Sentences with phrase «who get special treatment»

So what's a points, miles, and status guy to do if you aren't one of the chosen few who get special treatment?
But Albanese also got in a number of shots in at de Blasio over transparency — criticizing him for failing to publicly release a list of donors who had contributed money to his causes, but who got no special treatment in return.
Finally it's she who gets her special treatment By red, yellow, green, and blue Under the aluminum foil's moonlight, Reflective night.

Not exact matches

Kickstarter contributors who pledged $ 28 were promised first - production units of Wave; those who pledged $ 8,000 got the VIP package — special treatment at a Las Vegas nightclub, complete with limo, bodyguard and a hotel room on the Strip.
Not only should the priests go to jail (and get the special treatment for rapists / pedophiles), parents who make their children available to these predators should hold responsibility.
And how is it offensive to say that someone who doesn't have to abide by the same rules as everyone else is getting special treatment?
«What aboutthe boy who is dyslexic — should he get special treatment
Nearly two - thirds of the «bundlers» who raised more than $ 1.5 million to help put NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio in office later got special treatment from City Hall, a NY Post analysis shows.
Nearly two - thirds of the «bundlers» who raised more than $ 1.5 million to help put de Blasio in office later got special treatment from City Hall, a Post analysis shows.
The statement was in response to stories, first appearing in the New York Post, that a Westchester County fraud investigator, who is also active in the Independence Party, had issued an email alert that the nanny may have gotten special treatment because of her links to DiFiore's family.
Despite all his progressive rhetoric, this trial proved conclusively that, for a price, the rich and powerful get special treatment in the Cuomo administration,» said Molinaro, who called on Schneiderman to investigate the governor's office further.
As 1010 WINS» Samantha Liebman reported, the mayor continues to assert that the contributors to his campaign fund, who had business before the city, did not get special treatment.
A proper party person who got selected the proper way, with no help from anyone, no special treatment, no favours.
You will repeatedly hear about someone who got well seeing a specific doctor, using a particular treatment, trying a bold therapy, or taking a special supplement.
Be the student who arrives for help immediately after the assignment, because not only will you get special treatment, but also this great initiative will show the teacher that you care about your grades.
I think its crap that those who sat on the fence for a few years waiting for PS3s price to drop get special treatment in PS + with warranty extensions, and those of us who paid $ 600 for each of our PS3s get the shaft.
When the Clean Air Act was passed decades ago, coal plants received special treatment that effectively exempted them from controlling their pollution and safely disposing of their waste, a gift that has allowed them to keep operating and profiting at the expense of Americans around the country who are getting sick and dying prematurely from exposure to coal plant pollution.
If your child has suffered an injury during birth that has caused any temporary or permanent damage, do not hesitate to reach out to contact us and we will set you up with a dedicated birth injury lawyer on our team who who will be able to take on the tough fights against insurance companies, hospitals, and negligent treatment providers to help you get the resources you need to cover the years of special treatment for your injured child.
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