Sentences with phrase «who hears their prayers»

Another said she held «a process theology of God that includes [the] reality of communion,» and so, yes, she believes in a God who hears prayers.
I want to introduce my kids to a God who is both personal and public, a God who hears their prayers about being afraid to go down the slide at school and who also cares about the systems of injustice and oppression in this world.
I am thanful for: 1) The time I had on earth with my husband (today would be our 4th anniversary) 2) That I KNOW I will see him again in heaven 3) That we have a God who hears our prayers and comforts us when we cry out to Him.

Not exact matches

The prayer of a Fool, of someone who is not a Sheep of the Great Sheperd, but some other sort of animal will not be heard by God.
Well, from your comment, I would say no, why, because the Lord doesn't hear the prayer of a sinner who refuses to turn away from his / her sins.
And you will also be hearing much from the anti-Christs who will try to sway you into not saying the prayer of salvation but you must bear in mind that they will not be with you to defend you when you pass on and are before God.
Religion is one lie after another: the lie of original sin, the lie of eternal life, the lie of hell, the lie of answered prayer, the lie that life can have no meaning without religion, the lie that religion is the source of morality, the lie of creationism, the lie of a spy - in - the - sky who hears your every word and reads your every thought.
Tears had been streaming down his face, praising the god, who had heard their prayers.
If these women do nt want to hear it, do nt want to have their meeting begin with the prayers to some pretend men in the sky who do nt exist, if that feels absurd to them, if they'd prefer the meetings me grounded in reality and good conscious decisions..
I once heard a story of a Bible study group who decided to make a prayer list of all the people they «disliked» the most, and then pray for these people every week as part of the Bible study.
I have heard thousands of prayers in prayer meetings that are genuine, heart - felt, meaningful, conversations with God about Who He is, what He has done, and how we would like Him to help us live life and serve Him better.
Many who have never «prayed the prayer» or heard about Him, will find Him, because they seek (seek and ye shall find).
We hear it whenever a high school drops its traditional pre-football game prayer out of respect for those students who may be Jewish or Muslim or non-religious.
True prayer from the heart of one who loves God is always heard.
God will no longer be conceived widely as an objective spiritual being — one who personally hears and answers prayers, and who guides human history from behind the scenes.
Prayer for the day: Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise, Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.
For those ripped from the womb and buried without a tomb, for those who wrought their doom» Lord hear our prayer.
For centuries it has served as the main center for the study of Islamic doctrine and as a meeting place for Muslim students from all over the world who come to receive training for careers as judges, jurists, and scholars; above all, it is a great mosque where prayers are said, and Friday sermons are preached to the assembled worshipers and to the thousands who hear them over the radio.
Neither prayer, nor praise, nor the hearing of the Word will be pleasant or profitable to persons who have left their hearts behind them.»
There is only one true and LIVING God Almighty, who hears and responds to the prayers of those who seek Him in truth.
But it's my prayer that more of the Church in the West would sit up and notice that this is a divine opportunity to share the good news with people who wouldn't otherwise hear it.
If there is a personal God who has made us and sustains us, he hears and responds to prayer.
But I am too, and those of us who do not pray in tongues or with spiritual prayer languages often get concerned about what we hear from those who do, that we are not truly using all of our emotions and feelings to communicate with God, and that we are missing out on a true spiritual connection with Him, and so on.
Conservatives say: «Not only will I shout my prayers from the rooftops to be seen and heard by EVERYBODY, but I will demand that forced prayer be reinstated in the schools, and that any child, regardless of their religion, who doesn't say Christian prayers will be severely punished!
The writer to the Hebrews goes on to say that those prayers of the son were offered «to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence.»
My personal opinion is that when prayer is involved in songwriting and the songwriter is submitted to God and allows the Holy Spirit to lead them, then the song will have the message that God wants His people to hear, much the same as a Pastor who writes a sermon, God Bless you.
God is a loving Heavenly Father who knows His children individually, hears and answers their prayers, and feels compassion toward them.
So for example, in my case and that of other persons whose minds dissociate when we engage in intense / deep spiritual practices like intense / deep prayer, meditation, fasting etc and we hear voices, hallucinate, see visions, experience thought insertions, automatic channelling just like a spirit medium as well as other psychic phenomena (clairvoyance etc), and the mind dissociation makes some persons mentally and emotionally unstable; our minds enter an altered state of consciousness just like those of the Buddhist monks but in our case the altered state of our brains results in psychotic and psychic symptoms being induced (interestingly, some persons who are ignorant of how the human brain functions chalk up these experiences to demonic attack)......... are these psychotic, psychic experiences which persons like myself experience a gift from God as well?
Prayer: Many who will read or «hear» this prayer do not believe that God will reach out to them persoPrayer: Many who will read or «hear» this prayer do not believe that God will reach out to them persoprayer do not believe that God will reach out to them personally.
