Sentences with phrase «who espouse»

Could it be those who espouse the exact opposite, being CREAcrats, OREAcrats, RECOcrats et al of the ORE genre, otherwise known as hypocrites?
People who espouse the necessity of non-stop empathy in marriage, unconditional positive regard, and the central importance of attachment security, make me nervous.
According to judges who espouse the «pro-contact» school of thought, the premise is that there should be contact with the grandparents unless the parents have compelling reasons to displace that assumption, he says.
People who espouse this sort of belief think that no fault is superior to tort law because if no one gets assigned blame, then no one's insurance rates need increase in the wake of an auto collision.
Auto insurance carriers often provide special discounts for Mature Drivers, those drivers over the age of 55, and Juvenile Drivers, those drivers under the age of 18, who espouse a desire to improve their safe driving skills.
It means that even if for some reason Congress began acting rationally — and the very same conservative politicians who espouse anti-government spending rhetoric everywhere else applied it to the oil industry too, to do away with its generous subsidies — we'd still have a long ways to go.
While the mainstream media continues to avoid or tread lightly with regard to these facts, a powerful, silent, largely untapped voting block sits ready, willing and able to put politicians into office who espouse these views for the right reasons.
But by late September, several puzzling events left us wondering whether the AGU truly serves science and environmental scientists — or simply reflects, protects and advances the political agendas of those who espouse belief in manmade CO2 - induced catastrophic global warming.
As DeSmog Blog sees the world, those who espouse Gorthodoxy have a moral right to (1) flout FOIA and the rules of scientific discourse, and (2) violate the legal rights of climate alarm skeptics.
Natural fluctuations in pH are 10 times greater in magnitude and 100 times greater in rapidity than the overall 200 - year trend attributed to anthropogenic influences by those who espouse the «acidification» narrative, completely contradicting your claim that «acidification» is happening so fast that species can not adapt.
I'm not quite as jaded as some of what I read here as I personally know some who espouse the AGW line for altruistic reasons (if misdirected from my view).
The age of the people who espouse views that you disagree with is immaterial, as is the color of their skin.
Most people who espouse the «consensus» view miss this point because they do not see the forest through the trees.
It is a stark example as well of how public debate on topics deemed delicate here can be easily muffled by a small minority, the most vocal of whom are the country's estimated 10,000 rightists who espouse hard - line stances in disputes against Tokyo's neighbors.
Really, this whole notion of AGW as conspiracy says more about those who espouse it than about science and those practising it (and yes, I'm thinking delusion mixed with a dash of Dunning Kruger).
Orijen may not be as popular as Taste of the Wild or Wellness or any of the other big name brands of dog food, but it sure is gaining popularity among those who espouse biologically appropriate dog food.
As as result, real estate attracts people who espouse a more - is - better attitude towards debt.
Some experts are in the credit - cards - are - evil camp, while others are rewards junkies who espouse the many benefits of credit cards.
A website offering fresh, original and exclusive material by writers who espouse the philosophy that «Words Matter» and believe that imagination is the seed of accomplishment.
The flip side of the author's views on religion and homosexuality is that those who espouse more traditional opinions may find Okparanta's take on these subjects offensive.
People who espouse eBooks, who fall in love with ebook technologies, suddenly see themselves as an innovative, «special» group of people, and then, before you can bat an eyelid, we have billions of words of rhetoric about the subject.
• There was no terrorism, radicalisation or violent extremism in the schools of concern, but there was clear evidence of a number of people, associated with each other and in positions of influence in schools and governing bodies, who espouse, endorse or fail to challenge extremist views.
It's time for the public to stop listening to those who have never been in front of a classroom and who espouse ideas that undermine public education, says NEA President Dennis Van Roekel.
There is currently a heated national debate over the means by which educator quality can be enhanced, highlighted by the conflict between those who espouse «professionalization» and those who favor «deregulation».
Trading a couple of years of tenure to a developing teacher who needs more mentoring to become more effective and avoiding the decades of youth who might be denied an effective education by a teacher who was granted tenure in a rush should be an easy decision for those who espouse to care about children.
But a subset of Nannies comes from within the choice movement itself: advocates who espouse «parent power» but also have strong opinions about practices that should or shouldn't be allowed in schools of choice.
Now, it's viewable in movie form, starring Cate Blanchett as 13 characters who each espouse a different, well, artistic manifesto.
A website offering fresh, original and exclusive material by writers who espouse the philosophy that «Words Matter» and believe that imagination is the seed of accomplishment.
The pyramid set is often used by people who espouse the high - intensity mode of training.
Her most influential teachers are Mark Whitwell and Shiva Rea, who both espouse a breath - centered and life - affirming practice.
Hence, these fatty acids are very important for those who espouse the keto diet.
There is a strong disconnect between the ones who espouse diversity and the ones who make the decisions that impact diversity.
President - Elect Donald Trump's pro-life platform against abortion, along with his support for traditional family values, marriage as stated in the Bible as one man and one woman instead of same - sex marriage, in favor of prayer and the reading of sacred scripture in our public schools, and his promise to appoint conservative judges to the United States Supreme Court made Evangelicals and even Democrats who espouse those positions to support Donald Trump.
When Republicans put up candidates who espouse the views of the electorate, then they get elected,» Tisei said.
Well America, and those who espouse such divisive thoughts, there's a new horizon in the offing for this coutry and there's nothing you can do about it.
This Nation has a tradition of political associations in which citizens band together to promote candidates who espouse their political views.
It amazes me how these titans of industry, who espouse small government, are the first to stick out their hands for government funds.
When will those who espouse the virtues of comprehensive education apply the logic of their political message to their children?»
Any politician of any political party should have the moral courage to clearly distance themselves from those who espouse and promote anti Semitism, racism or any attitude that fosters intolerance.
And, of course, those who espouse the values of social justice must take care not to let this slide just because the example involves someone who happens to be posh and rich.
This is especially true for those of us who espouse and seek to develop the «vision» of the Catholic faith to which Faith movement and magazine is committed.
Many women who espouse the prolife position do so, at least in part, because they have internalized patriarchal values and depend on the sense of identity and worth that comes from having accepted «woman's place» in society.
The image of the universe that takes shape in the mental background of those who espouse the chance - hypothesis is often one in which human freedom and creativity are fundamental concerns.
I just don't have the time anymore to waste going over the same ground everyday with people who espouse the views of people like my coworker, who is a carbon copy of the regular believers here.
The question is of importance because he uses that principle — the ineradicableness of the positive, or the primacy of the positive — as a weapon not only against those who espouse purely negative facts but against those who propose metaphysical principles which involve exclusive negativity.
I suspect, in some cases I know, that those Christians who espouse a pluralist or inclusivist position, who reject the notion of salvation in no other name, have personally experienced the truth and the light that is discerned in Buddhist or Hindu or Confucian or Islamic communities.
On the other hand, there are those who espouse state socialism and a large measure of government ownership and control as the Christian answer.
Instead, they might make good candidates to join the «pluralistic rationalist» community of theists & atheists, conservatives & liberals, and others with disparate beliefs and backgrounds, who espouse «transbelief reasoning dialogues» and practicing a reasoning lifestyle.
It is interesting to learn from West that Evangelicals, more than mainline Protestants and Catholics, emphasize staffing their social service agencies with those who espouse their faith.
Again, speaking on Premier's News Hour, Rev Terry said: «No preferential treatment should be given to those who espouse a faith as opposed who those who do not.
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