Sentences with phrase «who get the answer»

Let's see who gets the answers first!
Email the answer to [email protected] by Monday June 16th and we'll randomly pick three winners from those who get the answer right.
Give them some time and be sure to reward the kids who get the answer or who get close to the right answer.
There was little difference in the proportion of Democrats and Republicans who got the answer right; among the former it was 56 percent, among the latter it was 58 percent.

Not exact matches

The Third Pin CEO got in touch with Fike, who gave answers that Larionov described as unclear.
Prospective candidates answer online questions and those who meet a business's predetermined criteria get their resumes added to a shortlist.
Before he can get an answer, McMullin launches into a giddy litany of all the Edmark products he owns, what his five - year - old daughter and three - year - old son can do with them, and why the lukewarm prospect who's been staring vacantly at the screen until now should buy anything with the name Edmark on it.
«It's really lazy, and employers know they'll get some BS answer like you're a perfectionist who works too hard.»
It was my chance to get answers to my burning question from a group of people I respected: exceptional entrepreneurs with integrity who have built successful businesses.
Google is trying to get it right for people who type in questions looking for specific answers.
Meanwhile the only folks who are killing it out there are the ones who are doing exactly what I'm telling you to do: quit with all the useless fluff, get out in the real world, get to work, gain experience, gain exposure, and quit searching for answers to questions that don't exist.
«He asked me: Did I ever consider that many people who called me and got my answering machine might not be ready for the stock of the hottest semiconductor company in the land, and that I was recommending it to them one - on - one without any sense of it was right for them?»
This does not mean, by the way, that employers should drop everything to answer a simple question or promote someone who doesn't deserve it; what it means is understanding that this generation is accustomed to getting quick answers and quick results, and that leveraging that speed via quick promotions or extra mentoring — only for those who truly deserve it — will help.
The answer may lie in Bain's approach to business:» They get their hands deep into the trousers of a company,» says an executive who knows the firm well.»
To get some insight, we've reached out to Manny Ruiz of Intelligent IT, who offered to answer a few questions on how to successfully launch a startup.
That's the question in a big note out from Matthew Mish and Stephen Caprio at UBS, who used evidence from the bank's proprietary US Housing Intentions Survey to try to get at an answer.
There's been lots of pontificating about this, but Kieran Snyder, who's held senior leadership positions at Microsoft and Amazon, and is CEO and co-founder at text analysis startup Textio, decided that getting the answer to this question shouldn't really be that hard.
-- you may get the sense that any CPAs who know all the answers should be running a company themselves.
We don't just work to protect the environment — we tap into the universal human desire for self - determination, and work to change how decisions are made in B.C. by answering questions like: Who gets to decide?
If you were to ask the Minister of Finance, who is responsible for the budget, and the President of the Treasury Board, who is responsible for the Main Estimates, you would get two different answers.
I always answer that argument the same way I answered yours... OF COURSE people who get in early make the most money.
Get Involved on BiggerPockets — BiggerPockets is here to help you connect with other investors who have come before you and answer any questions you might have.
This has been a topic that keeps getting a lot of discussion so I figured I'd cover some of the basics here just to get some answers out there for those who are curious.
Now, when I ask a client who their product is for and the answer I get back is «everyone,» I know we have some work to do.
There, you'll see a very simple list of questions that you will have to answer in order to get a loan quote and a follow - up call from someone who represents our office.
The answer is, it depends who gets it.
Step 2: Answer the question — «Who gets fired if this problem isn't solved?»
Inspiration finally struck and I realized that what I truly wanted was to help others answer the questions I was struggling with: who am I, what do I really want, and how do I get it?
Instead of answering it myself in this essay, I asked some friends who helped me get started blogging daily for their tips.
The answer is we can't, this is why the people who founded the United States used the Bible to base the rules that they would follow as an absolute with regard to morality... it's only as society has begun to drift from these standards that we are getting worse...
Yep, you've got all the answers, served up to you by Jesus on a silver platter and (by inference) the rest of us who don't subscribe to your «truth» are just lost turds, adrift in an ocean of shit, piss and sin.
Those who come close to the same answer will most likely have gotten it from having read the same book once.
So the answer to why so much hatred here is simply the rantings of people who are 1) ashamed for people to know what they really think when surrounded by their peers, or 2) they just want to see just how passionate and nasty people can get when provoked, i.e. entertainment.
Now that I no longer get my theology or moral beliefs from the pulpit, but from Holy Spirit who is actually the one that's suppose to write them on our hearts, I realized I don't have to have the answers to have faith.