The being who created the entire universe and its billions of galaxies (make your choice from the above list and thousands of others) reads your mind, or — «hears your prayers» if you prefer a less embarrassing, euphamism for exactly the same thing — reacts and alters whatwould otherwise be the course of history in small ways to suit your whims.
Those who heard Peter's preaching were baptised, and — again in the words of Scripture — «they continued steadfastly in the teaching of the apostles and in the communion of the breaking of bread and in prayers... praising God and being in favour with all the people» (Acts 2:41 - 47).
Although Jesus heals this daughter of the promise in a synagogue, and although she is said to respond with praise, her voice is lost in the recorded testimony Like the old prophet Anna in the temple (Luke 2:38), «certain women» who gathered in prayer before Pentecost (Acts 1:14), or the four daughters of Philip who have the gift of prophecy (Acts 21:9), the woman of Luke 13 is not heard.
The prayers had just one focus — a request to God for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit so that those who don't know the love of Jesus might turn, hear his call and themselves becomes his followers.
This coming from a person that was born into the muslim faith / ideology who said that the muslim call to prayer was the most beautiful sound he has ever heard!
The psalm is a prayer of one who is poor, humble, distressed, broken - hearted, crushed in spirit, but who confidently blessed the Lord «at all times» with praise «always on my lips» for «The Lord hears the cry of the poor.»
He knew that hers would be invisible stones, the kind she'd grip tighter each time she saw the man who once shared her bed but not her public humiliation, each time she heard the whispers of her neighbors or the loud, pretentious prayers of the men who had grabbed her and surrounded her and threatened to kill her, each time she heard rumors that the person who saved her would himself be put to death.
Prayer, for example, generally presumes that there is someone who hears and can act upon the merits of a request.
Those who hear the proclamation may have full confidence in the God of which it speaks: If... how much more must... Luke, concerned with the ongoing life of the Church and experience of the Christian «way», understands the reference to be to confidence in prayer; but it seems more probable that the original reference was to the totality of the proclamation as it challenged the hearer.
I would not hesitate to go to a wedding, funeral, graduation, retirement party, baby shower, ballgame, courtroom, birthday party, family reunion, public hearing, town parade, school play, or other social function due to the presence or lack of a 1 - 2 minute prayer from a pastor, priest, rabbi, imam, valedictorian, mayor, police chief, council member, or 3rd grader who will play the Tree in the school spring play, nor would I feel it appropriate or necessary to make a social scene just so everyone could hear my opinion on the matter.
«My advice, as I said earlier, is: First, that their synagogues be burned down, and that all who are able toss sulphur and pitch; it would be good if someone could also throw in some hellfire... Second, that all their books — their prayer books, their Talmudic writings, also the entire Bible — be taken from them, not leaving them one leaf, and that these be preserved for those who may be converted... Third, that they be forbidden on pain of death to praise God, to give thanks, to pray, and to teach publicly among us and in our country... Fourth, that they be forbidden to utter the name of God within our hearing.
we much take into account all scriptures, such as Hebrews 5:7 (ESV) 7 In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence.
I believe she is refering to the very Vocal Churches and Christians who have for 30 years been hollaring and screamin about the issues of prayer in public schools abortions and the anti- gay verbage we been hearing for so long... nearly every day somthing is beign said on these issues you must be mr. van winkle..
Toward the dawn of the third day of beseeching penitence, Yerachmiel, who was watching beside him, heard him whispering the words of the prayers: «She is like the palm tree.
It's disturbing to hear that someone who grew up in the same church as you and attended all of the same Bible studies and prayed all of the same prayers is either doubting God or thinking of leaving the faith altogether.
Jesus is going to hear the prayers of those who lost thier job, healthcare and life due to what Romney did closing their factories and profiting from it...
Hear our voice, O Lord our God; Spare us and have mercy upon us, And accept our prayer in mercy and favour; For thou art a God who hearkenest unto prayers and supplications: From thy presence, O our King, turn us not empty away; For thou hearkenest in mercy to the prayer of thy people Israel.
@just spewin»: no worries... my husband is AtheistSteve (another one who thinks you are delusional) and Mirosal happens to be a friend of his also... Steve and I are quite at ease in our relationship that our friendship with Mirosal is just that - a friendship btw: I stand for our anthem out of respect for my country not due to the fact that the god word is put in - one in Canada is stupid (unlike you) to even consider our anthem a prayer... we consider it an anthem, nothing more but then again people like you ad CA wouldn't possibly understand that... you hear that praying is worthless and go running to your priest and grab your buybull in the hopes that your stupidity has not been made obvious
In case one assumes that all the many parsons here and in foreign lands who deliver and write sermons are believing Christians, how can it be explained that one never hears or reads a prayer which in our time especially is so pertinent: «God in heaven, I thank Thee that Thou hast not required it of man that he should comprehend Christianity; for if that were required, I should be of all men the most miserable.
For leaders who betray their Catholic faith and stray far from the Truth, the Way» Lord hear our prayer.
but are gratified that hundreds of thousands of people who gathered on the mall heard his eloquent prayer for our nation that was a fitting start to our event,» PIC communications director Josh Earnest said in a statement to Christianity Today.
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