Sentences with phrase «who fusses over»

You are the loving person who fusses over everyone.
Pets with owners who fuss over them when leaving or returning also have problems with submissive urination.

Not exact matches

Paul Boothe, a former senior public servant who now is a professor at the University of Western Ontario's Ivey Business School, chastised «amateur» deputy ministers for making a fuss over a contingency that amounts to a sliver of the total budget.
And the gospel is the good news that all man's fuss and feathers over his relationship with God is unnecessary because God, in the mystery of the Word who is Jesus, has gone and fixed it up Himself.
People who don't know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works.
«Signs» are for people who are out of synch, which is why they make such a fuss over them.
Another «purist» who is not fussed over any lumpy stuff in my DE's.
I'll take a fussing baby and stressed parents — even a 10 year old kicking my seat — over the sleazebag who thinks any solo female passenger is fair game.
I wish all new fathers a hearty congratulations on becoming parents, proud dads who can't wait to fuss over the latest addition to the family, but take a break from touching tiny fingers and toes for a minute.
How quickly it works: Most parents who try this approach find their babies» crying jags diminish steadily over three nights, and often virtually disappear somewhere between the fourth and seventh night, replaced perhaps by a bit of fussing or short burst of tears.
Over the years I've done my share of scoffing at people who make a fuss over privOver the years I've done my share of scoffing at people who make a fuss over privover privacy.
For those who view reefs as merely beautiful scenery, this may not sound like much to fuss over.
With over 80 playable characters and a varied amount of modes, it feels like a love letter to those who love the series, and if you don't, you'll never understand what all the fuss is about.
There are critics who believe Anderson's attention to detail is obsessive, too fussed over to feel alive.
Nor are there reasons to fuss over the students who score well ahead of average.
Rep. Bill Emerson of Missouri, who chairs the House Agriculture subcommittee with jurisdiction over nutrition issues, has raised a fuss about a promotional campaign at the Department of Agriculture to publicize new, healthier school meals.
I have loaned a ton of books over the years to friends who really dug what I was reading or wanted to see what all the fuss was about.
While much fuss has been made over the speaking skills of the African Greys, it is Amazon Parrots who are the most widely regarded among experienced bird owners for having the clearest voices and most accurate pronunciation skills.
He captured his prey and while he was returning to his lair with it, a wonderful thing happened: He chanced upon his best buddy, who stopped him and made a big fuss over him for a long time.
Hair Your hair is one of the first things that others notice about you, but who has the time to fuss over it when you're constantly on the go?
A dedicated, smiling staff fusses over passengers, who enjoy Kyushu's natural beauty and the train's gorgeous, naturalistic interior.
Mortal Kombat has always kicked up a fuss due to the ridiculous and completely over the top violence that it contains, not to mention the gore and blood factor involved, which is always at its best during a fantastic fatality or two, but this time it looks like the developers have gone a bit too far for the Australian Classification Board who have decided to turn it down for a rating.
It is bothersome to me that all the fuss occurred over material that was illegally obtained and noone went after those who really committed crimes, including those who misused and abused the material.
If warming over the past 15 years has been so marginal that even people who believe firmly in human - caused global warming admit it isn't significant, what's all the fuss about?
For those of us who lack training in nuclear physics, NASA has produced a really good animated cartoon explaining what the fuss over the Higgs boson is all about.
«It is difficult to think of anyone who has, without fuss or fanfare, quietly gone about driving change in Canadian real estate over the past 25 years more than Betty Doré.»
While I have never had to ask anyone who came over to my house to take off their shoes, most of my friends and colleagues have been courteous enough to realize that that was what I did in my home and didn't make a fuss over it.
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