(End of excerpt) I know Granpop, you got ta kinda watch out for a guy who quotes himself — just kidding, it was the best way for me to answer your question.
In a New York Times blog, Ross Douthat notes that Pew created two nonbeliever categories instead of one: the much publicized atheist / agnostic category (which got 21 out of 32 religious knowledge questions right) and a much larger category of respondents who described their religion as «nothing in particular» (which got only 15 right — a bit below the national average of 16 correct answers).
Shall we go get answers on how to eat healthy from people who sit on their couch all day and play video games?
According to the Pew Forum's Scott Clement, respondents who answered «no» when asked «Do you believe in God or a universal spirit» got 18.7 questions right, well below the 20.9 questions answered correctly by self - identified atheists and agnostics.
@ Derrick Yu, This actually may come as a shocker, but there are believers out there who still continue to ask questions about God, about the Universe, and so forth, and unlike certain atheists out there who if they can't get definite answers to just come to conclusions that can not be verified like conclude that there is no God, at least there are believers out there who at least are willing to at least be open to the possibility that there is a God, and from there they develop their faith, which even though is not a perfect knowledge, at least can help keep those minds open, unlike certain atheists who take the easy way out and convincing themselves that it is a fact that there is no God, when in reality it is not a fact at all.
To even begin to answer that question, you have to set some theological rules on who gets to come to the table to have a say.
To those who would automatically conclude that I was delusional or that I was telling myself to believe I got answer to my prayer, since you weren't there at the time of my experience, I would suggest to try it before you knock it.
Christianity itself has become a principality and holds thousands captive, Before anyone comments on me calling todays Christianity a principality, (a demonic stronghold) let me just make a request that those who do answer are those who live as the followers of the way did in biblical times, that is, meeting every day, considering nothing they owned as their own, laying their lives down for the gospel (and not getting paid to do so) and having signs and wonders accompany them when they speak of the Lord.
Based upon your answer here and in response to «IMJUSTASKIN», I get the impression that you don't believe it is important what one believes about Jesus (who He was) as long as they have a sincere belief in Him.
... The Jews (just like the church now) got flippant concerning divorce... I feel Jesus didn't have to mention homosexuality because the Law was clear to any Jew at that time... Paul had to mention it because he was an apostle to the Gentiles who I think were more prone to homosexuality behavior... I'm though not as learned as you... just my thought after 15 years of thinking about this issue... The church has a sacred duty to all... even gays... we need a unified loving answer to give them... but it must be the truth... because only the truth can set us free...
what is very interesting to me tonite is the folks who are positive there is no god... what is equally interesting is the snarling that appears whenever one does not «toe» the atheist line of no god... It has been said over and over here, «there is no proof of your God» ad nauseum I might add... OK... please, I am asking you in the nicest possible way... explain to me, without a Designed, where the universe and all it entails, first got its source... I really would like to know... from everything I see, I see beauty, design, tragedy, poetry, poverty, etc.... How did we begin to name or classify any of this... what intelligence gave us our intelligence... I have yet to see an anwer posited as to how it all came about, absent a Designer... I will wait for an answer... How did it ALL get here, and explain the precision and engineering of it all — right down to the last jot of DNA.
I have been accused of nonsense, and not presenting facts... interesting I still hve not recieved an answer from you geniuses out there, from this ignoramus, as to how it all happened... Oh wait, someone said random chance over millions and billions of years... laughable... that is about the same odds as a windstorm blowing through a junkyard and making a fully functional 747... the odds are infinestimal... It has also been suggested that I just google my questions in order to get my answers... Who wrote the answers??
They will not of course explicitly contest that even the pious Christian who holds fast unconditionally to the instructions of the Gospel and of the Church can still raise innumerable questions regarding public and private life, of very considerable importance, yet can not expect to get answers to them directly from the Church.
This allows room to get to know one another for who we are, not for the answers we give to carefully crafted study guides.
scott god also told us not to judge, so let cleflo do cleflo and you do you if you do nt understand how to percieve gods word than it could also be you i remember when i first got saved i was taught a lots of religion stuff but i kept running after god and not after man and he revile some things to me thur his holy spirit watch what you say about gods people cause we all have issues and with that being said be blessed and if hes doing wrong by gods word than he has to answer to god not you so why set yourself up to be curse for it god do nt need your help in nothing stay free cause who god set free is free indeed.
I remain very sceptical of people who think they've got all the answers and there's nothing more to be asked.
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