, with the aid of census records, tax records, and probate records, and identify who exactly was guilty of enslaving whom.
What bothers them more: the torn, improvised tent that we meet under or the hundreds who meet there every week and are physically and spiritually freed from wounds and enslaving ideological strongholds?»
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